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Quotes, Puns, and Rhymes

Hi! On this page, you will find the funny things, puns, and memorable quotes from Jessie, James, and Meowth. I'm also writing down all the things they say that rhyme!

2. Poke'mon Emergency

James: How dare they treat us like criminals!

7. The Waterflowers of Cerulean City

James: The coast is clear.
Jessie: Nothing to fear.
Meowth: Nobody here!

James: It's times like these that make me want to go straight. (this is a pun- please don't take it seriously)

James: Now I know what it feels like to be all washed up.
Jessie: We'll never come clean!

8. The Path to the Poke'mon League

Meowth: Looks fat. You two gotta carry it.
Jessie: the outfit that trainer is wearing is positively hideous!
James: That shirt looks like it came from a century ago. He'd fit perfectly in a museum!
Meowth: At least he doesn't look like he's trick-or-treating like you do.

Jessie: Team Rocket will do what it has to do...
James: To swipe that little Pikachu!

Jessie: Choreography killed the cat.

Meowth: My leg fell asleep!
James: I wish your mouth would.

James: I'm no gentleman!

9. The School of Hard knocks

Jessie: We studied for the big test...
James: So sure we would beat al the rest.
Meowth: And here's the part I like the best.
Jessie: We frolicked that night, for our future seemed bright.
James: But things weren't right...
J and J: We got the lowest scores in the history of the school!
Meowth: Look at the bright side- at least you guys were the top of the bottom!

Meowth: I liked it better when they were nasty.

Meowth: I love a splashy entrance.

20. Bye Bye Butterfree

Misty: Can't you see these Butterfree are in love?
Jessie: We're in love, too, little girl- with all these pretty little Poke'mon!

Jessie: We're having such a spree!
Meowth: We're swiping all the Butterfree!
James: there's never been a happier me!

James: Nothing but net!

James: That was a stunning failure! (after Butterfree tries to stun spore them)

Jessie: We're at our best when we're at our worst!

42. The Song of Jigglypuff

James: Pump it up to the max!
James: With enemies like that, who needs friends?
James: Tra la la la la!

59. Clefairy Tales

Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the hyperspeed of light!
James: Surrender now earthlings, or prepare to fight!

James: We've lost our window of opportunity. (after they walk into a window)

Jessie: I hate people who have to be the center of atention!
James: Especially when they take the attention away from us!

Jessie: James, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
James: I don't know. What was it that you think I was thinking?
Jessie: What if we brought the Boss back a Pikachu- and a spaceship full of Clefairy!
James: Wow, Jessie, you must have been reading my mind! Or was I reading yours?

61. It's Mr. Mimie (Mime) Time

Meowth: It's not like rare Poke'mon come up and smack you in the face. (poster for circus smacks Meowth in face)
Jessie: Or maybe they do...

Jessie: Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for trouble!
James: Children of all ages, make it double!

Jessie: Hold on to your cotton candy.

Jessie: I hope you enjoyed Team Rocket's aerial act!
Meowth: see ya later, you clowns!
James: Hehe, clowns... that's a good one.

James: That thing is half twerp, half mime!(forgot the rest)

James: Let's see what Mr. Mime has to say about that!

Jessie: Bullseye, Meowth!
Meowth: Ya mean catseye!

Jessie: Your mime's almost out!
James: Let's leave 'em speechless!

Meowth: You can rock us, but you can't shock us!

James: if we can't break it down...
Jessie: We'll just go around!

J and J: That's wall folks!

70. To Master The Onixpected!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble, whippersnapper!
James: And make it double, young feller!

J and J: We've got something onixpected!
Meowth: That joke is onixeptable.

James: Etiquette schmetiquette!

Jessie: I think things are looking sort of rocky, don't you?
James: These Poke'mon couldn't be boulder!
Meowth: Maybe people take them for granite!

73. All Fired Up

James: We're taking that flame-o, lame-o!

James: We can make a fortune from the blaze that pays!
Jessie: You can't hold a candle to me!

James: Fire... away!
Meowth: Fire away- that's a good one!

Ash: Do the three of you have to ruin everything?
Meowth: Maybe not everything, but we try to do what we can.

Jessie: Cool it kids, there's no reason to get fired up over an old flame!

Jessie: If you thought stealing the flame was hot, wait 'till you see what else we've got!

Meowth: Let's put the heat on that kid!

jessie: I think our plan...
James: ...backfired.

74. Round One - - Begin!

James: There's got to be some chump we can jump for some halfway decent Poke'mon here.

Jessie: Come back here and we'll make your teeth dissapear!

Jessie: It would be a crime for this face to wind up on radio.

Meowth: I guess this goes to show that when you ring up lots of sales, a Victreebel might take ir's toll.

Ash: I'm no twerp!
Jessie: Hey, twerp! We're on your side this time, so you'd better dump that skunk!
James: Use some spunk and leave him sunk!
Meowth: Who woulda ever thunk that we'd be rooting for this little punk!

Jessie: I want my lawyer!
James: I want my mommy!
All: Looks like Team Rocket's carted off again!

James: His Kingler really came through in a pinch.

Orange Island quotes coming soon! Also, Johto quotes coming after that! (These links don't quite work yet...)