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Yaoi Links 

Now, I know just how difficult it is to find good (or bad) yaoi pages.  I've been on countless quests to find them.  I've gone to search engine after search engine and it seems like there are only a handful.  Well, I can't give you an in-depth description, but I can lead you to some of the very best that I've seen!  Newly updated August 13 2001.  Now with Japanese yaoi sights!

English Yaoi Links

Anime Rose's Yaoi Links Garden  Okay, if you are looking for any link with Yaoi, you've hit the jackpot with this page.  Every English yaoi link known man is on this page.

The Yaoi Connection  My Best friends websight.  It's very good and that's not just me being bias.  It's chalked full of pic from both Dojinshi and manga.  So go check it out!  

The Yaoi No Hentais  They have an extensive fanfiction sight.  They give descriptions of yaoi OAV's/ movies, plus they have begun to distribute yaoi fansubs.

Aestheticism Cyber Shoppe  If ever you wanted to buy any yaoi dojinshi, manga, magazines, or anthologies here's the place to get it.  Although you have to be 18+ to buy any of the really good manga like stuff by Chi-Ran.

  This the convention that I went to (And did the yaoi panel for) and at night they show a ton of yaoi.  It was called the "Yaoi Love-in".

It's the official Yaoicon website.  Na, I won't be going next year.

The Shoujo Anime List  This page has listing of not only shows like Sailor Moon, but this is how I found a couple of new Yaoi titles I'd never heard of before.

Zetsuai 1989/ Bronze MP3 Horde  If you really loved the music to Zetsuai, Bronze, or what was in the Cathexis music videos then you'll adore this page.  Closed for now.  

SBI  This is a really cool page.  They have tons of yaoi fun for everyone.  They even have me listed as an agent.  Pretty cool, uh? 

  This is a yaoi sight to a very dear friend of mine.  Please be nice and check it out!  It's a very good page!

Japanese Yaoi Links

The Boy's Love Paradise, it's a Japanese links page.  

  You Higuri's Official Websight.  I figured that since she will be a Yaoicon I should feature her sight on this one!

  Fujiyama Hyouta's Official Websight.  I'm not sure who this mangaka is, but I just love the illustrations on this page!

Fethehered:  This is a yaoi dojin that someone is working on.  The art is pretty good too.  Uh, kinda rough though, most of this sights I've picked are.  You have been warned.

  More yaoi dojin.  Really excellent artwork.  Really kinda explicit pics.

  Dude?!  Excellent dojin page with excellent art.  Really getting explicit with the art though.  Oh, make no mistake this is a yaoi page, their boys look and dress like girls.  

  It's LoveChu (Love Kiss) Magazine.  I think it's either a dojin sight or a legitimate magazine...  I can't remember now.  It's pretty good, go and check it out!

  More yaoi dojin.  The art is really good, this is one of the first Japanese yaoi dojin sights I stumbled upon.

  And you thought there were no Yaoi computer games!  Well, I've found one, well at least the page for it!  

Takamatsu:  This is another dojin sight.  Good art and really good CG stuff.

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