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Since the time is coming back up.... I decided to dedicate a page to one of the best things in life. ***WINTER*** ^_^ It's the best time of the year in my oppinion. And hopefully after you are done with this page, you will share the same feelings toward it as I do. ^_^


This is probably the single most best thing about winter. I love snow so much.... it goes well with my personality. It always puts me in a calm and serene mood as a watch all the little white flakes fall from the sky. I remember last year I was just sitting in Algebra doing boring work. I started to just gaze out the window. As I watched the trees bend in the wind it started to snow. At first you could barely see the little white flakes, but within a couple of minutes, millions and millions were falling from the sky. Then that put in a happy mood for the rest of the day. The snow also helps me concentrate.... I don't know why.... it just dones. Also, have you ever looked up at the night sky while it's snowing? It's soo cool. You can't really make out the black skyline...... all you see is white. It's soooo cool. I just stood their in the snow staring up. The people in the cars driving by must of thought I was crazy cause I wasn't properly dressed for the freezing weather.... but I couldn't help it.... I was mezmerized.


And to put you in the Christmas mood, you need the right music. Here's a collections of my favorite Christmas songs:

"Wedding Christmas" by H.O.T.
"SM-Town's Jingle Bells" by the SM crew
"White" by Fin.K.L
"White Night" by Shin Hwa
"Pure Snow" by Sasaki Yuko
"Bei Ji Xue" which means "North Pole Snow" by Kelly Chen & Stephen Fung

There are many some more but these are my favorites. Pretty much I think that winter is the most romantic season, so any pretty, sweet, love ballads are perfect. Also happy cheery songs are nice too. Then sometimes I have to admit I like slow kinda sads songs too that kinda calm you down..... maybe even depress you. Anyways, if you have some favs that you want me to put on this list just email me or tell me at school (for those who go to my school). Eventually, before Christmas, I will have the songs up for download. Those who have Napster can get these from me easily, my sn is "cHuNsA_1004" ^_^


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