Title: The Rainbow Senshi Author: Usa (moon.senshi@gmail.com) Disclaimers in Part 1 "...And the last thing I remember was wishing we could all be normal teenagers. That is, until Luna 'woke me up' to fight that youma." Usagi's friends stared at her in shock and disbelief. Mamoru couldn't even look at her. How could he have done that to his Tenshi? She smiled and took a deep breath. "I didn't want to have to burden you all with this, but I thought you should know. Besides, I really needed to get it off my chest." Minako stood up and gave Usagi a hug. "We love you, Usagi-chan," she whispered. "Yeah," Ami added. "We're very proud of you." "We knew you could do it," Makoto said. Rei smiled. "All of us knew you could do it." Usagi looked up at Mamoru. He still wouldn't look her in the eye. She got up and walked over to him. "Mamo-chan," she said, "Please look at me." "I-I can't, Usako. Not after what I did... what I tried to do." Usagi took his head in her hands and forced him to look at her. "I love you, Mamo-chan. You weren't yourself. I know that." "I love you too, Usako," he replied, bending down to kiss her on the lips. Makoto and Minako sighed. Rei and Ami jabbed them each in the side. "Lets go," Rei mouthed to them. The two reluctantly followed. ************* "Is everything all right?" Rainbow asked when the Senshi joined them outside. Makoto nodded. "Just fine." "Rainbow! Rainbow!" They turned to see Rainbow's little Sprite, rushing towards them. "What is it, Twink?" "Oni is here! And she's brought some of her youma with her." Rainbow looked down at Twink. "Go get Usagi and Mamoru, Twink." He nodded and ran off. "Minna, lets transform!" *********** "Princess!" Usagi turned to see Twink. "Hurry! Oni is here with youma!" She looked at Mamoru, who nodded. "Moon Crystal Power... Make Up!" As soon as they were ready, they ran outside. Oni was nowhere to be seen, but the Senshi were fighting two huge youmas. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama, help Mercury," she said. Rainbow ran over to her. "Sailor Moon, Oni is hiding. I think the Senshi are fine on their own, we should try and find her." Moon saw that Rainbow was right. Her friends were fine. Besides, they had the Color Kids helping them out. "Lets go!" "No need to try and find me, my dears, I'm right here." "Call off your youma, Oni!" Moon exclaimed, holding her Moon wand in front of her. Oni crossed her arms. "No! Not until you give me the Ginzuishou. I deserve it! I want it NOW!" "Has she always been this greedy?" Moon asked. "Unfortunately," Rainbow replied. "Oni, this crystal is needed to keep peace and love on the Earth just like my rainbow keeps the Earth beautiful and green." "I DON'T CARE! I WANT THE GINZUISHOU! NOOOOW!" she screamed, blasting them with energy beams. Moon shook her head to clear. "What the hell was that?" "I don't know, she's never been able to do that before," Rainbow said. Without warning, two more youma appeared and grabbed the unsuspecting girls. "Senshi say good bye to your Princess!" Before anyone could blink, all the youma had disappeared along with Oni, Rainbow Brite, and Sailor Moon. "Usako!" Tuxedo Kamen cried out. "Rainbow!" "Now they've really pissed me off," Makoto growled.