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Chibi-Usa/Sailor ChibiMoon

Name: Rini(Chibi-Usa)/Sailor ChibiMoon

Age: 9

Birthday: June 30

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Blood Type: O-

Appearance: Pink hair in rabbit like buns(pointy). Redish eyes. Small and cute.

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Animal: bunny

Favorite Gemstone: pearl

Favorite School Subject: Home Ec.

Least Favorite School Subject: Math

Favorite Food: Pancakes (especialy blueberry)

Least Favorite Food: Carrots

Likes: Being a kid

Dislikes: Being alone, needles and thunderstorms

Strengths: Crying, being a brat, though also sweet, caring

Weaknesses: Being alone, needles and thunderstorms

Dream: To be a lady ("Lika momma!")

Personality: Cute, brat

History: Fell from the sky when she was 5 in the past from the future to look for the Crystal to save her world and saved it going back home. Came back to train as a senshi.

Fuku/Uniform: Pink and red

Weapon (if one):

1. Crystal carillon(The heart wand thing)

2. Kaleid moon scope(When super)


Luna-P Henge: This is said while bouncing Luna-P to make Luna-P tranform into some other object.

Luna-P Magic.

Moon Prism Power, Make-Up!: This is said to transform into Sailor Chibi Moon.

Moon Crisis, Make-Up!: This is said to transform into Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Pink Sugar Heart Attack!: This is Sailor ChibiMoon's attack using the rod.

Twinkle yell!: This is Super Sailor Chibi Moon's attack.

Hobbies: Being a kid, what else?