Disclaimer: Pokemon and Co. aren't mine. If they were, I could afford to not do my homework and write this instead (j/k). ^_~ Summary: Post Bulbasaur's Secret Garden. Ash has his own secret to worry about. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~*~ History ~*~ By Lizeth http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/loft1050/ PROLOGUE Ash Ketchum, pokemon trainer, sighed and smiled, breathing in the crisp air. Last night had been... a mixed blessing. Last night he'd gotten to see the Bulbasaur's mysterious garden and maybe he'd gotten a little closer to the grass pokemon. And yet there was something that it stirred up. Something he'd prefer to forget. The three friends and a pikachu were walking aimlessly (lost, again... but they didn't know that... yet... **ahem**...) through a wooded area. Distantly, a dodrio called, but only pikachu's sensitive ears could pick up the sound. Rays of morning light filtered through the canopy, dancing through each leaf. "Amazing..." Brock pondered, breaking the silence. Misty glanced over her shoulder. "What?" she asked. If Brock had glasses (which I'm surprised he doesn't seem to need), he would have fiddled with them. "Do you realize that we're the first people to have actually witnessed and seen Bulbasaurs' secret garden?" "Other than Team Rocket," Ash pointed out with a grin, walking with his arms behind his neck. Misty sniffed. "I don't think they count," she retorted flatly. "Pikapi," agreed the pokemon. "I mean it guys, this is a historic event! We could be famous!" Brock paused and developed a dreamy look on his face, "I wonder if the girls will go for famous guys..." he drooled. Misty and Ash shared a very, very rare and precious moment of total understanding. Brock was in girl hunting mode. Steer clear. Pikachu just sweatdropped. Misty pulled Brock's ear, for the umpteenth time. "Earth to Brock! How's the weather on cloud 9?" she asked bluntly, elegant eyebrow arched. "Fiiinneee..." Brock replied absently, not quite paying attention. Smirking, Ash walked ahead, Pikachu close at his heels. Misty soon gave up followed after. Silently Ash held up his fingers and mouthed to Misty: One... Two... Three.. Four.. Five.. Six... "Hey guys!!!! Wait up!!!" Brock panted behind them. Misty laughed and Ash smiled slightly at the sound, looking at the ground as he walked. A brief flash of some un decipherable emotion ran across his face before it was gone, unnoticed. "Not bad, Brock," he teased, looking back at his friend, "Five seconds earlier than last time." "Haha Ash," Brock replied with a trace of annoyance and cuffed him lightly on the shoulder. Surprisingly, Ash winced and stumbled. Biting a lip he straightened his back quickly and walked faster, hoping no one noticed his lapse of behavior. Now, given Murphy's Law and several general rules that the universe is usually against you when you're in a slump (and the fact that the author, me, is evil), they noticed. "Ash?" Misty called, jogging up to him, "You alright?" she asked, frowning. "Yeah, sure," he said casually. "Just tripped on a rock, s'all." He laughed nervously. "Race you to the willow tree!" he called and ran ahead. Misty blinked and quickly ran to follow. "Ash! Get back here!" she yelled with annoyance. Up ahead, Ash shouted taunts back at the young water pokemon trainer. Pikachu huffed a mushroom puff and Brock grinned. "She always running after him, isn't she?" he asked the little mouse pokemon. "Cha." It agreed, somehow conveying a tone of bemused exasperation. That was when they heard Misty's horrified cry, and watched in slow motion, as Ash Ketchum crumpled to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Please, please send me feedback at Lizeth_Hal@hotmail.com I'm not even sure if I should follow up on this idea... **coff** It's a little on the melodramtic side, I admit. ;) Ja ne.