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SM Downloads

Here are some things you can download:
(right-click and "save as")

SM Icons(143 KB)
This file includes 70 icons with faces of SM

Mercury Clock(257 KB)
This is a very cool Mercury Clock that teels
the date and time.

Saturn Calculator(53 KB)
A very neat calculator with Sailor Saturn in
the background.

SM Cursors(43 KB)
37 very cute cursors you can use for your

My Midis(754 KB)
These are all the midis that I have at this
moment. There are 137 of them in this file.

Sailor Moon Screen Saver(1.22 MB)
This is a really neat screen saver....roses
and pictures of the senshi appear on the
screen while the midi of "Oh Starry Night" plays

Sailor Moon Solitare
This is just a regular solitare
game but with Sailor Moon.
Its pretty tite....


Sailor Chibimoon Motto

Pluto's Dead Scream Attack

Pluto Transformation

Serena and Darien

Sailor Moon says...