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Without You Part 1

Disclaimers: Without You was written by Natalie Maines and performed by the Dixie Chicks.
Notes: This takes place during R after Mamoru breaks up with Usagi.


I’ve sure enjoyed the rain
but I’m looking forward to the sun
You have to feel the pain
when you lose the love you gave someone
I thought by now that time would take away these
lonely tears
I hope you’re doing fine all alone
but where do I go from here?
Cause without you I’ve lost my way
My heart’s stuck in second place ooh
Without you
Somebody tell my head to try to tell my heart
That I’m better off without you
Cause baby I can’t live... without you
~Without You, by Natalie Maines and Eric Silver

It’s been two weeks now. Why can’t I get over you? I don’t know what to do anymore. My head tells me to forget about you but my heart doesn’t want me to let you go. What have I done to cause you to leave me? Please tell me.

I, Tsukino Usagi, have fallen in love, but he doesn’t love me anymore. Or so he says. He told me it was all a big mistake. That he loves someone else. But why didn’t he tell me to begin with? Did he want to hurt me? I shake my head furiously. No, that’s not true. Mamo-chan did not want to hurt me! He couldn’t have... “Wake up, Usagi! He did hurt you whether he wanted to or not!”

Getting up from the park bench, I noticed that it’s 7:45. I’m going to be late for Rei’s New Years Eve party at her aunt’s house. She asked us all to be there around eight. Oh well, at least I know everything can’t change. I sigh and head toward Azuba. About five minutes into the walk I realize why Mamo-chan broke up with me. “That’s it! It has to be it!” We both know that I’m three years younger than him. Maybe it’s because I’m such a crybaby and a ditz. He probably wants someone more like Rei or any of my other friends.

“Help!” I suddenly hear a girl cry out. It was Chibiusa! To confirm that it was her, I saw a familiar pink light. Her moon beam!

"Chibiusa! Moon Crystal Power... Make Up!”


When I arrived at the scene, I saw two of the Black Moon’s evil sisters. Cooan and Petz. Petz was holding on to a squirming pink haired child. “Let her go, Petz!”

“Why look, Cooan. If it isn’t one of those Sailor Bimbos.”

“Oi oi. How annoying! Sailor Moon, do you realize that we are quite busy. And what kind of hairstyle is that?”

I glared at them. “It doesn’t matter! I am the Pretty suited Soldier of Love and Justice! Sailor Moon! In the name of the Moon! I shall punish you!”

“You are so funny!” Petz said as the sisters laughed. “Droid, come out and play with Sailor Moon.” Petz looked at me. “Moon Brat, consider this the last year you’ll ever live to see.”

“Moon Tiara Action!” I cried out. My tiara sliced Cooan on the cheek which cause her to drop Chibiusa. “Run, Chibiusa!” The little girl didn’t argue. “Now, Droid, it’s you and me!”

“Have fun!” Petz said, disappearing.

“You’ll pay for that, Sailor Moon! Droid, make sure you let her suffer!” Cooan yelled.

“Hai!” the Droid replied. It was rather nasty looking.

*Why do I have to fight in this fuku? It’s freezing!* Shaking my head, I called for my Moon Scepter.

“What are you going to do with that? Hit me across the head?” the Droid taunted.

I smiled at it evilly. “No, that’d be too easy, wouldn’t it?” I ran towards it. I had no idea what I was doing but since no one else was around (Not even Tuxedo Kamen) then I’d have to take matters into my own hands. “Sailor Kick!” I felt my boot connect with the Droid’s head. Landing on my feet, I smiled with pride.

“That wasn’t very nice, little girl!” It hollered, blowing a cold wind towards me. I then felt it start to rain. As soon as the rain fell to the ground, it turned to ice. Then the Droid vanished.

“Huh? Where’d it go?” I asked looking around.

“Sailor Moon, behind you!” Chibiusa shouted.

“Nani?” I screamed as the Droid pushed me onto the ice. I tried to stay balanced but I couldn’t. I felt, and heard, my head hit the ice with a sickening crack. When I finally stopped sliding, I looked up at the Droid hovering over me. Turning my head with a wince, I saw the scepter lying barely within my reach. What was I going to do? Where was everyone? I hadn’t called them on the communicators because I figured they’d see the moon beam. Suddenly, the scepter was in my hands. At that moment, I didn’t care how it got there, I called out, “Moon Princess Halation!”

I gingerly got up as the Droid and the ice dissipated. I knew that it wasn’t such a good idea. My head was killing me. I clutched it in pain. “Sailor Moon, daijobu?”

I opened my eyes and looked at Chibiusa. “Hai, arigatou, Chibiusa.” Since she knows my identity, I detransformed and we went headed to Rei’s aunt’s. “Uh, Chibiusa, what were you doing out so late?”

“I-I wanted to go to Rei-chan’s aunt’s house too. Ikuko-mama told me that if you were still home that I could go. I followed you out here. Gomen ne, Usagi...” She said, trailing off.

I patted her on the head. She can be so adorable at times, but it was a rare occasion. “It’s okay, Chibiusa. Next time, just let me know. Come on, they’re probably worried about us, ne?” Usagi leaned on the little girl, feeling a little dizzy.


“And Chibiusa, don’t say anything about what happened.”

“Demo, Usagi...”



Part 2

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