The Story of Neo-Cabbit This tale takes place during the Space and Time Adventures in the Tenchi Universe series. It is the story of one of the worlds that Tenchi and the gang visited. Also, pretend that Washu is in the worlds, too. Enjoy! In this world, people have colinized space. Tenchi Masaki is the captain of the exploration space vessile, Pioneer (wonder where that name came from). Kiyone is the second in command. The others (Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, & Washu) are the crew. Kiyone: All is going well, Captain. Tenchi: Good. Where are we at this moment, Mihoshi? Mihoshi: Let me see. Hmm...what button was that again? Maybe this one. (she presses the button, but nothing happens) I'll try this one. (she presses another button. The crew hears a toilet flush) Ryoko: AHHHHHHH!!!! Mihoshi: Whoops. Ryoko must be taking a shower. Why is that button there, anyway? How about this one. (she presses yet another button. A disco ball drops from the ceiling and "Play that Funky Music, White Boy" plays in the background) Hehe. I'm just going to stop pressing buttons. Kiyone: grrr...why can't she get anything right. Washu: Captain, the sensors are going crazy. Tenchi: What's going on?! Washu: A large astroid is coming our way. Tenchi: WHAT?!?! Washu: We can't get out of it's way. It's gravity field is too strong. Tenchi: Is there anything we can do?! Washu: I'll see. Eh....nope. Mihoshi: We're all gonna die!!!!! (she jumps to Kiyone for comfort, but Kiyone moves out of the way and Mihoshi hits the floor) Kiyone: Get a hold of yourself, Mihoshi! Mihoshi: But Kiyone....WAHHH!!!! Tenchi: (hits the intercom button on the control pannel) Everyone on deck! Ryoko and Ayeka come running into the cockpit. Ayeka: What's going on? Washu: Oh, nothing. We're just going to crash into a huge astroid, probably killing us all. That's it. Ryoko: WHAT?! Ayeka: (turns to Ryoko) It's all your fault!! Ryoko: How is it my fault?! Ayeka: I don't know, but I'll think of a reason! Ryoko: Why you...! (Ryoko lunges toward Ayeka. Ayeka screams and hits the floor. Sparks fly) Tenchi: Ladies, stop it! Washu: Guys, get ready for impact. Mihoshi: WWAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Kiyone: Why do I have to die? With Mihoshi?! Ryoko runs toward Tenchi. Ayeka: What do you think your doing? Ryoko: If I'm going to die, I'm going to die with my Tenchi. Ayeka: But Tenchi is mine! If anyone dies with him, it's me! ::crash:: Everything is quiet. Nothing moves. After about an hour, Washu stands up. Washu: (rubbing her head) Hmm...I guess we made it. Is everyone else okay? Tenchi: (getting up) I think so. Later, after everyone is taken care of. Washu: Well, everything is broken. The oxygen won't last very much longer. We have two choices. We either stay here or leave the ship. Mihoshi: What will happen if we stay here? Washu: We die. Mihoshi: And out there? Washu: We might die. Mihoshi: (tears form in her eyes) ...KIYONE! SAVE ME!!! Kiyone: Please, not now. Mihoshi grabs Kiyone and starts to cry. Tenchi: Maybe it's okay outside. Washu: There's no way for me to find out. All the equipment is destroyed. Ryoko: Maybe we need a guinea pig. Hmm... (she grabs Ayeka around the neck and drags her toward the door. Ayeka: Tenchi! Help me! Tenchi: Ryoko! Stop this! Ryoko: Relax. (she opens the door and throw Ayeka through. Ryoko quickly closes the door) Kiyone: Why did you do that?! Ryoko: Just wait... They all hear a banging on the door. Through the window on the door, they she Ayeka screaming. Luckly, the doors and windows are sound proof. Kiyone: How did you know it was okay outside? Ryoko: I looked through the window... Washu: And you saw trees. Knowing that the trees give off oxygen, you knew that there would be oxygen outside. Ryoko: Trees? I didn't see any trees. Isn't there air in space? Washu: No. Ryoko: Hmm...then it was a lucky guess. Tenchi: Oh, Ryoko... Tenchi opened the door and walked outside. Washu followed. Ryoko knew what was coming, so she flew out of the door. What she knew was that Ayeka would be mad at her and try to attack. Ayeka missed and fell face first into the dirt. Kiyone and Mihoshi stayed inside to look for any food in the ship. The only food that was left after the crash was carrots, lots and lots of carrots. They all decided to set up camp and eat dinner. Ryoko: This is it?! Carrots!! I hate carrots! Ayeka: We all know you would be much happier with a piece of meat on a bone. The rest of them imagined Ryoko with a giant piece of meat. Then they laughed. Ryoko didn't think it was funny