Venus no Ai By: Silver Star "I love know I do..." the man said. She tried to see who he is but his face is shadowed by tree they were standing beneath. His was so familiar but she don't know who it belong to... "Hai...I do know..." she whispered to him. She drew closer to him and stared up at his piercing ice blue eyes. They were so the color of a frozen river. She thought she could see the world through his eyes. "But why do you have to go...?" "I must..." he murmured. "It is my it is yours." He backed away from her pleading eyes. With one last look at her, he turned and walked away. His long silver hair flowed behind him... Suddenly, there were deaths all around her. A sheet of blood covered everything. She watched helplessly as a soldier thrust a sword into him... She sat straight up from her bed. Sweat pour down her skin. Tears mingled with her sweat as they made their way down her face. The sheets were tangled around her. In her fists where two objects; her transformation wand, and a necklace. "Why do you have to leave me?" She cried as she buried her face in her hand. But she already knew the answer. It's his duty, as been a Senshi, a protector of Serenity, is hers. "But that doesn't mean that you have to die! You promised me that you would come back! You promised me..." Silent sobs shook her shoulder. She wished she were dead, too. At least then she will be with him. There was silence and then, suddenly, a song started to play. She lifts her head and recognized the song as Moonlight Sonata, her favorite song from the time of the Silver Millennium. Something flickered at the corner of her eyes and she looked to where she thought she saw it. Her eyes widened as she saw an image. She was dancing in his arms. Her laughter echoed inside the small apartment. She could hear the illusion of him whispering sweet things inside her ears. There was happiness back then, she thought dully. We were all so happy before the war started... "Mina..." his voice had an empty feeling to it, as if he said her name inside a very empty chamber. "I promise you I'll be back...I promise you..." "Stop this!" She screamed, putting her hands over her ears, dropping the two precious objects she was clutching at earlier. "This is all an illusion, you're not real!" She shut her eyes against the image of herself, laughing at a joke he said. "I promised you, Mina..." his voice said in her mind. "And I don't intend to break that promise..." The illusion faded, the music faded, her laughter faded, and his voice faded. Everything was back to normal...except her. She whimpered then lies back on her bed. She finally slept, her dreams plagued by happier times of the past. "Minako-san, you don't look too well." The woman said, looking worried. "I am alright, arigatou." Mina answered. There were shadows under her eyes. Her face was pale and drawn, as if she hadn't eaten anything in days. Perhaps she didn't. "Have you seen your new partner?" The woman asked excitedly. "He's hot!" Mina sighed. The last thing she want is another guy been pushed toward her. "Ie. I haven't seen him yet." "Ohaio." The deep, but familiar voice caused Mina to look up. It's him. Minako walked toward him, not believing her eyes. Is it him? Is it really him? All those illusions, dare she believe that this is not just another image made by her need? "You must be Aino Minako." The man said. "I'm Okushima Kunzite. Nice to meet you." He extended a hand toward her. Mina felt herself extending her hand and felt his warm hand over hers. She stared into his eyes, the ones that she thought she could see the world in. It is him, she thought dazed. As they stood there, staring into each other's eyes, Mina thought she heard herself and him talking. *Do you have to go?* She asked, looking at him worriedly. *Hai, you know I have to. It's my duty, as been a Senshi is yours.* He said. *I know. Sometimes I hated been a Senshi.* She looked up and stared into his eyes. *Promise me you'll be back for me?* *Hai. I promise I'll be back. And I don't intend to break that promise.* She smiled. *I believe you. I believe you...* The End... So? What do you think? Email me at Please tell me what you think of this! Arigatou! ^_^ Oh, a few other things. Hai - Yes Ie - No Arigatou - Thank you