Bobo, Tasha's dog, was very ill with cancer. Seto and Mokuba knew Tasha well, she was also an orphan, and Bobo was a friend to her. Seto had fond memories of the two; they helped Mokuba get over his fear of dogs. The brothers met Tasha, and found her crying. "What's wrong, Tasha? Bobo died?" asked Seto. "Who will Balto look up to? He's very concerned about Bo." Tasha replied, "And the same goes for Pat, he loves animals." Seto knew who Pat was. Pat was Tasha's Celtic Guardian. Pat was the only known Duel Monster to know Sign Language. But Balto he didn't know, until he heard Mokuba laughing. A Silver Fang, a rare white one, was licking his brother's face. "I'm calling the vet, to check on Bo," Tasha said as she left. Balto stopped playing with Mokuba, and whimpered. Pat looked anxious. Tasha came back out, and whistled. Balto ran to her, and Pat came behind him. At the Veterinarian's office In a cage, Bobo waited, and wagged his tail weakly when the group came. Dr. Kristal showed Tasha X-rays taken that morning. Mokuba placed his hand on the kennel door, letting the dog sniff his hand. Seto called him over. "Brother, this is going to be very hard for you," he began, seeing the concern in Mokuba's eyes, "Bobo is very sick, and he might not live much longer. Go back to the waiting room, you are not ready..." Seto's voice cracked. Dr. Kristal came, and Tasha had her beloved dog in her arms, Pat by her side, and Balto whimpering at his friend's side. "Seto, Bobo was very kind to me, why must I leave? I want to be by his side, I'm sure no one could be ready to see a friend go. Bobo will be with Mom and Dad, I want to say goodbye. " A tear slid down Mokuba's cheek, as he went to say farewell. Bobo gave a last lick on the boy's face, as he went to a forever sleep. Tasha kissed her dog's head, saying how much she loved him. Pat gave a farewell sign with his hands. Bobo passed on. Both brothers went home in silence, both with heavy hearts. Mokuba wrote in his journal, his tears blotting the ink. Seto wondered about the choice Mokuba made. Should he have gone with his brother's request? This was a big step for both of them, though Seto dealt with it once before. He thought about what Mokuba had said, about Bobo being with Mom and Dad. All of them did a little growing up, knowing the joys of friendship, and the sadness of loss. "That's what we all need," said Seto as they went up the driveway, "To grow up."