and shot a bolt of lightning at Ayeka. All of a sudden, a noise came from a near-by bush. Mihoshi: What's that?! Kiyone: I don't know. Washu: Probably just a monster here to eat us. Mihoshi: WHAT!!! (she faints) Suddenly, a creature jumped out of the bush. It landed on Ryoko's head. Ryoko: AHHH!!! Get it off, get it off! It jumped off of her head and hopped to the carrots. It smiled and started eating a carrot. Kiyone: I don't think it's evil. Ayeka: Get that little pest away from our food! Washu: It looks so cute! Upon closer look, they noticed it looked like a cat, but with the ears and tail of a rabbit. Voice: It's called a cabbit! Tenchi: Who's there? There wasn't only one creature behind the bush. A little girl, along with 10 other cabbits came out from behind the bush. Girl: Hi! My name's Sasami. Who are all of you? Tenchi: Um...hi. I'm Tenchi, and this is Ryoko, Ayeka, Washu, Kiyone, and Mihoshi. Sasami: It's nice to meet all of you! Tenchi: Tell me...what is this place? Sasami: It's my home, and the home of the cabbits. All cabbits live here with me. I take care of all of them. That one over there is the hardest to keep up with. She's called Ryo-Ohki. She always gets into trouble when carrots are around. Hey! Would you like to see our village? Tenchi: Sure. Why not? The little girl lead the group to an area surrounded by small huts. Sasami: Just a little bit further to my house. As they walked, they noticed a small fire near one of the huts. Sasami: Oh, no! Kiyone: What? What is it? Mihoshi: Wow! A camp fire. Where's the marshmellows? Sasami: That's not a camp fire. It was another hut. This is bad! (she turned to a cabbit near-by) What happended here?! Cabbit: Meow, meow, meow! Ryoko: Wha..? Sasami: He said that the cabbit living here left his house and the fire just started. Ayeka: All that from just three meows? Sasami: Yep. Tenchi: Well where's that cabbit? Sasami: I don't know. Neither do the others. Ayeka: Did that cabbit over there say that, too? Sasami: Yep. Ayeka: Weird. This is just too weird for me. I'm going back to the ship. Sasami: We need to find him. Ayeka: Who? Sasami: The cabbit. Ayeka: He'll be just fine, don't worry. Mihoshi: We can't just leave that poor little thing out there. Me and Kiyone will go and find him! Yeah! Kiyone: (whispering to Mihoshi) Mihoshi...shut up... Sasami: That sounds like a great idea. Thanks Mihoshi and Kiyone. Kiyone: problem. We'll get right on it. Kiyone and Mihoshi left the village. Ayeka started to walk away. Washu: Wait! I'll come, too. I need to fix the ship, unless we all just want to be stuck here. No offense. Sasami: None taken. Ayeka and Washu walked off toward the ship. The others followed Sasami to her hut, where they talked and drank tea. After about 3 hours of talking, Ayeka came running back. Ayeka: TENCHI! HELP! Tenchi: What's going on? Ayeka: Washu went to check for any scraps of the ship that we're around the crash site and she hasn't come back. Tenchi: How long ago was that? Ayeka: About 2 hours. Tenchi: This could be bad. Sasami: We have to go and find her. Ryoko: Why rush? It's Washu. She's always by herself for long periods of time. Tenchi: I don't care. I'm going. Ryoko: Okay, okay. I'll come, too. Ayeka: Then follow me. Sasami: Wait! I want to come. Tenchi: I think it would be better if you stayed. Sasami: I know this place better than any of you. I think you might need my help. Tenchi: I don't know... Ayeka: It would help to have a guide. Tenchi: Okay. You can come. Ryoko: What about Kiyone and Mihoshi? Sasami: I'll leave a note telling them where we're going. They all followed Ayeka to the crash site. Ayeka pointed the way that she last saw Washu going. Sasami: This is a bad place to get lost. Ryoko: Why? Sasami: The cabbits say that the woods around here are haunted. They won't go near that area. Ryoko: That's crazy talk. There are no such thing a ghost. I'm not going to let some story scare me away. Suddenly a cold wind blew and went away as quickly as it came. Ryoko jumps toward Tenchi. Ryoko: Ahh! Tenchi, hold me! Tenchi: Don't worry. It's like you said, there's nothing to be afraid of. Ayeka laughs at Ryoko. Then, another gust of wind blew. Ayeka: Tenchi, help! Ryoko laughed at Ayeka. They all decided to gather they're courage and go into the woods. They could all tell at once why the cabbits were so afraid of this forest. There was no sunlight. Cobwebs were everywhere. Every once and a while, they heard a brustling in the trees. They felt like they were being watched by something. Something that wasn't friendly. During