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Adrienne's Yaoi Report

Hello everyone and welcome to my  lovely yaoi wonderland.  This is a safe haven for all those who are tired of looking at the same run of the mill anime and manga, and they want to explore new and sometimes spooky horizons.

For all of you who are new to this subject, yaoi in essence means homosexual themed plot.  And most of it is guy guy stuff.  I mean there are some stories that are geared for girl girl stuff, but not on this page.  But aside, yaoi (Which is part of the entire Shoujo (Girls comics and the like) genera) comes in many different forms, there are (And correct me if I'm wrong!) three types of boy boy series:

Beshounen-  Meaning literally pretty boy.  Mostly a lot of cute boys doing funny, cute, or romantic things.  Not necessarily romance with other boys, but romantic stuff in general.  Here is Greenwood is a prefect example of "Beshounen"!

Shounen Ai-  Meaning literally boys love.  The guys are starting to move away from being cutesy to stud muffin.  Also the plot is becoming a little more sexually charged then Beshounen titles, but there will be almost no hardcore sex scenes, but a lot of kissing, hugging, and romance.  One of the better Shounen Ai titles are Zetsuai 1989

Yaoi-  Okay, this is really really good stuff.  The guys are total stud muffins (At least 90% of the time) and there are tons and tons of wild sex scenes.  Way more sex scenes then in Shounen Ai and Beshounen put together!  Now don't get me wrong, there is hordes of romance in Yaoi but I can't lie, the love scenes distract you from the romance.  Well at least they distract me!

So not that you have a brief knowledge of all the yaoi genera's I present to you the rest of this page, as well as the entire Yaoi genera.  So go forth and spread the word of yaoi to your friends and neighbors, or who ever happens to be sitting near you!

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