Hey, minna! In this story, the scouts are all 20 and Darien and his gang are 24. They never met Darien and his gang until later in the story. Darien's 'gang' are not really gangs. They are just friends of Darien. The scouts doesn't know that they are the Sailor Scouts. The Negaverse didn't attack and so they grow up as normal girls. In this story, Serena is NOT a klutz and crybaby. She's a straight A student and her family was very rich. Well, start reading! Together for Eternity Chapter 1: Reunion By: Silver Star "Okay, everybody. Since we have worked sooooo hard at work, I think we deserve a vacation." Announced a 20 year old Serena. Everybody was gathered at Raye's home, the Cherry Hill Temple, discussing about their own work that they got and what they are going to do on the vacation that each of their companies gave them. "Yeah, I think so, too." Lita said. "I decided that we should go to someplace that's fun..." Serena trailed off. "And where is that might be?" Mina said thoughtfully. "...So it's going to be the Crystal Moon Kingdom!" Serena finished. "REALLY!" Lita cried with surprise. "You mean that place that they has just opened?" Amy asked. "The place they say that you get to live like a princess?" "Yep!" Serena said enthusiastically. "Alright!" Everybody whooped. Almost everybody heard of the opening of this new place called Crystal Moon Kingdom. The company made a palace based on the structure ruins the astronomers found on the moon. They have said that if you go there, you've got to choose what you like to be for a week. For example: you could be a princess or a prince, a general, a highborn lady, whatever you like to be. You can't be anything modern though, like a computer programmer and stuff. "So when do we leave?" Mina asked. "We leave tomorrow!" Serena replied. "I've got five tickets for the place and we could all go including you Amy. You can't refuse this." "Yeah, Amy. You've worked so hard and you deserve this vacation more than any of us." Lita said. "Well, alright." Amy said. "I'll go." "You guys better go home and start packing. Gather here tomorrow at 10 A.M." Serena said. "Okay. I think it'll be fine with me." Lita said. "Me, too." Amy said. "Well, bye, guys!" "See ya!" ********* "We are here." A handsome man with dark hair and midnight blue eyes said to his four companions. "This place looks cool." The one with the short blond hair said, looking at the huge palace in front of them. "Why is stupid place so crowded?" The one with long coppery-blond hair that tied back into a loose ponytail said hotly as someone walked by and knocked him to the person to his right, the guy with shoulder length white hair. "Why the heck aren't they inside the place?" "I think it's because the paper on the door says to wait in the garden for an announcement." The last of the member, a guy with shoulder length wavy reddish-brown hair, said. "Why did I ever agree on coming here." The man with the long copper-blond hair groaned. "Because we are your friend. Come on, Zach, you know that you need a break from that boss of yours." The short blond hair guy said. "Well, Jed. For your information, she pays me well." Zach retorted back. "Does that mean that you are interested in her?" The white hair man said teasingly. Zach glared at him. "I don't need a teacher to teach me about me emotion, Mike." Zack said sarcastically. "And no, I'm not interested in her." "Stop teasing him, guys." The reddish-brown hair guy said. "Thanks, Nathan." Zach said. "After all, there will be a lot of girls that he could choose from this place." Nathan added. Zach glared and everybody laughed. Suddenly, a crackling noise filled the air and everybody hushed. A moment later, a woman's voice came on the loud speaker. "This is the vice president of this project speaking." The woman said. We have decided that since it's out first time really using this place, we should make a group for each hall. Every hall has five rooms on each side and so we will assign ten people to a group. To make it fair, we decided to assemble five women and five men to be in one group. Please listen for your name so that you know which group you belong in and what color your group is. If you hear your name in a group, please come to the door of the palace to sign up. "White Group is: Demando Diore, Heero Yuy, Yuusuke Hayashi, Ryo Harayachi, and Duo Maxwell. And the girls are: Shannon Li, Selena Diorite, Yukina Yatashi, Jessica Miller, and Yume Tsuki. The white group, please come to the front door to sign up. "The Silver Group is: Zachary Hamilian Straton, Jed Hailian Straton, Darien Shields, Nathan Dearington, and Michael Frederic. The women are: Serena Tsukino, Amy Anderson, Raye Hino, Lita Kino, and Mina Aino. The Silver Group, please come to the front door to sign up. "The Purple Group is: Ken Strausch..." "Come on, guys." Lita said, pushing through the crowd to get to the front door. "We are the Silver Group." "I really like the color silver, you know." Serena said behind Lita. "And I personally think this place is over crowded." Mina complained. "You are telling me." Raye muttered. "I don't know HOW you guys got me into this!" Amy yelled through the loud noise in the Garden. "I should be home reading some interesting book instead of here trying to get to the front door through this mob of crowd." They quickly went into the palace after they signed up at the front door. Just as they went into the palace, the guy appeared at the front door. "Did you guys see them?" Nathen asked, looking around. "Nope." Zackary said. "I think they are already inside." Darien said. "Then let's hurry up and get in. I want to meet everyone of them." Jed