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All I Can Do
by Moon Momma

Chapter 4

* * * * * * * *

For the next month, Naru spent nearly every afternoon and evening at Nephrite's house. Usagi didn't object to Naru being so wrapped up in her romance; she was just happy to see Naru looking so happy. Some of the old innocence and light-heartedness had come back into Naru's personality. Mrs. Osaka couldn't bring herself to object, either. The change in Naru over the last several weeks had been astounding. It was only in comparison that Mrs. Osaka realized how hard and sad Naru had become while she was dating Kenichi. And she was getting her homework done - her new millionaire boyfriend insisted on it, as well as on bringing her home at a reasonable hour at night.

Naru herself remembered the despair and pain she had felt over her relationship with Kenichi and over missing Nephrite so much. She wished she could go back in time and tell that girl to not be so sad, things would get better. There would be a happily ever after for her. Nephrite treated her like a princess. He was kind and gentle and romantic, and he seemed to enjoy indulging her. She could tease him, and he would laugh with her instead of taking offense. The few times he told her what to do, she did it gladly because it was so obvious that he only wanted what was best for her. He never asked her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Kenichi seemed to have dropped out of sight, and no one gave any thought to the danger he still might represent, though the Sailor Senshi still never let Naru walk to or from school by herself.

One day after school, Naru came into the jewelry store to check in with her mother, and found Nephrite there. Naru looked from him to her mother, who was looking rather pale and stunned. "Hey, Naru," Nephrite said. "Usagi, Makoto, Minako," he nodded to the other girls before turning his attention back to something on the counter. He was writing a check, Naru realized. After a few seconds he handed the check to Mrs. Osaka. "Do you need some sort of identification with this?" he asked.

Mrs. Osaka shook her head without saying a word.

"Thank you, Mrs. Osaka. It's been a pleasure doing business with you." Still without saying anything, Mrs. Osaka nodded as Nephrite put his checkbook in his inner jacket pocket and turned to Naru. "Now, Naru-chan, I still owe you a chocolate parfait, don't I?"

Naru stared up at him, too delighted to say anything. He put an arm around her shoulders to lead her out to his car, then stopped. "Would you girls care to join us?"

"Sure -" Usagi started to say. Her words were cut off when Makoto kicked her in the shin. "Not this time, thanks," Makoto said. "We've got homework. Usagi, Minako, come on." Makoto hauled the other two girls from the store by their arms.

Naru and Nephrite watched them leave, then Nephrite laughed a little. "We'll invite them another time, okay? But this time I want to be alone with you."

They drove to the café Naru had told Nephrite about, the night he died. Guiding her with a hand at the small of her back, Nephrite led her to a table for two at one of the windows. The waiter brought menus, which Nephrite didn't even look at. He ordered for both of them; one large chocolate parfait with two spoons, coffee for himself, and sparkling juice for Naru.

"So," he said while they were waiting for their order to arrive. "I suppose you're wondering what I was doing at your mother's store?"

Naru laughed lightly. "I could say I hope you were buying me a present, but that wouldn't be very ladylike."

Nephrite took her right hand in his left, tangling their fingers together. "I needed to talk to your mother about something. And, as it happens, I was buying you a present."

Naru gasped with delight; she couldn't help it. "When do I get to see it?"

"Right now." He reached into his jacket pocket. "It's just a small thing, not very big at all..." From his pocket he brought out a gold ring set with three good-sized diamonds, two smaller ones flanking a larger one. It was a ring Naru had admired often, for the flawless brilliance of the stones and the delicacy of the setting. She knew how much it cost, a number that was so big she had a hard time getting her mind around it. She reached a hand towards the lovely ring, then stopped. "That isn't --?"

"It's for you."

"It's -"

"An engagement ring, yes."

"I -"

"You don't have to take it if you don't want it."

Naru finally found words. She laughed. "Of course I want it! And not just because it's such a beautiful ring," she added shyly.

Nephrite slid the ring onto her finger, then put his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up to look at him. "I know," he said quietly, then brought his mouth to hers and kissed her, a much longer kiss than was really proper at a window table at a café.

The waiter cleared his throat discreetly. Naru and Nephrite pulled apart to allow him to set the parfait and their drinks on the table. Naru picked up her long spoon and dug into the wealth of chocolate mousse and whipped cream, and Nephrite followed her example. Suddenly, some feeling that Naru couldn't name overwhelmed her. She opened her mouth to eat the contents of her spoon, and started crying.

Nephrite immediately moved next to her and put his arms around her. "What's wrong, Naru-chan? Is something the matter?"

