The usual disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts but I do own the story; Star, The Jewels, Hera and a bunch of other people that wasn't shown in this chapter yet. Don't sue me for using the songs! I don't make any money outta this. (written by: Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Phil Galdston Celine Dion's 'Love Doesn't Ask Why') Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Don't ask me if this feeling's Right or wrong It doesn't have to make much sense It just had to be this strong 'Cause when you're in my arms I Understand We don't have a voice When our hearts make the choices There's no plan It's not in our hands Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at one Or whisper from a distance Now I can feel what you're Afraid to say If you give your soul to me Will you give too much away But we can't let this moment Pass us by Can't question this chance Or expect any answers We can try But love doesn't ask you why (Instrumental) So let's take what we found And wrap it around us Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Now I know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Love doesn't ask why Moon Star Double Love Volume Two: Episode Four: D is for Destiny By: Silver Star "Are you sure they are here, Salem?" A girl with braided blond hair asked. Her short gold skirt, orange front bow, gold back bow, and orange- red hair bow fluttered in the wind. "Yes, D. Haven't you heard the reports on Sailor Moon? And the report on the recent attack?" The small dark-gray cat with a weird star mark on his forehead asked impatiently, perched on the girl's shoulder. "No I haven't Salem. I was playing video games at home." D said, looking out to the nighttime Tokyo from the top of the Starlight Tower. Salem thought to himself with a sweatdrop on his forehead. "WHAT'S WITH YOU AND SAILOR V GAMES, ANYWAY!?!?!?" Salem finally yelled, breaking the comfortable silence. "You know why, Salem. Ever since...London." D said softly, suddenly very sad. "Y- you are talking about her aren't you?" Salem asked quietly, suddenly realizing that he shouldn't have said what he had said. "Yeah..." D said, looking down upon the brightly-lit city. "I'm sorry, D. I didn't meant to say something like that or remind you of her. I just kind of forgot..." Salem said, chuckling, trying to lighten up the mood. It's getting heavier than he liked. "It's okay, Salem. Anyway, how do you know that they are here, anyway?" D asked, changing the topic abruptly. "Well, I've just contacted with Hera, guardian of Sailor Star, and she told me they are in Tokyo." Salem stated. "Hera? Who is she?" D asked uninterested. "Pay attention D! I just told you that Hera is the guardian of Sailor Star!" Salem yelled, frustrated. "Sorry, Salem. I'm just thinking." D said apologetically. "Well, isn't that obvious!" Salem said sarcastically. "Hey! Don't be so tight, Salem!" D exclaimed teasingly and then suddenly jump down the high tower. "D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Salem yelled, clutching the girl's shoulder, annoyed rather than concerned. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> A single crystalline tear fell down Mina's cheek as she fell down the bridge. Wind whipped through her hair and she reached her hand up toward the bridge where a girl with braided blond hair and orange bow stood, waving to her. She smiled through her blurry vision and waved back. Then, everything went black... <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mina screamed, snapping up from her bed. Sweat covered her forehead and her long blond hair was matted to her neck and back. Tears flow down her cheeks like river. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. For a few minutes, Mina concentrated on breathing evenly. She opened her eyes slowly and buried her tear stained face in her hands. "D...I miss you so much..." she sobbed. After a few minutes, she finally calmed down. She asked herself as she leaned back on the bed's headboard. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "I want to help you." The girl with braided blond hair and orange bow said softly. "What?!" Sailor V exclaimed in surprise. "D! How- how did you know?" "I have my resources." D said, grinning. "But that's not important right now. What's important is that I want to help you stage that death so you could go to Tokyo." "B- but D..." "No buts, Sailor V. Destiny is taking its toll and your destiny is to stage that death and go to Tokyo where you are suppose to be." D said, smiling. "Your destiny is not to stay in England with me, V. Your destiny is to fight the evil that is threatening all of us." She said. V smiled and hugged D. "Big Sister. I wish you luck." "You call me "Big Sister" but I don't even know who you are." V laughed. She reached out to take off the domino mask but D drew back. "No, V. I'll be easier for us to say goodbye when we don't know each other." D said, voice sad. "This way, if we ever meet again in our civilized form, we won't know who we are and we won't be sad." "I- I guess you are right, D." Sailor V said. She suddenly laughed. "Look at me. I'm taking lessons from a girl that calls me 'Big Sister'." D smiled. "I'll miss you, Big Sister." D said. "I'll miss you, too, D." Sailor V said. They both smiled a sad smile and turned their back to each other. Then, at the exact same time, they jumped toward the opposite direction, never looking back. