Digimon FDD

Digimon FDD

Sneak peek

~*The Bios*~

Made by Cowgirl Em! Made by Cowgirl Em! Made by Cowgirl Em!

More bios to come...

~*Insperational Sketches*~

A funny scene idea I had for ep.7 "The Crest of Melody"

Jenn pulls a pear of goggles out of her pocket.

"HANG ON!!!!"

A portrait sketch of Samee

Samee and Sunemon

"I don't undrestand it. What on earth would drive such a sweet and innocent girl to be such a killer!" <-- Alex

Dani is still a bit puzzled by her first encounter with Bamboomon.

I love the look on Jenn's face, LOL She's being her smart @$$ self.


Jennifer and Foximon

Lexxy and Cunomon

Skye and Magimon

Tania and Yazumon

Dani and Pandamon

Lina and Diratimon

Alex and Nerimon

Emily and Huntermon

Erica and Cheekomon

Kristina and Jaymon

Sammee and Sunemon