"No," she sobbed. "It's just - I never dreamed - that night, I told you about this place - and then, when you were gone - that it would be like -" Helpless to say anything more, she held up her hand with the engagement ring on the third finger. "I'm so happy," she wept.

Neither of them noticed Kenichi standing across the street, staring at the café window, a dark, angry look on his face.

* * * * * * * *

"Awful, isn't it?"

Kenichi looked around. The lady in the gray dress stood nearby, arms crossed, one dark orange eyebrow raised as she looked at him. "She doesn't know how she makes me feel," he muttered.

"And you're going to just let her get away with it, hmm?" She tugged at one of the tendrils of hair that fell around her face.

"No." Kenichi stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I just can never get her alone. She's always with those stupid girls, or that guy and his faggy friends."

"They aren't all that way, you know. Just the two of them."

"Whatever. She's always with them."

"And you're too afraid to face her when she isn't alone."

"I'm no coward!" Kenichi shouted, then forced himself to speak more quietly when he saw several passers-by staring at him. "I'm not afraid. I just don't want any witnesses."

"Oh." The lady shrugged. "I thought you'd want to show that guy that you're man enough to not let him steal your girl. But I guess you aren't. Too bad."

"I am too --!" But she was gone. Kenichi turned his attention back to the café window, fuming at his inability to confront Naru's new boyfriend.

* * * * * * * *

Naru finally pulled herself together enough to eat the parfait, then she and Nephrite got back into the Ferrari and headed for his house. She couldn't take her eyes off of her ring. "What did my mother say?"

Nephrite glanced at her and smiled. "She said we're perfectly welcome to get married when you're nineteen."

"Not till then?" Naru asked, dismayed.

"It's less than two years."

They arrived at the mansion. Nephrite's hill was deeply covered in white. Kunzite and Zoisite were outside having a snowball fight, but they stopped their hostilities long enough to admire Naru's ring and congratulate Naru and Nephrite. Nephrite kissed Naru, then said, "I've got to go upstairs for a while. I've got work to do. You play with the Terrible Two for a while." He squeezed her and kissed her again, then ruffled her hair and went inside, upstairs to where Jadeite was working at the computer. Nephrite's office-youma had done a good job of running things during his two-year absence, and continued to do their jobs admirably, but he couldn't neglect his business entirely. In addition, he was training Jadeite to be his vice-president. The business had grown enough that he didn't want to be the only one in charge. With effort, he turned his mind from Naru to expounding on the mysteries of running a highly profitable import business.

About half an hour later, the day's work taken care of, Nephrite and Jadeite went back downstairs and outside. The snowball fight was still going; Zoisite and Naru had ganged up on Kunzite. The two hardworking businessmen leaned against the wall of the house, amused, to watch the battle.

"So when's the wedding?" Jadeite asked.

"In one year and ten months. Right after her nineteenth birthday. At her mother's insistence; otherwise, I'd marry her tomorrow."

"I assume you aren't planning to take her to bed before then."

Nephrite looked at Jadeite, than back at Naru, and sighed. "No. I want to do what's best for her."

"You're a better man than I am," Jadeite said, chuckling a little. "In your place, I'd be pretty unhappy about waiting so long."

"I'm no great moral paragon. It's just... I love her more than I ever thought I'd love anyone. She's been hurt too much. I want her to be happy and young and innocent again."

Naru now noticed Nephrite standing by the house, and came running over to him. Her blue coat and her hair were sprinkled with snow, and her cheeks glowed red from the cold and the exercise. Nephrite caught her up into his arms and spun her around, then lost his footing in the snow. They fell, laughing, to the ground, Nephrite landing on his back with Naru on top of him. Still laughing, she kissed him. The kiss went on until Zoisite said, "Your lips are going to freeze together, you know."

"Help, I'm stuck!" Naru yelled through the kiss. Everyone laughed, then she finally stood and let Nephrite get up. Hand in hand, they went into the house, followed by the others.

"The two of you must let us have an engagement party for you," Zoisite said.

"Zoisite's been dying to have a party, ever since he discovered that he likes to cook," Kunzite said. "Please let him. You'd be doing us both a kindness."

Naru, clinging to Nephrite's arm, glowed up at him. "I'd love a party! Wouldn't you, Nephrite?"

Nephrite brushed his fingers along her cheek. "Oh, all right. If it makes you happy, it's fine with me."

