About Me

My Stats

So you wanna know about Me eh?
I have freckles, Personally having freckles never bothered me.
Drawing and Art are my passions. I love to write and actually like English ...and No I'm not crazy...well yet.
I was homeschooled. I've since graduated from homeschool and am living on my own for a 2nd time. I'm hoping to never have to move back home.
Oh and I love getting e-mail so please e-mail me. Well that's all I got to say... Maybe my stats can tell ya more.

Michiru Neko ==^.^=== Meow!!

I actually started using the nickname Michiru Neko
before I created my charecter.

A few shout outs to my friends

Megan- Hey lets go to the mall again sometime soon.
I promise not to be late this time! Stay cool.

Merideth *hope I spelled your name right*- I miss you.
Take care ok?

Dannie-Though we live far away your still one of my funniest friends.
I miss you so so much. I wish you could have stayed in Ohio or I could have gone to North Carolina with you.
Keep writing letters to me k?
Love Ya Like A Sister.

Kris- Hey betcha thought i forgot ya? Nah I could never forget you.
Did ya like the Seiya thing in my 7th fanfic.
hehe I couldn't resist putting it in there.
Sorry ppl I can't let you in on the Seiya joke unless your a good friend of mine its kinda something Kris started teasing me about right Kris?
*Hugs to ya* Thanks for being there for me when other ppl haven't.

Iria- Hiya. *Holds up a sign that says "My name is not Twin Peaks*.
Ok last but certianly not least is Iria.
Who is to thank for me not winding up in a mental hospital over getting really pissed off.
I owe ya one for that and For being their for me. I know I can be a royal pain to deal with.
Anyways your a great friend and for that I thank you.

I have many more friends but it would make this page really long too list everyone so pardon me if I didn't list ya.
It does not mean you are not a good friend of mine. *Hugs to everyone I missed listing*

Email: sailor_chibi_neptune@hotmail.com