Hi I'm Domo, Welcome to my web page. Below explains about each of the links
-Links: Really random sites that I visit.
-Supplies: I used to get copic markers for people at around $4 a piece. But I guess copic markers are more popular now and there are popular sites where they can be purchased. If you really need it, I can buy them for you but you need to send me an email.
-How to: You know I have re-considered doing this section since I'm not really good to begin with so I guess it won't be happening unless I get some stroke of inspiration.
-gallery: Well I put up more pics. Some were gifts for my friends and or old stuff or stuff I'm selling.
-Jibberish: Random thoughts and comments.
-Profile:A little something about me.
So now that you have gone through everything pick a place to go! Have fun!
Email: ddomo328@hotmail.com

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This page was last updated on January 23, 2004