"Good old anti-social Nephrite," Jadeite muttered. Zoisite, oblivious, was saying, "Today's Tuesday, so if we plan it for a week from Saturday that should be plenty of time. We can have those cheese biscuits, and homemade pizza - smoked chicken, I think, and - oh, sushi, of course..." He wandered off to the kitchen, happily planning.

* * * * * * * *

Kenichi stood among the trees, watching Naru go into the house with the four men. "How do you like that?" the lady said behind him. Kenichi, startled, turned and looked at her. She was hovering several feet above the ground, among the branches of a pine tree. How had she gotten up there? he wondered. "He stole her, shall we say, right out from under you, hmm?" She raised an elegantly-arched eyebrow at Kenichi.

After a moment he realized what she meant. "She better not be putting out for him," he said.

The lady tsked. "But you saw them together, how they were. She's got to be doing it for him, wouldn't you say? She seems so... easy with him."

Easy... "Whore," he muttered.

"She made a fool of you, didn't she? They probably laugh about you while they're doing it."

Kenichi clenched his fists. The thought made a burning rage flare up inside him.

The lady laughed. "Well, life's like that sometimes, loser. And you're too scared to do anything about it." Then she disappeared, leaving Kenichi alone with his fury and humiliation.

The next morning at school, Usagi, Makoto, Minako, and all the other girls Naru knew, and a number she didn't know, ooh'd and ah'd over her ring. "Kenichi?" someone asked.

"Nah," Makoto said. "He's history. It's Sanjouin Masato."

"Omigosh," someone said, and the entire crowd nearly swooned.

Later, between classes, Naru finally got a few minutes alone with Usagi, Makoto, and Mina. "I'm so happy for you!" Usagi, tears shimmering in her blue eyes, hugged Naru tightly. "You deserve it, Naru. You deserve a happily ever after."

When Usagi finally let go, Naru told them about the party that Zoisite insisted on throwing. The girls laughed at the idea of Zoisite being so eager to have a party, and agreed to come.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to let Naru select the music?" Kunzite, looking through the stack of CD cases, asked Nephrite. It was the evening of the party, and the four former Generals were putting the final touches on the party preparations. Their guests would be arriving at any moment. "I don't see how it's possible to dance to this."

"I think it's fine," Zoisite said, bouncing along experimentally with a song. "This is kind of fun, actually."

"Young people these days," Jadeite remarked, watching Zoisite.

"You'll get used to it -- wait, this one's mine." Nephrite removed a CD from the stack Naru had provided. "How did that get in there?"

Kunzite took the CD from him. "The Sex Pistols?" he asked, one pale eyebrow raised.

"It's an interesting comment on human culture and society," Nephrite replied.

Jadeite snorted, "Yeah, right," then said, "Hey, did anyone remember to take those cheese things out of the oven?"

Zoisite hurried off to make sure the hors d'ourves weren't burning, and returned to report that he had indeed taken them out of the oven ten minutes earlier, the designer pizzas were baking nicely, and the beautifully-arranged sushi was all ready.

The doorbell rang. Nephrite went to the door; Naru was there, looking gorgeous in a short dress made of emerald lace over cream-colored silk. Her hair was tied back with an emerald satin bow. Nephrite kissed her, then remembered his manners and greeted Mrs. Osaka and her date, an architect she'd been seeing for a few months.

The other guests arrived soon afterwards. Nephrite's office-youma in their leggy, sultry human guises, came with their dates, a trio of fairly open-minded attorneys from the same office building that housed Sanjouin International. The Sailor Senshi, wearing their best party dresses, had each brought a date except for Minako, who was currently between boyfriends. Usagi had Mamoru with her, of course; Makoto brought her pal from the video arcade, Joe; Rei had invited Yuuichirou, that strange rock musician who had taken up residence at the Hikawa shrine a few years ago; and Ami was with her long-distance boyfriend, Ryo, who had just happened to be coming to visit that weekend. Joe, Yuui, and Ryo had all had some involvement in the business with the Negaverse. Though they had been briefed beforehand on their hosts' identities, the three young men fell into a tense, hostile silence when they first saw their former enemies. But Usagi walked over to Naru and Nephrite, and smiled at Nephrite. "You've helped her be happy again. Thank you." She put an arm around Nephrite's shoulders for a quick hug, and kissed his cheek. Then she looked around at the others. "This is supposed to be a party," she said brightly, "so someone put on some music, and let's dance!"

Jadeite laughed, and turned to start the CD player.

"I thought it was a wonderful party!" Naru said. She was helping Nephrite and the others finish cleaning up the next afternoon. "Thank you so much, Zoisite. Admit it, Nephrite. Zoisite put on a great party for us."

