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My bishy-licious boyz!

you all know em! you all love em! that's right they're bishounen! these are all the ones i have caught with my superior skills in the flirting department. hee hee if you wanna catch yourself a bishy-licious babe, go to Pocket Bishounen! the URL is it's a great site! now go on check out my babes!


oooooh my hottie bad boy. meow i'm glad i sunk my claws into this one! hee hee isn't he glompalicious? i think so! eeek look look! how cute he is! tee-hee oh he melts me. MEEEEEOW!


oooh of course i had to put my other favorite here! oh look at his eyes! i would sooo love to glomp him!!!! oh yeah! Watch out irvine here i come! *runs at him and jumps on top of him holding on like a leech*


oooooh vaaaaan!!! yeeeeeeeeeeesssss yes! Van is such a bishonen! He is also worthy of a good glomp! "that's right van, you ain't escaping me!!!" *GLOMP*