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As a Friend

Disclaimer: The poem, As A Friend, was written by I read it in a mList that I'm on (A Rockin' Sailor Moon mList, e-mail Enjoy!


Rei sadly sat in front of the Sacred Fire. It had been three months since Usagi and Mamoru were reunited. Three months since she could no longer be with him... She missed him, but she knew he could never love her the way she did. She also knew how much her best friend loved Mamoru. It was destiny. It had been that way for a thousand years, and she'd have to live with it for a thousand more.

Rei turned around at the sound of footsteps approaching. "Usagi..."

"Konichiwa, Rei-chan. I'd like to talk to you if you're not too busy," the blonde said.

"Come in, Usagi," Rei replied with sad smile. "Have a seat."

Usagi did so and stared at her best friend. Rei always yelled at her for being a klutz, but Usagi knew she cared for her very much. Usagi also hated to see Rei hurt so much, and she knew why... Mamoru.

"Rei-chan, daijobu?"

Rei choked back the tears that threatened to fall. "Hai," she said, "why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just that... well, you've been quiet for a while. In fact, you haven't commented about my laziness or anything lately. Rei-chan, I'm here for you if you need me. I love you like a sister and I can't bear to see you sad."

"I..." Rei stopped. She debated whether or not to tell Usagi what she was feeling. She didn't want Usagi to feel horrible about it, but she couldn't deny how much she loved Mamoru even though she couldn't have him.

What irony.

"Rei-chan?" Usagi asked. She noticed that Rei had started crying so she pulled her friend into an embrace. "Please tell me what's wrong. We'll work it out!"

"Usagi, I... I don't know how to tell you this so I'll just say it." Usagi nodded. "I miss Mamoru-san. I think I still love him." Usagi just stared at Rei but before she could say anything, the priestess continued. "I don't mean to tell you this to hurt you or confuse you but I feel you have the right to know. Especially since you're my best friend and my princess."

"Rei-chan, gomen ne, I had no idea! I was so preoccupied about being reunited with him that I didn't even think of you! What kind of friend am I?" Now Usagi was crying.

"No, it's all right, Usagi. It's not your fault. You can't deny what's in your heart and neither can I. And remember, you're my most treasured friend!"

Usagi nodded again, still slightly upset with herself as Rei stood up. "Usagi, I'd like to tell you something, but first I want you to promise me something."

"Nani, Rei-chan?"

"Promise me that you won't dwell on this matter after today."


"Promise me, onegai!"

Usagi stood up and hugged Rei again. "I promise you."

Pulling away with a smile, Rei said,

"Go ahead, keep him.
You can have him,
He's yours.

He's just one of those people
Who cares only about
Your well-being,
Your happiness.

He'll shower you
With love and affection,
Let you cry on his shoulder,
Laugh at his corny jokes.
He'll smile with that
Quirky grin of his,
And you'll melt.

His eyes will light up
At the sight of your smile,
And they'll shed tears
If you frown.
He'll help you out with your troubles,
Lend an ear to you.

He'll dress in that weird way
You'll learn to love,
And you'll giggle when he
Matched his socks in the dark.

Just remember:
He'll be the best thing
That's ever happened to you,
And you'll think of him constantly.

I'll keep thinking, too,
Since he'll only think of me...

...As a friend."

What do you think? Send ficcie comments to me and poem comments to! ^_^

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