*************** The Way We Weren't Part 7 Author: Usa Disclaimers in Part 1 **************** "Furato-san?" At Usagi's nod, the man introduced himself. "I'm Doctor Kumiku, I examined your husband." "Is he all right, Kumiku-sensei?" He took a deep breath. Tell a young woman that her husband wasn't going to make it through the night was not something he relished. "Your husband has a brain tumor. It's large, about the size of a tennis ball. The placement and size make it difficult for surgery." "Wh-what are you saying?" "There's nothing we can do except make him comfortable." Usagi just stared at him. That's it? That's all they could. Make him comfortable. This had to be a nightmare. Any minute now, Yuuta will kiss her on the lips and wake her up. "Furato-san?" She blinked. "Sumimasen." "It's all right," he replied. "I was just asking if there was anyone else who needs to be notified." "I-I have to call Nao-kun. She's our neighbor and she's taking care of our daughter. Kami-sama, what am I going to tell Iku!" *************** Usagi was sitting with Yuuta when Nao arrived with Iku, who was fast asleep. "How is he?" she asked, handing Iku to her mother. "Not good. I-I don't know how much longer he has." Nao gave Usagi a hug. "I'll be right outside if you need anything, Sakura-chan." "Arigatou," she replied with a sad smile. Usagi sat down again. "Yuuta. I love you so much, but I don't want you to suffer. When you're ready, just go. Iku and I will be all right." ************ ~Yuuta~ 'Nani? Where am I?' he thought. It looked like a palace on the moon. ~You are on the moon, in my palace~ 'What's going on? Where are Sakura and Iku?' ~They are fine. They are safe. Yuuta, it is time for you to leave them.~ 'But why? Why must I die?' ~You were sent to protect my daughter and keep her safe while she healed~ 'Your daughter? Sakura's your daughter?' He could almost feel the woman's smile in her words. ~Her name is Serenity, or Usagi. And yes, she is my daughter. Let me tell you about the Moon Kingdom~ ************* "Sakura..." Usagi sat up straight when she heard Yuuta's voice. "I'm right here, Yuu," she replied. He noticed that Iku was curled up next to him. "It's time for me to go, Tenshi." "Iie!" she cried. "You can't go! Onegai, don't leave me alone!" "You won't be alone. You'll have your friends. You'll have Iku. I promise that you will remember everything soon and I will always be with you." Usagi cried as he caressed her cheek. "One last kiss," she begged him. He nodded and she lowered her lips to meet his. She felt his life leave him. "I will always love you, Yuuta."