Title: The Rainbow Senshi Author: Usa (moon.senshi@gmail.com) Disclaimers in Part 1 Rei had only told Mamoru about the dream Usagi had. So, he asked Buddy Blue where he could take her to get her mind off things. Buddy said anywhere in Rainbow Land really. He was a bit partial to the Blue Zone himself. The couple just silently walked hand in hand, taking in the scenery. Usagi sighed. It was so beautiful hear... definitely more beautiful than her dreams. "Usako..." "Hai, Mamo-chan," she replied, looking up at him. "Daijobou? I know some of what happened last night. Rainbow told us that you were possessed by the youma." "I'm fine now, Mamo-chan. I didn't even know it was in me. Luckily, Rainbow woke up and was able to save the both of us," Usagi told him. "That's not all that happened during the night," Mamoru said. "Ne...?" Usagi suddenly became interested in the ground. "Maybe." "Usako." Mamoru lifted her chin, forcing her to look in his eyes. "I know that you're going through something. You don't have to go through it alone." "Mamo-chan, I..." She paused. "I'd like to think about some things before I tell you. Is that all right?" He kissed her forehead. "That's fine, Tenshi." ******************** "He is so gorgeous!" Princess Oni squealed, watching Mamoru and Usagi through some sort of viewing globe. "I want him! I want the Ginzuishou too! I want Spectra! I want everything! I deserve everything, don't I?" Oni looked at the new emerald jewel she stole. The old one had be destroyed to save her skin. She pet the jewel. "Why don't you answer me! Honestly, you can't find good help these days." "Oni-sssssama..." a voice hissed. "Oh, you're back Shadow. Tell me what happened!" Shadow glared at her. "You never told me how strong these opponents were. I was in Rainbow Brite, but I was expelled by a Shinto Priestess... who's also a Sailor Senshi." "Sailor Senshi?!?!?" Oni screeched. "No, they're supposed to be on Earth! If they're here they'll ruin everything! My baka sister, Beryl, was too weak to defeat them. Hmm... so how can we?" She grinned evilly. "Shadow, return and bring me Sailor Moon and Rainbow Brite." Shadow bowed. "Hai, my Princess." ***************** Rainbow turned to the Senshi. "Would one of you like to join me while I try to send some color to Earth? It really needs it today." "May I?" Minako asked. "Sure. Twink, will you find Starlite for me?" "Okay, Rainbow," Twink replied. Twink was the only speaking Sprite because he belong to Rainbow. Minako asked Rainbow what was happening on Earth. "The Princess is covering up the light of Spectra again. If we can't stop her, we'll all die. Since her plans are going slower than last time, we should be able to keep it warm enough on Earth so that it doesn't snow." "Oh, I remember that," Ami said. "It was about 10 years ago. It snowed in the middle of spring. June, I think it was." Rainbow nodded. "Yes, and it took us nearly a week to defeat Princess Oni and her Glitterbots." Just then, Starlite arrived. "Introducing the most magnificent horse in the universe!" "Wow..." Makoto breathed. She's always loved horses. "There's someone with good taste," Starlite commented. "So, who's joining us, Rainbow?" "Minako-chan," Rainbow replied. "Minako, this is Starlite. Starlite, this is Minako, Princess of Venus." "Good to meet you, my dear. Shall we go?" He knelt down and let the two climb onto him. Rainbow shot forth her beam and Starlite galloped off... only to stop short when he saw someone he hadn't seen in a 1,000 years. "Is it really her?" "Starlite?" Rainbow said. "Are you all right?" "Is that Princess Serenity," he asked, turning his head towards Rainbow. She nodded. "My first owner." "How old are you!?!" Minako burst out. Rainbow stifled a giggle as Starlite "harumphed". She shook her head. "Lets go, Starlite."