said. Everyone laughed. They quickly signed up and went in just as the girls twist around the corner and disappeared. *********** "What do you think they will look like?" Lita asked as she looked over the dresses in the closet in her room. "I wouldn't care less about them." Serena said and look around Lita's room. It has Emerald-green wallpaper and lime-green feathers swirled into it just like hers, Raye's, Amy's, and Mina's except that theirs are different color. The room's lay out are the same also. A queen sized bed in the center of the left wall. A dresser on the right side of the bed. On the side of the right wall was a closet and a bookcase which are all made out of real wood. A huge window which extend from ceiling to floor stood on the opposite of the door. "I personally is hoping that they are cute." Mina said, sitting down on the bed. "What do you think, Amy?" Amy rolled her eyes and continued to read the book that she has found on the shelf of her room's bookcase and it has proven to be fairly interesting. At least it's interesting enough to capture Amy's attention. "Whatever." She answered. Mina giggled and said innocently, "I thought you really wanted to meet them!" "Quit joking around, Mina!" Amy said, smiling. "Guys, please help me pick a dress. I wanted to look good in front of our group members." Lita said and took out another dress from the closet. It is forest-green with low-cut neckline and sleeveless. Well, you could call it sleeveless since the sleeves are made out of see-through silk. It looks pretty tight at the waist and then, it flared down from there. And it looks at though it's MADE for Lita. "That one's PERFECT!" Raye said approvingly. "Yeah, I really like that one." Serena said. "Then I'm going to wear this to meet them." Lita said. "Amy, maybe we should find a dress for you, too." Mina said with a wicked gleam in her eyes. "No!" Amy said, eyes wide. She definitely know what will happen. Mina, Lita, Raye, and especially Serena will probably going to make her wear something like a really low-cut neckline dress or something that's daring and revealing which is something she DOESN'T like. "Aww, come on, Amy." Serena said and inched closer to Amy. We wanted to help you. After all, we are going to meet some cute boys..." She trailed off. Her eyes having the same gleam as Mina's. "Yeah, Amy." Lita added. "We never get to pick dresses for you." Raye pouted cutely that made Amy wanted to laugh. "Alright, alright." Amy finally said. After all, who could resist to four cute girls who are pouting cutely? She allowed her friends drag to her own room. Lita immediately started to pull out dresses. "How about this one?" She asked, pulling out a Sapphire-blue dress similar to the one she chose herself. The low-cut neckline is making Amy sweating. The others looked at it. Slowly, Raye started to shook her head. "I don't think it's her style." She said. "Yeah, it's kinda off the 'Amy Fashion Line'." Serena added. "I think it's not the best for her." Mina said. "You are right, it's not." Lita said and returned to finding the perfect dress for Amy. Amy sighed with relieve. No way she's going to wear THAT! "You know what guys? I think I just found the perfect dress for Amy." Lita said, a wicked gleam appeared in her eyes. Amy started to sweat. Her relieve turned to fear. She tried to look past Lita to see which dress she choose for her but Lita's body is hiding it. "What is it?" Raye asked excitedly. "Show it to us!" Serena exclaimed, eyes staring that Lita. Lita took it out and showed it to everybody. Amy started to sweat HEAVILY. The dress was made out of very pale blue that looked almost white but it has the tint of blue in it. It is long with bare shoulders. Amy fainted. "What's wrong with her?" Mina asked, staring at the limp form of her friend on the bed. Lita grinned. "I don't think she can stay unconscious ALL the time. When she wake up, I'm going to MAKE her wear this. It's just too perfect for her!" "Yeah! It's like it was MADE for her." Serena added. Just then, the loudspeaker crackled. "Attention everybody." The woman's voice in the loudspeaker said. "Tonight, we have a ball for the beginning of the week that you will be staying here. It will begin at 6 o'clock and it will be as long as you like. Please go to the Ballroom at the first floor. Refreshments will be there. We are looking forward to meet you." With that, the loudspeaker went dead. "A Ball!" Mina exclaimed happily. "I can't wait! What time is it?" Lita asked. "It's 3 o'clock. We have enough time to get everything together and pick our own dress." Raye said. "And I want to make that Amy wears this dress." Lita said wickedly. They all smiled with a gleam in their eyes. This is going to be fun. ********** *2 and a half hour later* "What are you going to wear to the Ball?" Nathan asked Zach. "Tuxedo, what else?" Zach said with a shrug. