Rocket Quiz: Are you a true Rocket Trooper? - Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm
Dark Musashi's Rocket Quiz
Okay! Here's my Team Rocket Quiz! Find out if you are a true member of Team Rocket~Good Luck!

1. What is Team Rocket's Ultimate Goal?
to capture Pikachu
to eventually own the world
to kill Ash
to beat the Elite Four

2. What were Jessie and James' first Pokémon?
Arbok and Lickitung
Meowth and Victreebell
Ekans and Koffing
Weezing and Lickitung

3. Who is 'The Boss'?

4. Who do James' parents want him to marry, although he hates her?

5. Who does James actually like (and gets with in the end)?

6. In which episode did Jessie fear that James was leaving Team Rocket?
The Squirtle Squad
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Bye Bye Butterfree
Holy Matrimony

7. In 'Who Gets To Keep Togepi?', how do Jessie and James help Meowth try to win?
They don't
They lend him their Pokémon
They sabotage the match
They steal Togepi

8. What is the name of Jessie and James' old Gang?
The Tamamushi Terrors
The Viridian Rocket Riders
The Sunnytown Bicycle Gang
The Bridge Bosses

9. What is The Boss's reaction when Jessie and James bring him Togepi?
he is extremely pleased that they brought such a rare Pokémon
he is unimpressed since it can't do anything
he immediately gives them a promotion
he hands Team Rocket over to them and works as their slave

10. In which episode do Jessie and James use a giant water vaccuum to try to get Pikachu?
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
Pikachu's Goodbye
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Pokémon! I Choose You!

11. In 'Electric Shock Showdown', why do Jessie and James want Pikachu to win?
They felt sorry for it
They hated Raichu
They were angry with Lt. Surge
They wanted to make sure it was worthy of their efforts to capture it

12. Why did Meowth learn human language?
It was a requirement for Team Rocket
He wanted to be a freak
He was in love with Meowzie
he wanted to be able to talk to Jessie and James

13. Who is the second most famous team from Team Rocket?
Ash and Misty with Pikachu
Cassidy and Butch with Raticate

14. What are Jessie, James, and Meowth's Japanese names?
Musashi, Kojiro, and Nyasuu
Yamato, Nyasuu, and Kojiro
Yamato, Kosaburo, and Ratta
Kojiro, Nyasuu, and Korat

15. What Team Rocket Member did they leave out of the English version?

16. How did Jessie's mother die?
In a balloon crash
Giovanni killed her
She was attacked by rabid Pokémon
In an avalanche while looking for Mew

17. What color is Jessie's hair?

18. What color is James' hair?

19. Who are the best Pokémon charactars?
Team Rocket, no contest!
Team Twerp (Ash, etc.)
The Gym Leaders
Gary and his fans

20. Who are the second best charactars from Pokémon?(C'mon, you gotta love 'em. If they weren't there Team Rocket would have no one to steal from!)
Team Rocket
Team Twerp (Ash, etc.)
The Gym Leaders
Gary and his fans

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