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Ronin Warriors:
The Outakes

Welcome to Ronin Warriors-the outakes! Here are ~cough~made-up~cough~ scenes which were removed during the dubbing process (due to the fact they don't exist). I am completely (5%) sure that the dubbers have hidden this from the American public, as to prevent you from watching good anime, or, better, not that Ronin Warriors isn't good anime.

Anubis: You have waaay too much time.

Tell me something I don't know. ^-^

Ryo: Your mother wears army boots!
Sekhmet: Actually . . . my mom's dead. ~sniff~ How could you be so insensitive?! WWWWWWAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Ryo: Aaaw, don't cry! I-I didn't mean it!


Anubis: Die Wildfire! ~trips and falls in volcano~ AAAHHH!!!
Ryo: Well that was easy . . .


Anubis: Quake with Fear!! ~chain flies past Ryo and hits Yuli~
Ryo: You missed!
Anubis: Who says I was trying to hit you?


Anubis: You meanie! You broke my weapon! WWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!


Ryo: No Yuli! ~slap slap slap slap~
Five minutes later
Sage: Um, Ryo, you can stop now . . .
Ryo: But this feels great! ~slap slap slap slap slap~


Talpa: I've decided to change your name from Dark Warlords to Teenage Mutant Ninja Warlords.
Anubis: But were over 400 years old!
Dais: Can I be Rafael?


Mia: You killed my grandfather!
Dr. Koji: Mia, I'm right here.
Mia: ~rings arms wildly~ How could you?! Grandfather!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!! ~smacks Dr. Koji~
Dr. Koji: ~falls out conveinantly placed window~ AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
Mia: Oops . . .


Sekhmet: Mwhahahahah!!!
Yuli: ~takes his picture~
Sekhmet: What the . . . hey! Don't you know I hate getting my picture taken!!!
Sekhmet: WWAAHH!! Stop it! ~runs and hides in closet~


Talpa: ~drops something~Drat. Hey Kylara could you get that for me?
Kylara: Sure Master. ~bends over~
Talpa: ~drool~


Anubis: ~laughs evilly at view screen~ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Kale: Anubis you can stop now . . .
Anubis: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ~falls on floor laughing~
Warlords: ~anime sweatdrop~


Kento: Ew! A spider! ~squashes it~
Dais: NNNNNNOOOOOO!!! ~comes running out of nowhere and tackles him~ MURDERER!!!
Kento: AAAAAHHH!!!


Kale: My sword will find the center of this rock! ~plunges it into rock~
Sage: No! Kento!
~nothing happens~
Kale: Uh . . . ~tugs on sword~ My swords stuck!! Ack! ~pulls with all his might~
Sage: ~anime sweatdrop~ Baka.


Sage: Mia stay in the car!
Mia: Hell no!
Sage: Mia, if you get in the car and stare there, I'll be your love slave.
Mia: Really?! Yay! ~runs back to car~
Sage: That worked a little too well . . .


Sekhmet: Well, I've faked my own death . . . time now for plastic surgery!


Sage: ~standing on a beam~ Um, Rowen?
Rowen: Yeah Sage?
Sage: How are we supposed to get down? ~silence, wind blows~
Both: Aw crap.


Sun Devil: Hee hee! When they drive into me I'll go right through them! ~gets run over~ Or not.
Ryo: Mia I think we just ran some one over!
Mia: Shut up! Can't you see I'm trying to drive! ~swerving over road~ Die wood land creatures! ~evil laughter~
White Blaze: ~stops to pee on him~
Sun Devil: Oh this is nice.


Rowen: Hey Sage?
Sage: Yeah Rowen?
Rowen: Has anyone ever told you how your eyes sparkle in the moonlight, like pools of silver?
Sage: Um . . .


Anubis: Lady Kyalara you will cause suffering no more! ~trips and falls off roof~ Oof!
Kylara: Ha ha!


Kylara: Hey Anubis, how about a game of Musical Alliances!


Ryo: Rage of Inferno!


Kale: ~sniff~ I don't wanna fight! It's daaark and scary! ~sniff~
Sage: Oh boy.


Sage: Come and get me Kale! ~pulls out no-datchi~
Kale: Hey! Put that away! You could put some one's eye out with that you know!
Sage: Nuh uh, could not! ~poke~
Kale: My eye! I told you meanie! ~sniff~
Sage: Oopsies.


Badamon: ~in Kylara's body~ Hey handsome. ~winks at Anubis~ Anubis: Kylara, I want you . . . er, to stop following Talpa that is . . .


Badamon: Talpa! Where are those feet you promised me?!
Talpa: Uh . . .


Dais: Hey, look! I'm Dais, I'm Rowen, I'm Dais, I'm Rowen . . . you guys! You not looking!


Sage: ~standing in waterfall~ See Kale I told you it would stay up in water! You owe 10 bucks!
Kale: No fair you cheated!


Soldier: Haha! ~wraps Mia up in chains~
Mia: Hey! You break my nail! ~breaks chains~
Soldier: Uh . . .
Mia: Hiya! ~does a bunch of karate moves and beats the crap out of Dynasty soldier~ That'll learn ya!
Soldier: Ow . . . my pride . . .


