SCENE: The Tendo house. RANMA and GENMA are eating like pigs would if they had hands (and a lack of manners). AKANE and RANMA are discreetly eyeing each other, noticed by no one but the people who are in the room. KASUMI and NODOKA are serving a new course. SOUN is being cheated out of money by NABIKI. TOFU enters. TOFU: Hello. NODOKA: What an uninspired entrance. TOFU: Blame the damn author - he wants to tell this joke, and doesn't have the inclination to write out a decent entrance. NODOKA: Oh. AKANE: Is that why you're not flipping out with Kasumi in the room? TOFU: No - that's because I lost interest in Kasumi after Mousse and I admitted our true feelings and started shacking up together. RANMA: Ha! I knew it! You owe me a hundred yen, Pop! SOUN: What brings you by, Doctor? TOFU: I got the results of Akane's blood tests back. AKANE: YOU HAD BLOOD TESTS DONE WITHOUT TELLING ME?!? SOUN: I wanted to be sure you and Ranma were compatible! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! AKANE: You aren't getting off *that* easy! TOFU: It doesn't matter - you can't get married to Ranma. RANMA & AKANE: NANI?!? TOFU: According to these tests, Akane has a very rare blood type. In fact, the only other person with this blood type is Genma Saotome. AKANE: *GENMA'S* my *FATHER*?!? NODOKA: GENMA!! GENMA: Don't blame me! Going to that mate-swapping party was *your* idea! (KASUMI faints in a ladylike fashion.) (AKANE is dressed in a white robe, a tanto at her stomach.) RANMA: Give me that! (pulls on tanto) AKANE: I have the blood of Genma Saotome in me! I don't deserve to live! RANMA: I understand that! I sympathize! Believe me, not a day passes that the same horrible thought doesn't make me sick to my stomach! But it's an affliction I've learned to live with! GENMA: Gee, thanks for the ego-boost. RANMA: Quiet, you. (turns to Akane) But look on the bright side - they can't force us to marry! (AKANE hits RANMA with a mallet) RANMA: OW! What was *that* for?!? AKANE: I *want* to marry you, you jerk! RANMA (shocked): You do?!? AKANE: Of course! Who else can I express my sadomasochistic heterosexual tendencies with while allowing my nurturing lesbian side to run loose? RANMA: Oh Akane! AKANE: Oh Ranma! NABIKI: Oh my stomach! GENMA: Waaaahhhhh!! My children want to become rednecks! NODOKA: That's allright, children! You can still marry! *Without* having to live in a trailer park in West Virginia! RANMA & AKANE: We can?!? How?!? NODOKA: Genma is not Ranma's father!! GENMA: NANI!?! RANMA: You mean Ryoga's father is my father? NODOKA: No - that's in another story entirely. Please try to keep up, dear. RANMA: Sorry. NODOKA: I wanted my son to be a manly man - a paragon of manhood - as unlike Genma as possible - GENMA: That's right - take another punch at my self-worth. NODOKA: Shut up, dear. SoI found the most virile, manly man I could to impregnate me, and we spent three days in a cheap motel. RANMA: So who *is* my real father?? (HAPPOSAI bounces in.) HAPPOSAI (to Ranma): SON!! AKANE: Ranma! Give me the tanto! RANMA: I can't be allowed to breed! (RANMA runs out of the room; AKANE pursues) NABIKI: What are they so excited about? HAPPOSAI: Who knows? Wanna go upstairs to my room, little girl? I'll give you a shiny yen piece. NABIKI: Okay.