Author's Note: Sailor Moon does not belong to me. It belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and DiC and other companies. But the story belongs to me. The Worst Day Series Chapter 2 -- Ami By: Silver Star This is the worst day of Mizuno Ami's life. WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY ~Ami~ I guess my luck is not always great. This is got to be the worst day of my entire life! As you know I like to read and so I spend the whole night reading a non-fiction book about the Ancient Egypt. This morning, I woke up early as usual but was very tired, I went to get Usagi up and walk her to school so we wouldn't be late but instead, she made us BOTH late. After we got a lecture from Haruna-sama, we both went out to the hall with water buckets. I had two and Usagi had four. One on each hand, one balanced on her head, and one balanced by the handle on her right foot. I wonder how she does that? Probably practice. As you know, I've been reading yesterday night so I didn't study for today's test. Can you believe it? I got a 99! That is going to destroy my 100% record! Then I dozed off in class! Haruna-sama was so surprised! She had actually said that she expected that from Usagi but not me! On top of THAT, I lost my homework when Usagi and I dashed to school! The homework was worth half of my GRADE! It was a report on the Ancient Civilization on the Moon (The Moon Kingdom) that was found just a few months ago. And to think I'm Sailor Mercury and I've BEEN on the Moon Kingdom before and I got a ZERO! After school, I walked home alone, as usual, and water splashed me by a group of 5 year-olds! I had to run home to change to dry clothes but was splashed again by mud when I ran to the Temple! I had to change again and I'll be LATE! The Scouts were so surprised! I got there just AFTER Usagi got there! Can you believe it? Me?! I got there AFTER USAGI! That wasn't the worst part! When the Scouts were talking about the latest Negaverse attack, I dozed off! I slept through the whole meeting! I think I'm going to turn into USAGI!!!! When I was ready to go home and talk to my mom about my problems, there was an emergency at the hospital and she has to go there, pronto! Now I have to write it on paper instead of telling somebody. Let's just hope that I won't be having anymore this kind of day. WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY~WORST~DAY The end...kinda What do you think? That was a VERY bad day for Ami. I hope I NEVER have this kind of day. Email me at: or visit my page at: I LOVE visitors!