Ancient: ~holding unconcious Anubis~ Yes. You and your armor have won this battle.
Anubis: ~wakes up~ Huh?
Ancient: Uh oh.
Anubis: ~bats eyes and giggles~ Oh Ancient I never knew you cared!


Ryo: We have to find Talpa's throne room! Maybe this is it . . . ~opens bathroom door~
Sekhmet: ~in shower~ I'm siiiinging in the rain . . . AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Ronins: ~stand there, completely paralyzed and mouthes hanging open~
Sekhmet: ~grabs towel~ What in hell are you doing here?!!
Cye: S-sekhmet? ~faints~
Kento: I've . . . I've been blinded . . .
Rowen: Uh, wrong room.
Sekhmet: Ya think?


Badamon: ~in Kylara's body~ Hee hee! This is my chance with the Dark Warlords! Oh Kaaale! I'm ready to be oiled now!
Kale: Coming!


Sage: Die you stupid deer! ~pulls out crossbow~ You will pay for not trusting me! ~evil laughter~
Kale: No! I'll save you innocent woodland creatures!


Cye: I think my kanji is confused. First it's trust . . . now it's faith . . . now it's trust again
Ryo: Shutup! I have problems of my own you know! ~flips balls & cup toy~ Damn. ~flip~ Damn. ~flip~ Damn.


Kale: So, we've liberated against Talpa . . . what should we do now?
Dais: Well, I was thinking. Maybe we could retire, buy a condo in Florida, and spend the rest of are lives playing bingo and eating prunes.
Sekhmet: But we don't have any money!
Dais: ~pauses and thinks about this for a moment~ Ah crap.
Kylara: How about we just fly away and tell the Ronins some bull shmit about returning to the Nether Realm?
Kale: Sounds good. Simple yet effective.


Ryo: I'll defeat you Talpa! ~ppssssss~
White Blaze: ~peeing on Ryo's leg~
Ryo: Stupid tiger.


Ancient: No Ryo!! Your supposed to . . . oh never mind! I'll just defeat Talpa myself! Kids these days . . .


Ancient: Talpa has had you in his dark control for centuries.
Anubis: Wait wait wait! Why should I listen to some guy in a dress!
Ancient: Uh . . . because I have a lighty stick?


Anubis: ~sings~ Why do you build up?
Dais: Build me up!
Anubis: Kylara, baby, just to let me down?
Dais: Let me down!
Anubis: And mess me around! And then worst of all!
Dais: Worst of all!
Anubis: You never call, Kylara, when you say you will!
Dais: Say you will!
Anubis: But I love you still! I need you!
Dais: I need you!
Anubis: More then anyone Kylara, this I have known from the start!
Dais: Ah ah ah!
Anubis: So build me up!
Dais: Build me up! Kylara baby!
Anubis: But don't break my heart!


White Blaze: Roar roar? (Can I just eat him and save us all a lot of trouble?)
Ryo: Wait my pet . . . first the slapping . . .


Yuli: Your mean! ~stomps on Anubis's foot~
Anubis: Ow! ~hops around on one foot~ Damn brat!
Ryo: You want him?
Mia: Ryo!
Ryo: Heh heh . . . just kidding there . . .


Kale: Maaaaster! Sekhmet has more swords then me! That's not fair!
Talpa: Oy vay.
Sekhmet: Ha ha! ~sticks out tongue~


Ryo: ~underwater, holds up sign that says: I forgot how to talk underwater!~
Sekhmet: ~holds up sign that says: Me too!~
Ryo: ~holds up sign that says: Sucks doesn't it?~
Sekhmet: ~holds up sign that says: Sure does!~
Ryo: ~holds up sign that says: Flare Up Now!!!~
Sekhmet: ~holds up sign that says: Snake Fang Strike!!!~


Ryo: Okay . . . we were wrong about the last time . . .
Kento: Can't see . . .
Ryo: But this has too be the throne room! ~throws open door~
Kylara: AAAHH!! ~grabs shirt~
Ronins: ~stare with eyes bulging out~
Kento: Woah. ~drool~
Ryo: Foxy momma! ~whistle~
Kylara: HENTAIS! ~starts throwing things at them~ GET OUT!! GET OUT!! ~words inappropiate to repeat~
Rowen ~running out of room~ Hey! Ow! Stop!
Ryo: Chill out!
Cye: Accident! Sorry!
Kylara: ~slams door behind them~
Sage: ~big eyes~ Were going to have to do this more often.
Kento: ~hentaish grin~ I know what'ya mean.


Anubis: Mia look! There on the screen!
Anubis: Y-you?
Anubis: ~cringe~ Please don't hurt me.


Sekhmet: Anubis, I don't really hate you. In fact . . . I love you!
Anubis: Oh Sekhmet! Kiss me you fool, kiss me!
Sekhmet: Oh Anubis! Marry me!
Anubis: But what about Dais?
Sekhmet: You can get a divorce!


Sekhmet: ~skips through a field of flowers~ I'm one with nature! ~pauses at stream~ Hello fish! How are you today? ~continues skipping and sings~ I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills! I love the daisies, I love the daffodils!

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