"All right, all right, I admit it," Nephrite grumbled, hauling yet another plastic bag full of wine bottles, soda cans, and paper plates out to the trash. His grumble was not very convincing.

Jadeite came in from the kitchen, carrying a basketful of freshly-laundered linen napkins. "I know Jadeite had fun," Naru said, "dancing with Minako all night."

Jadeite's face went red. "Jadeite likes Minako, Jadeite likes Minako," Naru chanted, grinning. He took a playful swipe at her bow as he walked past, and dropped his basket.

Finally all the cleanup was done, and everyone put their coats on to go outside. "I brought my frisbee," Naru said. Nephrite and Jadeite looked at each other, and Jadeite said, "Do we have to play?"

"Cowards," Kunzite said.

"Hey," Jadeite retorted, "you guys didn't almost get turned into dust by the Moon Tiara. We did."

"I promise this one is harmless," Naru said. "It's just plastic, and this game Usagi and her brother invented is really fun. Come on!"

They all headed outside to learn how to play frisbee snow soccer.

* * * * * * * *

Kenichi trudged up the hill through the snow. The present the lady had given him was a heavy weight in his coat pocket. Here's some courage for you, she had said, now are you going to show them what kind of man you are? He didn't have to let Naru and that creep make a fool of him any more....

* * * * * * * *

They had divided into teams, Nephrite and Kunzite against Naru, Zoisite, and Jadeite, the height advantage and the numbers advantage canceling each other out. The object of frisbee soccer was to toss the frisbee back and forth between members of your own team while making progress towards the goal and keeping the members of the other team from getting the frisbee. The snow came in as a defensive factor, since the rules (what few of them there were) did not prohibit dropping snowballs down the backs of people on the other team. Though the four former Generals were now good friends, when it came to frisbee snow soccer they were cutthroat competitors. Nephrite and Kunzite had stretched the rules to permit tackling, to no avail. Naru's team went ahead by four goals and was about to score again.

Naru ran to catch Zoisite's throw, when someone suddenly scooped her up. She found herself slung over Nephrite's shoulder while he shouted, "Hah! I've got a prisoner!"

Naru pounded at his back with her mittened hands, laughing. "Hey, there's no prisoners in frisbee soccer! Put me down!"

"The rules don't say you can't take prisoners," Nephrite said. "Hey, Kunzite, what should I do with my prisoner?"

"Take her away and interrogate her," Kunzite grinned.

While Naru continued to flail at his back, Nephrite carried her over to the edge of the clearing. He swung her back across his shoulder so that he was holding her at eye level to him, and she wrapped her jeans-clad legs around his waist. He pressed her back against the trunk of a large tree. "Now, prisoner," he growled, "You better answer my questions, or else..." He kissed her, a wet, messy kiss.

"Or else what?" she breathed.

"Or else..." He kissed her again, and again.

"I refuse to betray my teammates." They kissed again, and this one went on and on, until Nephrite finally moved his mouth from her mouth to her ear and whispered, "Oh, Naru, I love you so much, I wish I could show you how much...."

"You do, all the time, Nephrite. You're so nice to me, you make me so happy."

"A year and ten months seems like forever, Naru. I don't know if I can wait that long." He kissed her again, long and soft.

This time it was Naru who broke the kiss. She looked into his sapphire eyes, eyes that she had seen in her dreams almost every night since she first met him. "I don't think I can wait that long, either."

The mood was broken when Zoisite yelled, "Oh, Kunzite, don't you want to take me prisoner too?"

"Hey, then that'll leave Jadeite free to score the goal!" Nephrite said. He set Naru down, with one more quick kiss, and ran to intercept the frisbee as it was flying from Zoisite to Jadeite. Naru started running over to rejoin the game.

"I won't let you make a fool out of me!" Kenichi's voice, suddenly yelling from the woods.

Naru's head whipped around. Kenichi stood there, both arms outstretched, hands wrapped around a gun. The four men stopped playing and stared at him.

"I won't let you get away with this!" Kenichi yelled. He pointed the gun at Nephrite.

"No!" Naru screamed. She started running towards Kenichi. Suddenly he swiveled, pointed the gun at Naru, and pulled the trigger.

"Naru!" Nephrite yelled. Naru staggered backward a few steps, a red spot blossoming in the center of her chest. Nephrite ran towards her, and dove the last several feet, trying to catch her.

She was dead before she hit the ground.

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return to Index / go to Chapter 5

The Nephrite and Naru Treasury