Kunzite sat in the gardens at Hikawa Shrine. What could he do to convince the Senshi he was good? There had to be a way! He turned when someone called out his name. "Usagi-san!" he exclaimed, standing up. "Konichiwa, Kunzite-kun." "Have a seat," he replied. Usagi did so. "How did your parents take to seeing you again?" Usagi smiled. "They were very happy. Although Papa thinks Sailor Moon lied to them." "Oh? How so?" Kunzite asked. "Well, she told them Usagi was safe on Earth, but Usagi was missing for two days, remember?" He nodded slowly. "I see. Sumimasen." Usagi took his hand. "Don't apologize. You couldn't control what was happening to you. Besides, you're free of that life." "You're right, but I'd still like to make it up to you." Usagi grinned. "Then you can buy me ice cream!" "Very well," Kunzite said with a laugh. "But first." Usagi winked. "We pick up Minako-chan!" ************ Mamoru was heading back from class when he saw Usagi walking towards him with an older man. *Who's he?* Mamoru wondered. Usagi spotted him and stopped in her tracks. Kunzite followed her gaze to Mamoru. He recognized him immediately as Prince Endymion. He would have said something, but Usagi placed a hand on his arm to silence him. "Let's go, Kunzite-kun." They both stepped around Mamoru and continued on their way. "What was that about Usagi-san?" he asked. "Don't you know who that is?" "Hai. Chiba Mamoru. A very rude guy who always picks on me," she told him. "Come on, we're almost at Minako-chan's house." Kunzite shook his head. He could have sworn they knew about each other. Perhaps after they were reborn, their memories of the Silver Millennium never returned. He glanced over at Usagi. Her eyes were still on Mamoru and a thought struck him. She remembered, he didn't. "Usagi-san?" Usagi plastered a grin on her face. "Ice cream first, Kunzite-kun," she replied, running off towards Minako's house. He shook his head, but followed her. Minako was suprise to see them together, to say the least. "I'm surprised Rei-chan isn't following you like a hawk." "If she even knew I picked him up, she'd probably spout fire through her ears," Usagi said with a laugh. "Well, the two most important people in my life right now believe me," Kunzite added. "That's all that matters." ************ Rei joined Makoto and Ami at Crown's. "I think Usagi and Minako-chan went somewhere with Kunzite," Rei said. "Most likely," Makoto replied. "They both really believe he's changed. And come to think of it, I'm starting to believe to..." Ami nodded in agreement. "My computer has found no trace of evil in him. I think he's returned to his old self." "Why just him then? What about the others? Nephrite, Zoicite, Jedite?" Rei wanted to know. Luna shook her head. "It's hard to say. Lets just hope they if they do return..." "They'll be the normal selves," Artemis finished. Before they could continue their conversation, their communicators went off. "Hai, Usagi-chan?" Ami said. "Minako-chan and I could use your help. There's a youma across from Crown's." "We'll be right there," she replied. She turned off her communicator and looked at the others, who nodded. "Let's go!" ************ Mamoru was heading leaving Crown's when he heard people screaming and rushing in every direction. He glanced down the street and was even more surprised when a girl in a short sailor uniform and knee high boots ran after it. This seemed so familiar to him somehow, but he couldn't place it. More girls in sailor uniforms appeared. He shook his head. What was going on? "Endymion-sama." "Nani?" Mamoru said, turning. The guy standing before him was the guy who had been with Usagi earlier. Speaking of Usagi, where was she? "Who are you?" Kunzite held his hand out. "I am a friend. You will remember me in time." Mamoru shook the man's hand and suddenly memories flashed before his eyes. Memories of the Silver Millennium, arguing with Usagi, fight against Usagi, and saving Usagi... Serenity... his Princess. He closed his eyes and transformed into Tuxedo Kamen, determined to keep his promise to protect her. "Kunzite, arigatou." Kunzite bowed, smiling. "It was my pleasure, Endymion-sama." They were going to join the battle when they both realized that the youma had been taken care of. The men rushed over to the Senshi. Sailor Moon looked at Tuxedo Kamen hopefully. "Do you remember...?" she asked hesitantly. He nodded and hugged her close to him. "Hai, I remember everything, Usako." The rest of the Senshi sighed. "How romantic," Makoto whispered. Kunzite took Minako's hand and the two headed away for some time alone as Usagi and Mamoru went off in a dfferent direction. "Well," Rei said, "why don't we rent some sappy movies and buy tubs of ice cream to drown our sorrows in?" "Sounds like a good idea," Ami replied. "Wait!" Makoto said, grabbing her friend's hands. She pointed at three guys who were staring at them. "They look familiar, don't they? Isn't that... Nephrite?" Rei smiled. "And Jedite?" "And Zoicite too!" Ami gasped. The Senshi had reunited with the Generals.