********** Makoto's Lament Part 6 By: Usa and Emiri ********** Makoto woke up with the sun shining on her face. She decided to get up for the day, since the floor hadn't been all that comfortable. She debated about waking Usagi. 'Maybe I'll just slip out and go to my parents' graves alone,' she thought as she dressed. Makoto silently packed some food to take with her. She'd probably spend most of the day there, unless it was too sad. She gathered the forget-me-nots, and a few letters she had written to her parents, and placed them all in a giant bag. She began to look for a pen and paper, thinking she should leave a note for Usagi. Usagi stirred at the noise. Blinking a few times, she saw Makoto, dressed and ready to go. "Mako-chan?" Makoto turned. "Usagi-chan? You're awake?" Usagi nodded. "Where are you going at," she looked at the clock, "9 am?!" This was way too early for her especially on holiday. "Umm...I'm going to visit my parents' graves. You can stay here and sleep and watch TV or something..." "Are you sure you don't want any company?" she asked. "Well, you can come if you want..." Usagi got up from the bed. "Only if you want me to, Mako-chan. If you want to be alone with them, I'll understand." "Well, you can come if you want to. It's really up to you. I don't mind either way." Usagi debated whether or not to go. On the one hand, Makoto would probably like to spend some time alone with them. On the other... She might need someone to lean on. Finally, Usagi decided she'd go. Usagi looked up at her friend. "Ne, Mako-chan... "Hai, Usagi-chan?" "I'd like to meet your parents." "Oh, Usagi-chan..." Makoto tried not to start crying again. "You're more than welcome to come with me." She smiled at her friend. Usagi gave Makoto a hug. "Besides, I'd like to tell them what a wonderful daughter they have." ********** Rei, Minako, and Ami stopped to rest by the fountain in the park. They had gone to every hotel they could find trying to find any signs of Makoto or Usagi. Suddenly Rei cried out, "Shingo!" "Nani, Rei-chan?" Ami asked. "Usagi's brother," she replied, pointing at Shingo. "Hai," Minako said. "It's him." "Let's ask him about Usagi-chan!" Ami suggested. The others nodded and followed Ami over to Shingo. They designated her to speak with him since he had a crush on her. "Konichiwa, Shingo-kun!" Ami said brightly. "Ami-san!" "How are you doing?" Ami felt Rei and Minako nudging her from behind to ask about Usagi. "I'm alright. How 'bout you? What's up?" "I'm doing good, arigatou," Ami replied. "I was wondering if you heard from your sister or knew where she was..." "Oh, she went off somewhere." "Did she say where?" Rei burst out. "Umm...she got a letter from someone, and then ran off soon after that. I think Mama took her to catch a train." The girls pondered for a few minutes. Ami spoke up again. "Did she, by any chance, mention where she was going?" "Baka Usagi didn't say anything to me. I think the letter was mailed from a hotel, though." "Eh, I'm gonna get going now. Gotta meet some friends at the arcade. Bai, Ami-san!" Ami nodded. "Okay. Arigatou, Shingo-kun! Ja ne!" Shingo waved as he ran off towards the arcade. "Well, he wasn't much help," Rei commented. "Yes he was, Rei-chan," Ami said. "We know Usagi-chan isn't in town." "Maybe we should call Tsukino-san and ask her what train Usagi-chan took," Rei suggested. "Hey, Ami-chan, can't you use your little computer to check hotel listings?" Minako wondered. "I probably can!" Ami took out her computer and began typing away. "Can you check and see if any Kinos booked a room within the last week?" Ami nodded. And typed some more. Finally, the computer began beeping. "Here we go! Moonlight Inn in Osabu!" "Well, what are we waiting for!" exclaimed Rei. "Lets go!" "Haaaai!" *************** Usagi silently followed Makoto to her parent's gravesite. "Mako-chan, would you like me to give you a few moments alone with them? I can wait right here." "I was just going to sit here...you can stay with me if you want. I can't imagine it's much fun to be dragged to a cemetary." "It's all right, Mako-chan. Anything for a friend," Usagi responded, sitting next to Makoto. Makoto half-smiled at her, and pulled the flowers and letters from her bag, setting them at the headstone. Usagi watched Makoto place the items down with care. They stayed that way for a while. Usagi wasn't sure how long, but she noticed Makoto was shaking. *She's crying...* Usagi leaned in closer to her friend and pulled her into a hug. Makoto hugged her back. "Arigatou, Usagi-chan." Usagi held Makoto close and said a prayer in her mind. *Your daughter loves you both so very much. Please help her to lessen the pain of losing the two of you. I'm afraid it will kill her. She is one of my most treasured friends and I thank you for her.* "I'm glad you came, Usagi-chan, even though I said not to. You know me so well..." Makoto sniffled a bit. "Im sorry I've been such a crying wreck all week." "You don't need to apologize, Mako-chan. I cry more than you during the whole year." Makoto half-smiled. "That's part of who you are. But, I'm glad that you're so sensitive...and that I have you for a friend." Usagi smiled back. "And I'm glad to have you for a friend. I thank your parents for you." "Nani, Usagi-chan?" "I've told already, Mako-chan. Your parents created one of my most treasured friends on this entire earth." Makoto nodded. "I'm glad you can look at it that way. I was thinking that maybe you were right...about them dying, I mean." "No one plans these things. I'm pretty certain they didn't want to leave you. However, if they had a choice to go back in time to that fateful flight, what do you think they would have done?" "Well, I'm sure they would've stayed and not died. But then maybe I wouldn't be here today...and I wouldn't be a Senshi." "And you would never have met any of us..." Makoto nodded. "I know..." "They will always love you. In the past, the present, and the future. They'll always be with you." Makoto nodded again. "I'm always going to miss them, though...and...regret..." "You always will," Usagi replied. "But, I think it won't be as often as it is now." "Haiiii..." Makoto sighed. "It's always harder at this time." Usagi hugged her friend again. "But this time next year, I'll be right behind you!" "I know...and you have no idea how greatful I am to have you, Usagi-chan. It helps to know that people care about me." Usagi stood up and held her hand up for Makoto to take it. "Ready?" Makoto nodded, and grabbed Usagi's hand. She stood up. 'Goodbye for now, Mama and Papa,' she thought. 'I love you. And, arigatou.' ********* Makoto and Usagi arived back at the hotel to find Minako, Rei, and Ami sitting at the door. "Usagi!" Rei exclaimed. "You've been here the whole time??" "Hai..." Usagi replied. Rei was chou pissed. "Baka, why didn't you tell us you knew where Mako-chan was!" Usagi looked over at Makoto. Deciding whether or not she should say something. "Well...I asked Usagi not to tell any of you," Makoto said finally. "I also told her not to come, but she didn't listen to me on that one. Gomen I made you worry..." Ami walked over to Makoto and gave her a hug. "We forgive you, Mako-chan. We just wanted to know that we're here for you and we always will be." Makoto returned the hug. "Arigatou, Ami-chan...I kind of thought that I wanted to be alone...but I'm glad you're all here." "Hai, we're here for you," Minako and Rei nodded. "You don't have to be alone." All the girls jumped together for a group hug. Makoto smiled. "Minna, arigatou. I know I'm not alone. I just...needed to miss them. I know I always will." After a pause, she added "What do you say we head back to Tokyo? I think I'm ready to go home again." ******* THE END! Please send us reviews!!! ^_^