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Ranma 1/2 Superhighway

The Ranma 1/2 Superhighway FAQ

Over the last two-and-a-half years (yes, I've been running the SH for that long) I've gotten a lot of email, and have been asked a lot of questions.
Like many website proprietors, I've been asked a lot of the SAME questions time and time again.  SO.  In order to save myself some time, not to
mention save those people traversing the Superhighway from typing out email they don't need to, I decided to make this 'ere FAQ out of the most common questions that I've received.  More than likely, this FAQ will grow even longer as time goes by.
Q: Why did you start the Superhighway in the first place?
A: Three reasons: Lack of anything better to do at the time, I'm a raving loon, and I got tired of having to hunt around for good fanfics.
Q: Are you or are you not the reincarnated spirit of a bad author, cursed to provide good fanfiction resources until the end of time?

A: You've been drinking way too much coffee.  Try decaf.
Q: What's needed in order to get a fanfic listed on the Superhighway?

A: A minor miracle.  The only fanfic listings being kept on my site are the Feature Pages now.

Q: Can I just have my fanfics posted ON the Superhighway?
A: No.  I don't post fanfics on the Superhighway other than my Feature Pages.
Q: Can I have a Feature Page, then?

A: I give Feature Pages only at my discretion, and then only at my invitation.  I have to be really impressed with someone or something to offer them a Feature Page.  Asking me for one is the quickest way to insure you never get one, unless you REALLY impress me.
Q: Isn't that rather discriminatory?

A: I don't see how.  You don't see Masterpiece Theatre making every book in the world into a PBS special, do you?  To be blunt and a little crude about it, look at it this way:  It's my site, my time, my effort, my decision.
Q: Can I name my pet "Red Death"?

A: Yes, you may.  Although any firstborn children given that name immediately become the sole property of Red Death Industries.  I need them for doorstops.
Q: Are there any fanfics you will not list on the Superhighway?

A: Any fanfics, no.  Any homepages, yes.  If a fanfic's ONLY home is an archive such as Tannim's Totally Crossed Out, the RAAC or TASS archives or Fanfiction.Net, I am unable to add it to the Superhighway.  I need a separate site to link to.
Q: Why can't you link to archives?  That would seem to be a great way to add a lot of fanfics.

A: Due to the very nature of archives such as those, I can't list them.  There's just TOO MANY fanfics listed there to keep up with.  I'd be working on listing the fanfics on Fanfiction.Net for the rest of my life.  Much as I'd like to, I just can't do it.
Q: What else do you do regarding fanfics, other than run the Superhighway?

A: In addition to running the Superhighway, I preread for several fanfic authors, proofread for a few others, write fanfic reviews, and write my own fanfics.
Q: Can you preread/proofread for my fanfics, too?

A: You can ask, but I won't promise anything.
Q: Would you be willing to do a review of my fanfic or fanfics?

A: Again, you can ask.  More than likely, I'll be glad to do a review, but can't say when I'd get to it.
Q: Is there any way I can insure a good review?

A: Yes.
Q: Really?! What?

A: Write a good fanfic.
Q: You're a real smartass, you know that?

A: I've been told that at times.  I'm not the nicest person in the world, but I'm no complete bastard either.
Q: Anyway... Why isn't there a section for Akane on the Matchup Mile?

A: Akane is the standard match, as intended (we can assume) by Madame Takahashi in the real Ranma 1/2 series.  The Mile is for alternate matchups only.
Q: How come there's no Crossover page?

A: Crossovers are not types of fanfics, they are something that happens *in* a fanfic.
Q: How can you say that?!

A: Easily.  By forcing air from my lungs and causing my voicebox to vibrate, while using my lips and tongue to form that sound into more precise words.  Try it, you can probably do it yourself.
Q: ....

A: You did ask, you know.
Q: Can I submit fanfic requests to you? You know, "Can you help me find this or that fanfic?"

A: Sure, you can ask.  I'll help if I can, but I don't guarantee if I know which one you want.

Mail me!