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In case there's anybody out there actually cares, I thought that I might write a little something about myself and this site. Then again, why would you care? Ah well, you're here now, so what can you do? hit the "back" button- no no! Wait! I was just kidding! Don't go... *sniff*

About M.O.O.M.B.A.S
This site, M.O.O.M.B.A.S Central HQ was originally concieved on July 25, 2000, and finally put into action on August 18, 2000. It started off as a measly little Final Fantasy site, formerly known as *ahem* Blue Moomba's (little) Page of Universal Domination, but since then it has become more that that (and perhaps a little more mature?... nah).

Now it is a fansite, mainly fanfiction. I love reading fanfics, and I love writing them even more, so I figured this would be a good idea. I still plan on ruling the universe someday with my minions, so let's not forget that. ^^

About Me
Be warned, I am quite the weird egg... but you knew that already, didn't you?

Name(s):Laine, fomerly known as Blue, formerly known as Blue Moomba, though I am still called Blue often (and a little too often for my liking). Why the change? Let's just say "Laine" is a little closer to my REAL name. Just see if you can guess!
Occupation: Hmm... student? Webpage hostess-person? Aspiring author?... Let's just say unemployed for now.
Weapon: Biting sarcasm and a hockey stick (if needed)
Height: 5'3"
Birthplace: Ontario, Canada
Birthdate: February 7
Blood Type: A

Lesse now... anything else? Oh, right!

Things I Like:
The colour blue, drawing/sketching, writing, cookies, cartoons and anime, cats, sports... especially hockey, Harry Potter books (I know, I have been lured in by the curse known as Harry P!), going to the movies, music (I have a bizarre obsession with video game soundtracks), my playstation, and boys (teehee!) ^^

Things I Hate (or really, really dislike):
Spiders, when people tell you expired food is still good (I know people that actually do that... honest!), waiting in line for things, school, my principal "the drunk lobster" (it's a long story that wouldn't make sense to you anyway), public bathrooms, little kids, fish, mean people, people who chew with their mouth open, people from Texas that think Canadians live in igloos without electricity, and worst of all... DR. MARIO!!! *shudder*

Favorite Video Games:
Final Fantasy VI, FFVII and FFVIII in the series (I haven't played the other ones), Secret of Mana, the Zelda series, Wild ARMS, Star Ocean (The Second Story)... yes, you heard me right. I actually DO like that game despite all the verbal bashing I frequently give it. And most importantly (and recently) CHRONO CROSS!!!! Sorry, but it's ma new fav!

Another Thing You Are Entitled to Know:
I have (and I'm afraid I always will) this freaky weird thing for Sephiroth. I dunno why I still do, maybe it's just one of those bad habits that you just can't break? Or maybe it's because I always have a thing for bad guys? Hey, call me kooky, but I liked Kefka back in the day when I played FFVI... or maybe its just me? *sweatdrop*

Seph: K-Kefka? You like KEFKA?!
Vincent: *sarcastic* Of all people.
