
japanese name: nephrite
north american name: nephlyte
different spelling: neflite
chinese name: fei’er
alter ego: sanjouin masato (maxfield stanton)
nick names: nef, neffy
names called by the scouts: unknown
age: 22 (manga)
d.o.b: unknown
favorite food: red wine (all we ever see him drink)
uniform: gray with yellow trim, and red and tan epaulettes
hair color: dark auburn
eye color: blue
most noticeable attributes: honor and arrogance
hates: zoisite, tuxedo kamen

gem facts

nephrite is found a boulders in streams and is named from the greek word meaning kidney (due to the shape of the rock). it's colour ranges from dark green and black to a creamy-beige, yellow, or brown. the most archaic chinese jade artifacts are nephrite, which, with Jadeite, is one of the minerals allowed the name Jade.


nephrite's power is centred around the stars and the energy that lies within them. he is mostly found in his human form so he hasn't a need for defences except to defend himself and others.

- can teleport somewhere via a red flame
- create a star map to find the next person approaching their maximum energy level
- create the kurozuishou (To find the ginzuisho)
- an energy sphere that drained all the energy from Naru (strangely similar to jadeites’)
- call upon the stars to create a huge energy blast
- call upon the stars to cause a meteor shower
- create a type of ‘star sword’ he used when he saved Naru

the tale

nephrite was the second of queen beryl’s shitennou. he replaced jadeite, and, like his job, nephrite was instructed to steal energy for the kingdom, but he had his own way of doing it. nephrite would call upon the stars and use them as his aid. they would tell him who his next victim was and where he could find them. the human indicated would be at their maxmium energy level and he would steal it in the name of the dark kingdom. nephrite used an alter ego named sanjouin masato to infiltrate the next victim. because of this alter ego and plan, it caused him to make four fatal mistakes. As a result of his alter ego, usagi's good friend naru developed a little crush on him. this was nephrite's first mistake, he knew how she felt and he continued to lead her on. after his energy plan began to faulter, he announced to the queen that he would look for the ginzuisho. another king, zoisite, was enraged by this because he was the one that was enlisted to search for the ginzuisho. by taking zoisite's job, this made zoisite expendable, and when you are expendable, you may very well suffer the same fate as jadeite. zoisite didn't like that much, and came nephrite's second mistake, he angered a very vindictive fellow. meanwhile, as nephrite searched for the ginzuisho, zoisite and another (and more powerful) king named kunzite plotted against nephrite. (you have to wonder how nephrite could ever stand up to kunzite, but then of course kunzite would never lower himself to that level.) after many failures and numerous encounters with naru he found himself going soft. he didn't know it himself yet, but others could see it and that was all zoisite needed. at one point, in his last audience with queen beryl he told her to mind her own business. that was his third mistake, and gave zoisite a rather large opening to ruin nephrite. zoisite kidnapped naru and told nephrite that he would spare her life for the kurozuishou. nephrite managed to save naru without letting the kurozuishou out of his grasp. as he and naru began walking to safety, she notices he was hurt and coaxed him into a park where she could tend to his wound. This was nephrite's final mistake. soon he and naru began to talk, as they did, he found himself losing his guard rather fast.

nephrite : pathalogical liar, or something more?

all die hard nephrite fans believe that there was true love in the air between him and naru, while everyone else doesn't see anything special, and well, neither do i. now i know he's not my favorite, but i'm not an idiot either, so before you flame, hear my case. first of all, is nephrite a pathological liar? well, lets have a look at the evidence. he masqurared around as sanjouin masato (Lie #1), he lead on an earth girl by the name of naru (Lie #2- and a big one at that) and he used her (Lie #3). well, yes he is a liar, but i'd have to say no to being a pathological liar (and generally i don't think much of him for using naru and leading her on.) now, secondly, was it 'true love' between the two? again, i'm going to have to go with no. why? well, first off he lead her on, and second, he lied to her. it was also a one-way relationship - she fawned over him constantly, and nephrite generally looked the other way every time. now, i haven't seen the original, and i barely remember the dub, so it's not as if i can analyze their conversation, but, i can say two things about the whole death scene - it's up to you on which makes more sense. first off, maybe he did see himself caring for her, and that's why he let himself go to the park when his better judgement told him to run because zoisite was on his back. despite that statement, i still don't think it was true love, but if he had lived, maybe one day it would be. now, on the other side of the argument, he went with naru into the park because he knew he was a traitor, he had angerd both zoisite and his queen and he knew he was going to die. he went with her because he knew how she felt, and decided he might as well be with someone who cared and die a hero, than die alone. i know and understand how all nephrite fans just want to believe that he had feelings for her, and that it would have workd out for poor naru, but the truth of the matter is that there was never anything mutual between them and he used her until the moment he died.

in the end ...

zoisite's youma found nephrite in the park and attaced him, catching him completely off gaurd. they sucked his energy dry leaving him for dead. zoisite apeared and stole the kurozuishou saying that he was a traitor to the dark kingdom and all traitors were to be killed. the sailor senshi finally showed up killing zoisite's three youma, but they were to late to save nephrite. ne died in Naru's arms and disappeared. as he died, he told her he wished he had gotten to know her better.

in my humble opinion

in case it wasn't overly obvious, i'll say it anyway, nephrite is definately my least favorite of the shitennou. i'm not saying that he "sucks" or anything because there are cool qualities about him, i just think he has the least admirable qualities out of all of the four. i know, i know, i haven't forgotten about zoisite, but nephrite did betray his kingdom after all, and high treason is punishable by death ... well, he didn't so much betray than he repeatedly screwed zioisite over. big mistake there buddy. nephrite i guess could go either way, some think he's a lying, traitorous weeny, while others think he is a heroic and honorable man. for me, it's on the line.

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