The About Me Section

Name: Brandon Ditto
E-mail: HERE
AIM: leeditto12
Age: 16
Favorite Anime Character(s):Tenshinhan, Duo Maxwell, Ryu
Favorite Anime(s):DB, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Street Fighter, Fatal Fury (Garou Densetsu), Akira
Favorite Color(s): Grey, Blue, Green
Favorite Thing to Do: Play Video Games!

Description: Well, I'm just another normal person. I'm a sophmore at high school and I usually get 4.0's on my report cards. I don't like sports that much but I like to play basketball (not on a team though). Making this website is one of my minor hobbies. I really like to play guitar (I have a B.C. Rich Bich guitar, incase you care). My guitar skills are pretty good.

And I love video games a lot. That's my biggest hobby! My gaming systems include: Sega Dreamcast, Sega Genesis, Sony PlayStation, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color, and Gameboy Advance. I hate my PlayStation though (I only got it for one game: Gundam Battle Assault 2, and because I copied most of my friend's OK games). My favorite system is with out a doubt the Dreamcast. That system is just so great. The games are by far the best there are for any console. My favortie type of games are 2D fighting games, and that's probably why I like Dreamcast so much (it has tons of absolutely brilliant 2D fighters). My next gaming system I want to get is a SNK NeoGeo MVS arcade board. It was made in 1990, but has the best 2D fighters, and the most of any system. It's were all of the SNK fighters originated, and there are still outstanding games coming out for it! You're probably getting sick of me talking about video games, especially if you hate them, so I'll stop. If you want to see my complete collection of video games, you can download a spreadsheet (in MS Excel format) of my VG software HERE.

Some of my other interests are collecting anime series on DVD, collecting Gundam Wing and DBZ figures, and listening to music. My favorite bands are 311, Incubus, and Tenacious D. Well, that's about all there is to me. Oh yeah, did I mention I like the DB character, Tenshinhan?