Title: Missing Rating: PG Authors: Usa (Usako0@aol.com) and Emiri (bunny_s_@hotmail.com) Disclaimers: They ain't ours... Author's Notes: Since people are wondering about a continuation of Who Am I, Emiri and I will be starting on one as soon as possible! Thanks for the reviews! Review more... PLEASE *puppy dog eyes* *********** Missing Part 1 *********** Usagi sighed, trying to hold in her tears. The Senshi's Guardians, Artemis and Luna, were missing. Normally the girls wouldn't have been alarmed except for the fact that the cats have been gone for a day and half already. Each cat respectively met more to Usagi and Minako than the others. *Kami what if they're sick or hurt and all alone! Who will be able to help them! Baka Usagi! Quit thinking like that!* "Minako-chan, is there some place we've overlooked?" Usagi asked. "I keep coming back to Central Control but we've searched there a dozen times!" "Iie, I think we have a better chance of finding a haystick in a needle." Usagi looked at Minako. She knew that saying wasn't right. Not that she knew what it really was... "It's getting late, I guess we should head home, ne? Maybe Rei-chan will have figured something out by tomorrow morning." "I guess that's all we can do..." *Kami, I hope they're alright* "Ne, can't Ami-chan track them somehow?" "We'll ask her later," Usagi replied with a nod. "Hopefully..." Usagi was cut off by a scream of terror. The girls eyed one another and nodded. "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!" The Senshi rushed to the scene where people were scattering about. The youma, which stood about 6 feet tall and weighed about 300 pounds, was sucking energy. "Ugh, these things just keep getting more disgusting!" Sailor Moon muttered to herself. Out loud, she exclaimed, "Stop right there! Pretty suited soldiers of love and justice, Sailor Moon..." "And Sailor Venus!" "Tsukini kawatte, oshiokyo!" "And for beauty and love, I will punish you on behalf of Venus!" The youma growled and released an energy sucking beam at the Senshi. Luckily, they were able to dodge it in time. Venus rolled out of the way, and counterattacked. "Venus Love Me Chain!" Sailor Moon glared at the youma and called for her sceptor. She was getting ready to power up when the youma grabbed her by the wrist and into a tree. She crumpled into a heap on the ground. "Sailor Moon!" Venus cried. "Itai..." Moon gasped, sitting up. Her back and wrist were killing her. However, she had to get rid of the youma before it killed them. "Sailor Venus, behind you!" Venus jumped out of the way as the youma launched another attack. Then, from behind the youma came "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" Mercury ran to Sailor Moon. "Daijobu?" "Hai, I'm fine. Just let me dust this thing!" "All right," Mercury replied, "however, I want to examine you when we're finished here." Moon nodded and picked up her sceptor. Jupiter's attack had rendered the youma unconscious. "Moon Princess Halation!" Sailor Moon's attack dusted the youma. "Yokatte!" she sighed. Her wrist was throbbing horribly now and she just wanted to sit down. "Usagi-chan, daijobou?" Minako asked. Ami walked back over to her. "Iie," Usagi said. "My wrist hurts." "Let me see, Usagi-chan." Usagi winced as Ami turned her wrist. "It's sprained. You should get home and ice it so it doesn't swell up," the blue haired girl told her. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" Usagi shook her head. She figured her back would feel better in the morning. "I'll be all right, I'll see you tomorrow minna!" Usagi ran off before another word could be said. "That girl never runs out of energy," Rei mused. "Gomen I didn't get here before...looks like I missed the fun." "Nothing we couldn't handle," Ami replied. "It's late, I'm going to go home and study. I'm only on chapter 24 of our science book." "Uh? We're on chapter 6, Ami-chan," Makoto said. "It never hurts to stay ahead! Ja ne, minna!" "Ne, Ami-chan, before you go...Luna and Artemis are missing," Minako told her. "Nani? Since when?" "Yesterday." Minako looked down at the ground. "D'ya think you can find them with your computer?" Ami nodded. "I will definately try, Minako-chan. Why don't we head home and get some sleep?" She gave her sullen friend a hug. "I'm sure they're all right." "I hope so." Minako sighed.