To say Usagi was in trouble would be an understatement. Her father was so furious with her. His boss had said he was going to think about promoting Kenji, but had other candidates to reflect on as well for the position. Usagi sighed as she laid on her bed. Her father had not spoken to her since the night before. It was nearly time for dinner and he still hadn't come to see her like he always did when he got home from work. "Usagi-chan?" Luna asked, padding into the room. "Daijobou?" The young girl just shrugged. Luna had been out with Artemis looking for signs of the enemy so she had no idea what was going on with her Princess. Usagi thought back to her memories. Her real father wouldn't have been angry with her. How she wanted to know the man who had loved her with all his heart and died to protect her. "Just leave me alone, onegai." Luna jumped onto the night stand. "I know you're upset with Rei-chan, but you need to put that aside for now. We have bigger problems." Usagi sat up and glared at the cat. "I don't care right now, Luna. I'm not upset with Rei-chan either. It's..." her bottom lip trembled. "Papa, he's so mad at me right now. We haven't talked to each other since last night." "Last night?" Luna asked. "Hai. Papa's boss came over to meet us because he might get a promotion. Now we're not so sure. I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong except be late to meet him. If that's the case, then Papa isn't very happy with me right now." Luna put a paw on Usagi's hand. "Don't worry too much on it, Usagi-chan. He'll be up here before you know it! He's not likely to hold a grudge, especially with his only daughter. Why don't we go for a walk? We're not going to meet the others until later today." "I can't," Usagi said, shaking her head. "I'm grounded. I won't go out unless a youma appears. I don't want to get into anymore trouble then I'm already in." "That's fine. I'll let the others know." Luna hopped to the floor. "Keep your chin up, Uasgi-chan!" Usagi smiled as Luna walked out the door. Her guardian was right. In fact, instead of just moping around here, she was going down to apologize to him and see if he'd like to spend some time with her! She grabbed her bunny slippers and ran out of her room. "Mama, where's Papa?" she asked, nearly colliding with Ikuko. "In the living room. Is something wrong?" "Iie, I just wanted to talk to him." Ikuko shook her head as Usagi turned and ran down the stairs. "Be careful!" she called after her daughter. Usagi found Kenji exactly where Ikuko said he'd be. He looked up from the newspaper as she shuffled into the room. "Ne, Papa..." "Hai, Usagi?" he asked, setting down the paper. She knelt in front of him. "Gomen nasai!" she cried. "I didn't mean to be late!" He smiled, kissing her cheek. "Iie, Usagi, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. And of course I forgive you." She jumped up and gave him a hug. "I forgive you too, Papa!" she replied happily. "What do you say we go to the amusement park tomorrow afternoon? I'm off work and you're off school." "Just you and me?" He nodded. "Just you and me!" "Un! Sounds like fun!"