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Usagi's New Life Part 3

Usagi lie awake in her bed staring at the ceiling. 'You are not at fault!' Setsuna had told her. Why was it so hard for her to believe that? She should have been there in time to prevent the youma from hurting her friends. That was why she was Sailor Moon. To defeat the enemy, to save the people of Earth. *How can I save the people of Earth if I can't even save my own friends...*

Suddenly, there was bright flash of pink light above her bed. "Nani yo!" she cried out. She let out an "oof" when something, or someone rather, landed on her stomach. "Chibiusa!"

"Usagi!" Chibiusa said with a smile, giving her future mom a hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought Setsuna-san said it was dangerous for you to come back. You'll create a time paramax or something."

Chibiusa rolled her eyes. "That's paradox, Usagi."


"Anyway, Puu said that I could come see you for about an hour or so." Chibiusa hugged Usagi. "Mama, don't give up hope. We'll be together in the future like always."

"But... what about your papa? I mean... he hates me."

"No, that can be, you know why?" Usagi shook her head. "Because I still exist!"

Usagi smiled. "You're right, Small Lady. Arigatou."

Chibiusa laid down in Usagi's arms. "Mama, I love you."


Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Minako was visiting Usagi's mother. "Minako-san, Usagi will be thrilled to see you. Thank you for going to visit her for her birthday."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Minako beamed. "I haven't seen her in two weeks, but it feels like two months already!"

Ikuko nodded. "I just wish the other girls weren't so busy. I know they're preparing for college, but Usagi would love to see them all, I'm sure of it." Minako just smiled. "Do you, by any chance, know what happened to that young man Usagi was dating? Mamoru, I believe his name was."

Minako thought for a moment. How should she broach that subject? *Uh, yes, you see, he told Usagi-chan that he wanted time apart and basically pushed her towards California.*

"I'm not sure, you'd probably have to ask Usagi-chan," Minako replied instead.

"You're right, she'd know more than anyone, ne?"

"Well, I have to be going now. My flight leaves in three hours."

Ikuko gave Minako a hug. "Have fun, and tell Usagi we love her."

"I will. Sayonara!"


Minako was waiting for the flight to take off when she heard three familiar voices. "Move it, that's my foot you're stepping on."

"It's not my fault you have big feet, Mako-chan!" That was Rei.

"Would you two be quiet." No doubt that was Ami. *But what are they doing on this plane?*

"Ohayo, Minako-chan!"

Minako looked up at Ami. "Ohayo... ano, what are you guys doing here?"

"We're going to see Usagi-chan."

Minako was really confused. *I thought they all hated her. What was going on? Then I realized something, I bet Rei-chan and Mako-chan didn't tell Ami-chan what was going on between them and Usagi-chan. I didn't because it wasn't my place... or was it? Well, it's too late to contemplate that, but I'm still confused!*

"Rei-chan, Mako-chan, what are the two of you doing?" Minako demanded. "After the way you treated Usagi-chan, I don't believe you have the right to visit her! I don't know if you're trying to settle this or attack more, but either way I don't like it!"

The Senshis of Fire and Lightning stared at Minako in shock. She had never had an outburst like that. Ami didn't know what was going on. Rei and Makoto told her that Usagi didn't want to see her for a while because she felt responsible for what happened. Ami understood completely and decided to wait a week or two. What would be a more wonderful birthday present for your friend than yourself... alive and well!

Ami sighed and sat in her seat next to Minako. She realized that it was time for some answers.


Usagi and Setsuna arrived at the airport 15 minutes before Minako's plane was to land. Setsuna was happy to see Usagi smiling. The visit with Chibiusa and seeing Minako soon helped her a lot. *Everything will be just fine,* she said to herself.


"Minako-chan! You're here early!" Usagi exclaimed, throwing her arms around her friend. "It's so good..." Usagi trailed off. Standing behind Minako were Rei, Makoto, and Ami. She pulled away from Minako and stared at the three girls.

"Usagi-chan..." Ami said.

Usagi took a step back. *No... Makoto will hurt me...*

"Usagi-chan?" With a cry, Usagi ran off.


Usagi ran fast, straight out of the airport, not paying a bit attention to where she was going. Tears were streaming down her face as she ran across the drop off and pick up lanes. She didn't even notice that a car was bearing down on her. Suddenly, Usagi felt strong arms around her waist then the impact of the ground. Looking up, she gasped.

"Daijobu, Usa-ko?"


Ami was beyond confused when they arrived at Haruka and Michiru's home. Usagi ran away as if she were afraid of something, or someone. And Makoto, Rei, Minako, and Setsuna hadn't said a word about it in the car. One thing was for certain, Mizuno Ami was going to find out and now!

"What the hell is going on?" Ami screeched. Everyone stared at Ami in shock. "Stop gaping at me like goddamn fish, and tell me why the hell Usagi-chan ran off as if someone were going to beat the shit out of her!"

No one spoke for a few minutes. Finally, Haruka broke the silence. "First off, Ami-chan, good use of curse words, and second of all, I'm at a loss as to why Usagi would run away. Michiru and I have been wondering why she's been so quiet these past two weeks. She hasn't mentioned anything to us."

"I know," Setsuna replied, "however, I feel Mako-chan and Rei-chan should explain seeing as they're the cause of it."

All eyes turned to the girls in question. Finally, Makoto spoke up. "We blamed Usagi-chan for Ami-chan getting hurt the day the youma attacked. I'm not even sure what the reason was. We all knew about the meeting at Hikawa Shrine that day, so I realize now why she was late in arriving. Well, we just yelled at her after she moon dusted the youma. We were upset that Ami-chan got hurt and were focusing on her injury..."

"Basically, we told Usagi to stay away from Ami-chan or we'd," Rei winced, "rip her lungs out."

"How could you say something like that?" Haruka yelled. "She's our Princess! We're supposed to protect her not threaten her! No wonder she's been depressed!"

"Mako-chan, Rei-chan," Ami said. "You mean to tell me that the reason Usagi-chan came here was not because she felt responsible for my getting hurt, but because you two threatened her!?"

The girls nodded solemnly. "Gomen ne," they whispered.

"We're not the ones you should be apologizing to," Michiru replied angrily.

Setsuna, Minako and Hotaru sat quietly, watching the scene. This was going to be a hard situation to settle...


Coming up part 4! Mamo-chan's back and some youmas want crystals!?

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