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Face Your Fears II Part 1

"Aurora-chan! It's good to see you again! I thought you weren't getting in until later tonight."

"Usa-chan! I got everything squared away at home so decided to visit." The two friends hugged. They hadn't seen each other in four years. "My, you are maturing into your mother!"

Usagi blushed. "Arigatou! You look great too!"

"Where is everyone?"

"At Hikawa Shrine. There are some friends we want you to meet. I'm not sure you'll remember them or not, they don't remember you."

Aurora smiled. "Well, what are we wating for?" she asked, taking Usagi by the arm. "Lets go! And tell me about Mamoru-san!"


Usagi's friends were sitting in the cool grass on the Shrine grounds when she came bounding up to them, Aurora in tow. "Konichiwa, minna!" She exclaimed. "Look who I found!"

"Aurora-chan!" Rei said, hugging her friend. "When did you get back?"

"Early this morning. I met up with Usa-chan and we headed here... with a few delays," she added.

Makoto jokingly glared at Usagi. "And you kept her all to yourself?"


Ami's quiet voice broke in. "Usagi-chan, you really should be studying for the upcoming exams. You probably didn't do well on the last test."

"Mou, Ami-chaaaaan!" Minako whined. "We have to live a little!"

"Usa-chan, you didn't tell thme?" Aurora asked.

Rei looked at the two. "Tell us, what?"

"I haven't gotten a chance to," she replied. Everyone stared at her, eyes wide. "The person that Ami-chan tied with on that test is..."



No one said a word. Finally, Rei burst out laughing. "Yeah, right!"

Usagi looked ready to cry. "Usagi-chan?" Minako said.

"Relax, I'm fine," Usagi said, giggling.

"Usagi!" Rei growled. "I'm going to rearrange your face!!" The "fight" continued with Rei chasing Usagi around.

"Some things never change, eh, Odango?"

The girls stopped. "Haruka-san! Michiru-san!" Usagi said with a smile.

Aurora's face blanched at the sight of the two older Senshi. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Daijobu, Aurora-chan?" Ami asked as the others spoke with Haruka and Michiru.

"Nani? Oh, hai, but I just remembered! I have piano lessons. Ja ne!" she called before anyone could say another word.

"What happened?" Makoto wanted to know.

"I have no idea," Ami replied. "Aurora-chan got really pale then mentioned something about being late for piano lessons."

"Aurora..." Michiru whispered.


Aurora ran, not really certain where she was going. Finally, she stopped in the park. She headed for a bench and sat down, tears forming in her eyes.

"I-I can't believe it... Why not, they are Senshi as well! You don't think Queen Serenity would leave them behind, baka!"

Aurora honestly believed she'd never see either of them again. With the Queen having Aurora retain all her memories of the Silver Millennium, the girl thought of one word when she saw the Princess of Neptune... Love.

"My Queen, why?"

She sat so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed Usagi behind her. "Aurora-chan..."

The girl flung herself into Usagi's arms. "I never thought I'd have to face either of them again, Usa! It hurts so much to see them together."

"Who?" Usagi thought a moment, but then it clicked. "Oh, Haruka-san and Michiru-san."

Aurora nodded, pulling away. "I had to live with the fact that I'll never be with Michiru, but to live through it all over again... Kami, I might as well die."

Usagi's eyes widened. "Don't talk like that! Aurora-chan, you were given a second chance that few people ever get. You have a chance to talk things out with Michiru-san. Whether the outcome be your dream come true or your worst nightmare realized."

"Since when did you get so wise, Usa-chan?" Aurora asked with a giggle, wiping the tears away.

"I have no idea," she replied with a laugh.

Part 2
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