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I'm in the process of making a new image map that actually WORKS. Link to navigation below.
Sailormoon (c) Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha, as well as others. Please go here for easier navigation - normal links to various pages on this site. I apologize if the links fail to work properly (inform me if they don't), or the images don't work.

Read the Dark Starr Record Book
Sign the Dark Starr Record Book

UPDATE:6-22-01 Added Saban Sailor Moon trailer, Sailorsaturn Calculator, and Sailormoon Screen Saver to downloads.

UPDATE:8-21-01 Added Sailormoon Downloads Added Sailormoon Solitaire to downloads.

UPDATE:6-26-01 Added the "record book" above - it's a dreambook, but I liked the sounds of Record Book. ^^

UPDATE:6-12-01 Fixed the links in the Easier Navigation page.. That was pretty damned useless til now.. ><

UPDATE:5-5-01 Changed fonts. Added background music to some areas. Added HTML for putting the mouse over images and getting a note saying stuff in gallery. >< That made sense...

UPDATE:2-16-01 Have completely re-vamped Intro page. Added above navigation map -- still trying to work out bugs. Added some pics to PHOTOSHOP gallery.

UPDATE:2-13-01 Started adding "updates" for page. ^~ Have added Sounds Page to site. Added Submit page to site. Working on Navagation Map for site, hope to be done soon! :)

Bishoujo Senshi Sialormoon D is my work-in progress -- A Sailormoon fanfic that is based episode-by-episode. The first episode is all I have for now. And they will be in .doc format, WORD.

This is also a place to put your fan-fics, fan-art, and fan-sounds -- see Sounds page and Submit page (link in Sounds page) for more info. :)