Title: Naru, My Friend Rating: R (dark ficcie) Authors: Usa (michelle@sailormoon.zzn.com) and Emiri (bunny_s_@hotmail.com) Author's Notes: This ficcie is dark... it deals with a very dark issue as well. It takes place during the first season, just after Nephrite dies. Enjoy, and please, post a review! ^_^ *********** "Usagi, Naru's on the phone," Usagi's mother called upstairs. "Okay!" Usagi replied, picking up the extension. "Moshi moshi." "Moshi moshi, Usagi-chan," Naru sighed. "Want to come over?" Usagi's heart skipped a beat. It had been three days since she had seen or spoken to Naru... after the whole incident with Nephrite. "Hai, I'll be over in ten minutes, Naru-chan!" "Okei...bai, Usagi." Usagi hung up the phone and told her mom where she was heading. She didn't wait for a reply and ran out the door. *********** Naru's mom led Usagi up to the girl's bedroom. Neither of them spoke but both were deathly afraid of how Naru had been acting lately. Naru opened the door and motioned for Usagi to sit next to her on the floor. Usagi followed suit."Naru-chan...?" "Usagi, why didn't you tell me?" "Nani? Tell you what?" Usagi was confused. "That you're Sailor Moon." The young girl laughed. "Naru-chan, you're funny! A klutz like me... Sailor Moon!?" Inside she thought, *How could she possibly know?* "Nephrite told me...said you'd always be the one protecting me..." Usagi didn't know what to say... Luna had told them to never tell anyone who they really were. However, Nephrite told Naru, she didn't... "It's true, Naru-chan. Gomen for not telling you, but I wasn't able to! I didn' want someone to use you just to get to me!" Usagi took Naru's hand. "Forgive me?" Naru pulled her hand away. "Why couldn't you save him, Usagi?" "I tried to," Usagi whispered. Naru turned away. "But you didn't." Usagi attempted to get Naru to face her. "Please believe me that if I could give my life to save his for your sake, then I'd do it in a minute! I know it doesn't make up for all of this..." Naru turned back to her with tears in her eyes. "You tried to destroy him." "Only because he was the enemy, Naru-chan. When he jumped in front of you, I realized how much he loved you even if he was on the wrong side. Love is something that cannot die. I am so sorry for taking him away from you, but I don't know what I can do..." Usagi had tears forming in her eyes as well by now. She could feel her best friend slowly slipping away from her. "Maybe you'd better go, Usagi," Naru said quietly. "I'm tired now." Usagi stood up. "Are you sure? Maybe we should talk a little more." "I...don't know if I have anything else to say to you..." "..." Usagi was at a loss for words. Instead, she reached down to hug Naru. Naru jerked away. "Onegai..." "O-okay... I'll go now," Usagi said saddened. "I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Naru shook her head. Usagi nodded and turned to leave the room. "Ja ne..." "Ja ne, Usagi." Naru's voice was flat. ********* Naru shut the door behind Usagi and locked it. She flopped onto her bed, and began sopping..."Nephrite..." "I love you..." Sobs wracked her body as she lay there. Through blurry eyes, she noticed her craft scissors lying across the room. Mechanically, she got up, grabbing them. Sitting back on the bed, she began to slash at her wrists. She was rewarded with a trickle of blood. She slashed again, biting her lip to keep from screaming in pain. She just wanted it all to go away. "Nephrite, let me be with you," she sobbed.