************ Missing Part 3 By Usa and Emiri Disclaimers in Part 1 ************ Minako awoke to the sun coming in the curtains. It took a few seconds to remember where she was. She yawned and stretched. "Ne, Usagi-chan, it's time to wake up," she whispered. "Just five more minutes, Luna," Usagi muttered, turning onto her stomach. Her eyes opened wide as a sharp pain went up her back. "Daijobou?" "Ugh, I feel like a troll was sitting on my back!" "Nani? Do you want me to get you some painkillers?" Ami says: Usagi shook her head. "I'll be all right. We should get to the Shrine and see if Ami-chan or Rei-chan came up with anything." Minako nodded. "I hope to Kami they did." Fifteen minutes later, the girls arrived at Hikawa Shrine. "Ohayo, minna!" Usagi greeted. Ami looked up from her computer. "Ohayo, Usagi-chan, Minako-chan." "Did you find them yet?" Minako asked. "Iie, but I still have one more test to perform." Ami sighed. "Unfortunately it can take up to 3 days to finish." Usagi groaned. "Where are they!" "Ne, Minako, how come you're wearing yesterday's clothes?" Makoto asked. "Well, I ended up staying at Usagi-chan's last night..." "Minako-chan," Ami began. "Daijoubu?" "Eh..." Minako told everyone what had happened with her mother the night before. Usagi slowly laid herself on Rei's bed as the girls talked. She thought the Ginzuishou would have lessened the pain somewhat. "Ne, Usagi-chan, what's wrong?" Rei asked. Ami stood up and raced to Usagi's sighed. "How could I have been so baka! That youma attacked you yesterday. You should have gone to see a doctor, Usagi-chan." "And what would I tell the doctor? 'Yeah, I was fighting a youma in a REALLY short skirt and it grabbed me and threw me into a tree.' I mean, come on, Ami-chan, they would have been making reservations at the nut house!" "Well, you could always tell the doctor that you had another klutz-out," Rei said. "I'm sure they're used to it by now." Usagi glared at Rei. "You're so mean to me!" Rei shrugged. "It's just the truth." "Stop it, you two!" Ami admonished. "Come on, Usagi-chan, we're going to the emergency room!" "Ami-chaaaan!" "It's a good idea to get checked out," Makoto told her. Usagi poofed her cheeks and gave in. This shouldn't take too long...