they're walk, the beaten path was gone. As they were trying to think of where to go next, Sasami noticed something on the ground. Sasami: Look everyone. Footprints. There are...let's see...four sets of them. I wonder who they could be? set looks like cabbit tracks. Tenchi: Another one must be Washu's. I wonder if Kiyone and Mihoshi are here, too. Sasami: The lost cabbit must be in here. I have to find him. Sasami started running deeper into the forest. Tenchi: Stop! It could be dangerous. She didn't hear him. She kept running, not knowing where she was, or what she was even doing. Ryoko: That idiot! I guess it's time for me to save the day again. Ryoko started toward Sasami. All of a sudden, they heard a scream. Sasami didn't know what it was, but the rest did. It sounded like Mihoshi's scream, which they have heard many times. Ayeka: Mihoshi! She must be in trouble. Let's go. They were all running. Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka quickly caught up with Sasami. They were going as fast as they can. As they went further in the forest, they started to hear gunshots. Tenchi: That must be Kiyone. After all of they're running, they finally made it to the site of trouble. Washu was sitting on the ground holding onto a small cabbit. It seemed to be badly hurt. Kiyone and Mihoshi had their blaster drawn. Tenchi and the others noticed what Kiyone and Mihoshi were shooting at. It was a huge creature with a large mouth covered with teeth and and walked on four, spider-like legs. It was trying to get to Washu. Ayeka: What's going on? Kiyone: This is no time to talk. ATTACK! Ryoko: Sure will. Ryoko charged at the creature while forming a beam saber in her hands. She slashed at the creature, chopping off one of it's legs. She then moved back, firing a barrage of laser blasts. With Ryoko's help, the creature was finally taken down. Ryoko: That was too easy. You had trouble with that, Kiyone? Mihoshi: Forget that now. That cabbit is hurt. Sasami: Oh, no! We have to help him. They took the cabbit back to the village and into Sasami's house. They set it on her bed. Sasami and Washu stayed in the room to help care for the cabbit. The others were forced out. Ryo-Ohki had joined them and was crying. Tenchi tried to comfort her. After, what seemed like many hours, Washu and Sasami came out of the room, Washu's hands behind her back. The others thought this meant bad news. Washu: Well...we did it! He's doing much better now. All he needs is rest. I think we all need that, too. The following days were spent repairing the ship. Washu was able to fix the radio and call for help. Luckly, another ship was passing through. The pilot was nice enough to help with the repairs and lend whatever pieces they needed. If your wondering, he couldn't just take them in his ship. There wasn't enough room. 8 days after the crash, they were ready to go. They all visited Sasami for the last time. Tenchi: We came here to say good-bye. We all apreciated the help you gave us. Thank you. Sasami: This doesn't have to be good-bye. I could go with you. Tenchi: You can't do that. You have all of these cabbits here who need you. What would happen to them if you leave with us? Sasami: I guess you're right. There is someone else who wants to go with you. As Sasami said this, two cabbits hopped through the door. It was Ryo-Ohki and the lost cabbit. Tenchi: Which one? Sasami: Ryo-Ohki couldn't bare to go if I couldn't. This cabbit wants to go. He's grown fond of Washu. Washu: Hehe!'s fine with me. What do you think, Tenchi? Tenchi: I guess we have room for one more. Washu: Yay! Sasami: Hmm...I don't think this cabbit has a name. Why don't you name him, Washu. Washu: Okay. Hmm...I need a name that shows logic, but also sounds cool. Ryoko: That's impossible. Washu stomped on Ryoko's toes. Ryoko: Oww... Washu: How about Neo-Cabbit. I like it. How about you, Neo-Cabbit. Neo-Cabbit shaked his head yes. Ryoko: Neo-Cabbit?! That's the stupidest name I have ever heard. I can't believe that's the best you can do, Washu. Neo-Cabbit got mad. He jumped high into the air, at the level of Ryoko's head. He made an angry sounding meow and kicked Ryoko. Ryoko was thrown back by the kick and landed on her back. Ryoko: Why you little...I'll get you for that. Washu and Neo-Cabbit started to laugh, along with Ayeka, who always laughs at Ryoko's humiliation. Mihoshi: Well, everything turned out great! Let's go home! The End That was the beginning tale of Neo-Cabbit. If I get a good respose from this story, I might tell you the rest of the story.