
japanease name: zoisite (Zoisaito)
north american name: zoycite
different spelling: zoicite
chinese name: lai'en
nick names: zoi, zoe, zoey
names called by the scouts: witch, scheming lowlife,
slime myester, queen rat, lowlife dweezle
age: 23 (manga)
d.o.b: unknown
uniform: gray with green trim
hair color: dirty blond
eye color: green
most noticible attributes: cruel, backstabbing, obsessive, malicious, vain,
vulnerable, devoted, ruthless and sneaky
hates: tuxedo kamen, nephrite, small rhodents, and crows

gem facts

zoisite is very brittle, is glassy in lustre and will crack perfectly when struck. it is found in regionally metamorphosed rocks such as calcoreous, schists and shales. it's colour varies in blues, greens, pinks, whites and gray.


zoisite's power os centred around the natural world. if you've noticed, alot of his powers corncern ice, cherry blossoms, and fire which are all reflections of nature.

- when he teleports he is surrounded by cherry blossoms
- creats a blast of cherry blossoms
- use the kurozuishou to find the next nijizuishou carrier
- use the kurozuishou to retrieve a nijizuishou
- create a blast from the kurozuishou
- create a blast of cherry blossoms that reform into ice shards
- create a large ice sword he used when he went after cape boy
- create a small ice shard used to stab people
- create a huge firestorm
- can create a huge crystal daggar (Note the crazy look in his eyes when he does it)
- create a blast of Dark Energy

the tale

zoisite was the third shitennou, but first appeared when nephrite was "promoted". zoisite was probably the most ruthless of the four, never considering the consequences or outcome of anything when it involed something he wanted- the murder of nephrite being a perfect example. in the anime he was apparently alot more evil/crazy; this could be taken as one of zoisite's fatal flaws. he was responsible for retrieving all 7 nijizuishou so the ginzuisho could be found and it's power used to release the dark kingdom.


probably the one thing most complained about when concerning the dubbed episoes of sailor moon is the fact that zoisite was changed from male to female. in the original, japanese version zoisite was male, while in the dubbed, north american version zoisite was changed to a female. "why?" you ask, well because of his gay relationship with kunzite. In japan, their culture is more accepting of things considered '"taboo" in our culture, so dic changed the gender of zoisite. it was pulled it off pretty nicely considering how in most scenes zoisite looks more female than male, also (so i hear) dic decided it would be good to to have a female villain (seeing is how the first season only had a witch queen and a giant orange bubble).

the original

while collecting the nijizuishou tuxedo kamen repeatedly interfeared with his plans by trying to get them for himself. because of this, it caused alot of problems for zoisite back at home because tuxedo kamen had retieved two of the crystals. after much chewing out he and kunzite devised a plan to capture him. zoisite dressed up like sailor moon (This must have been funny when zoisite was male) and lured tuxedo kamen into his trap (how he fell for that is beyond me).they battled over them while kunzite distracted the senshi, but in the end tuxedo kamen's identity was revealed and kunzite and zoisite were summoned back before they could finish off the the senshi and tuxedo kamen. when beryl learned of his true identity, she wanted him alive and ordered them to leave him unharmed. this enraged zoisite furthar. he and kunzite devised another plan to capture him, but zoisite had his own ideas. after luring tuxedo kamen (yet again) into another trap, in his weakness from the previous battle, zoisite found it too irrisistable and tried to kill him twice. the first was by sending a huge firestorm down on him while tuxedo kamen and usagi were in the elevator and the second by sending a large ice sword at him which pierced him through the back.

in the end ...

after zoisite was defeted by the power of the ginzuisho and seriously injured he and kunzite were summoned by queen beryl. zoisite tried to pass it off as an accident but beryl was to enraged to let him off. queen beryl said she saw through his lies and deception and knew what he was trying to do. for disobeying orders she sent a powerful blast at zoisite, ultimately killing him. he died in kunzite's arms. in the dub, her dying wish was that kunzite wouldn't forget her. in the anime he wanted to die pretty so kunzite conjured a shower of rose petals for him. this touched zoisite very much and told kunzite "i've grone very attached to you ... i love you kunzaito-sama" (interesting how zoisite still added master to kunzite's name.) this statement also makes you wonder if this was ever spoken before. but sadly, in either version you choose, kunzite blames himself for zoisite's death.

in my humble opinion

zoisite is vindictive, ruthless, backstabbing, immature and would kill his own mother to get ahead, but that why i like the guy. he knows how to get what he wants, and will do it in any concieveable way - this also usually resulted in him getting in alot of trouble with his queen, which adds another quality ot the list, he knew how to talk his way out of problems, well, until the very end that is. i think he is easily the most popular out of the four, because he had the most screen time, and because he was so entertaining to watch. good o'le zoisite - the king you love to hate.

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