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a dress? It suits you." Jed said jokingly. Zach scowled at him. You couldn't blame him about his looks, you know. His long golden-coppery hair is just making things worse. He would look like a woman if he wears a dress but when he's NOT wearing a dress, he just look like every other men beside the fact that he has a little bit too much woman in him. "Come on, guys." Darien said, coming up to his friends in the hall, outside their rooms. "Stop teasing him." "We still have half a hour to go until the Ball." Mike said. "So what do you guys want to do?" "I wanted to go to the back garden where I heard there were supposed to be some really rare roses." Darien said. "Why are you so obsessed with roses?" Nathan asked while walking with everyone else to the garden. "I mean, beside it's beautiful and everything." "Why are you so obsessed with stars?" Darien asked back instead of answering. Nathan sweated. "I asked you first." He said. "I don't know. Ever since I was little, I was attracted to it." Darien said suddenly went into his own little world. He sighed. "I guess it started at the time when I was in the hospital after the car accident. I was only five back then and I felt very alone...until that little girl with sapphire blue eyes and golden hair, Serena was her name, given me a red rose and told me to be brave." "Hey. I think that one of our 'group members' is named Serena. Serena Tsukino, I think." Jed said. "Yes, I've heard her name, too." Mike said. "Can't we talk about something else?" Zachary asked. "What do you guys want to be?" Darien asked. "What do you mean?" Jed asked. "Well, I thought this place says that we could be whatever we liked to be." Darien said as they arrived at the door that led to the garden. "I got an idea!" Jed suddenly said. "What?" Zachary asked suspiciously. "Well, Darien could be the famous Earth Prince who had women all over his feet but can never be interest in one for five seconds and we'll be the Royal Guardians of the Prince." Jed said. Darien laughed. "And it fit my personality, too!" Everybody laughed with him. "That's a really good idea, you know." Zach said thoughtfully. "I want to be the fourth commander." "Then I'll be first commander." Mike said and laughed. "What commander do you want to be?" Jed asked Nathan. "What do YOU wanna be?" Nathan asked back. "I want to be the third commander." Jed said. "Then I'll be the second. I don't really care." Nathan said, shrugging. "You know, Prince Darien does not sound right." Darien said. "Let's change our name, too!" Zach said, laughing. "That'll be really great." Jed said. "I'll be Prince Endymion." Darien said. "From now on, you must call me Your Highness or Your Majesty." "Yes, Your Highness." Mike said, bowing from waist. One arm crossed over his tuxedoed chest. "Hey! That's really good, Mike!" Jed said, eyes alight like a little boy instead of a 24 years old adult. "Call me Malachite from now on." Mike said. Jed thought for a while. "Third Commander, Commander Jadeite, at your service." Jed said, bowing to Darien the way Mike has did. "What do you think of Nephrite?" Nathan asked. "I think it fit perfectly." Zach said. "What about you, Zach?" Darien asked. "I don't know. How 'bout Zoysite?" Zach asked thoughtfully. "Zoysite. It even has that little twist of feminine stuff in it. I mean, think of it. Zoy. Doesn't that sound like women's name than a guy's name? And then you add 'site'. It's like adding the men's part into it." Jed said. "Er...Jed? We get the idea." Darien said, sweating. "You mean Jadeite." Jed said. "Why don't we call each other our new name ALL the time while we are here?" Nathan suggested. "Yeah, that's a good idea." Mike said. "Hey, guys. I think I remember some kind of gray uniform kinda thing in our closets. Maybe we could use that as the Uniform of the Royal Guards." Zach said, really getting into this now. "Come on. We better get start getting ready for the Ball." Nathan said, starting to walk toward their room. "I have a feeling that something big is going to happen." ********** "You look just absolute beautiful, Amy." Lita said. "Er...thanks, I guess." Amy said uncertainly. "Hey, guys. Remember they say that we get to choose to be whatever we want?" Raye asked thoughtfully. "Yeah." Serena said, smoothing her long dress that was cling to her tightly. "I think we should name our selves." Raye said. "That'll be so cool!" Mina exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "I wanna be the Moon Princess!" Serena shouted, raising her hand. "That's cool!" Lita said. "I think I'll be the princess of Jupiter. It was always me favorite planet." "Can I be the princess of Mercury?" Amy asked quietly. "Sure, Ames!" Lita said. "How about Mars? I wanna be the princess of Mars." Raye said. "There's Neptune..." Mina paused so that her friends could decide. "Nope. It doesn't fit you." Serena said, shaking her head. "What about Venus?" Raye asked. "Yeah! I'll be the princess of Venus!" Mina said excitedly. "It'll be soooooo cool! I'll bet we are the only one who has choose our titles." "How about that the Moon Princess was the one that we should protect?" Amy suggested. "I think it'll be pretty fun to be the royal protectors of the Moon Princess." "That's totally awesome, Amy!" Lita exclaimed. "You know, I don't really wanna be called Princess Serena, I mean it's so...so...so wrong!" Serena burst out. "Serena...Serene...Serenity...Hey! How about Serenity?" Mina asked. "Princess Serenity..." Serena said, slowly. "It fits..." "Of course it fits, Princess Serenity!" Raye said. "This is going to be sooooooo much fun!" Mina exclaimed. "Oh, MY GOD!" Lita suddenly exclaimed. "It's already 6:15!" "WHAT!?" Mina yelled. "Let's go!" Amy thought to herself as she got dragged away by Mina and Serena. ********* To be continued... So...what do you think? The next chapter will come out soon 'cause I have this really big idea on it. Let's just hope that I don't get a Writer's Block before I could get the idea on the computer. Look for the side story for this fanfic. It's called 'Together for Eternity: Side Story: Writer's Blues'. It's going to have more than one chapter, though, so I have no idea of it's going to be called a side story anymore. Anyway, Email me at: bailuli@hotmail.com And my web page is at: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/index.html It got a totally different looks now. I hope you enjoyed the story!