This Character is a part of a series of fanfics based around dragonball AF. Name: Desujerner Family: Tien and Lunch, Father and Mother Moves: Kikoho, Tanyoken, multi-form, and various psychic attacks. The oblivion is his special attack; he learned it from ancient scrolls that Dende found in the Rycor saga. Only humans can use it but most aren’t strong enough. He can multiply it like the Kaioken but if he goes to high it’ll hurt him. Hair color: Blonde, like mom no split personality Appearance: Medium build three eyes where’s a bandanna over the third one so he can fit in better. Romantic interest: Marrin, Krillin and 18’s daughter Personality: Usually very calm and centered but has a very aggressive side. Like many of the young warriors Desujerner is a disciple of Piccolo. He also trained with his dad and Gohan. Sagas: all of Dragonball AF, though he wasn’t active in the end games because he’s not a Saiyan Deaths: Killed by Rycor, Rycor Saga (note most everyone died in the Rycor Saga) Android Alpha 6, New Android Saga Kills: Android Alpha 1and 3 (along with Pan) The rock men (10), The Rock Master Saga The blood demon, The Demon army saga Evil Desujerner, The Mirror World saga Hundreds of Freiza’s soldiers, The Time Travel Saga PL: Rycor Saga: 478,000,000 – 1,478,000,000 (using the Oblivion attack raises PL by 1 billion) New Android Saga: 4,367,000,000 Rock master saga: 8,999,000,000 – 12,945,000,000 (Oblivionx3/Enraged) The Mirror World Saga: 13,100,000,000 – 26,200,000,000 (Your power increases massively if you kill your mirror self) The Time Travel Saga: 28,000,000,000 The End Games: 35,000,000,000