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "Are you sure you want to do it this way, Mina?" The little white kitty asked, sitting beside the blond girl on the bridge. "Yes, Artemis. This is the only way I could get out of here without anybody asking questions." Mina said softly. "What part will D do?" Artemis asked. "She's going to leave a note to the chief officer that we used to work with that she did found my body but by the time that they could go and retrieve it, it'll be long gone because of the current. That way, nobody will suspect anything." Mina said. "When are you doing it?" Artemis asked, looking out at the sunset. "Right NOW!" Mina yelled and then jumped off the side of the bridge. Gasps raised from the people on the bridge and everybody started to ran for the railing for a good view of the girl who jumped off the side of the tall bridge. A single crystalline tear fell down Mina's cheek as she fell down the bridge. Wind whipped through her hair and she reached her hand up toward the bridge where an illusion of a girl with braided blond hair and orange bow stood, waving to her. She smiled through her blurry vision and waved back. Then, everything went black... <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> D closed her eyes as she felt the pain of loosing Sailor V surfaced from the bottom of her heart. She stayed out of the sight of the police as she eavesdropped on their conversation. "The girl's name is Millina Lovhearts." The officer said to his boss. "Blond hair and blue eyes. Her mother had a heart stroke just last week and died immediately. Her father left her and her mom when she was 3. Couldn't blame the girl, chief. I mean, she's only 13 and her only family is lost." "Yeah. And she's such a pretty girl, too." The chief said, looking at the picture on the personal information the officer had dug up. "Found the body, yet?" "Not yet, chief. She jumped off at the highest point, the center of the bridge and it's hard to get there. It's going to take at least several hours for us to get there and try to find the body. By now, it could be on the bottom now and that's not good since the water is very deep." The officer said, sighing. D thought. She jumped out of her hiding place and jumped over the head of the two officers, dropping a piece of paper on the way. Then, she disappeared back onto the top of the other building again. The chief unfolded the piece of paper that just drifted down and read the note silently to himself. The girl's body is in the ocean. Don't waste your time because by the time you can get to the middle of the ocean, the current will carry it way down and it'll cause you a lot of trouble. Just forget it. D He looked up and crumbled the paper. "Cancel the search for the body." He said, much to the surprise of the officer. "What?! But sir-" "Cancel it!" The chief commanded again. "Yes, sir." The officer said and went to obey the order. D thought. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "I said I'll miss you, V." D said, standing on the top of the building, staring at the raising full moon in front of her. "And I still am." <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "Granite!" A woman with long blood red hair shouted in a hard voice. "What is the meaning of this?! Where are they?" She demanded as a handsome man wearing a black uniform that were similar to the Negavers's gray uniform appeared in the stone chamber before the woman whom was sitting on a stone throne on top of a platform. He have white hair that came to the nape of his neck but was cut neatly as if he intended to make it that long. A pair of earring was on his ears and they are made out of black granite stone. His eyes were closed and he bowed before the woman with his right arm over his chest. When he opened his eyes, they were pale blue almost like ice. "Patience, My Lady." Granite, said in a calm, collected voice. "It appeared that the 'woman' in Queen Beryl's generals is really a man who was turned into a woman because of an unknown reason that only Queen Beryl knows." The Lady smiled a small evil smile. " sister turned a man into a woman." She abruptly stood up and started toward the right of the throne on the platform where a wood carved small, round table stood. On that table was an exquisite, carefully, and wonderfully done wood box. "Although I have no insights on why she has done it, there must be a good reason for her to go into all the trouble of changing one's gender." She stopped at the table, never lifting her eyes to Granite. Slowly, she reached out and lift up the lid of the wood box. Nestled inside the wood box were pieces and pieces of black silks and between the rectangular black silks, is a small hand wand. The stick part of the wand was made out of polished black marble and on top of the wand is a small, white skull. An orange and yellow crystal formed over the skull and in a way, it looks like blazing fire. "Tell me...what is the name of this man who was turned into a woman?" The Lady asked as she lifted the wand out of the box. The fire crystal that formed the outline of a fire glittered almost like real fire and then dulled. "His name is Zoysite, My Lady." Granite informed her. "Zoysite?" The Lady turned to Granite and drew her brows together slightly. "Isn't that Quartzite's brother?" "Yes, my Lady." Granite confirmed. The Lady smiled. She closed the box, but didn't put back the wand, and walked back to her throne. "Alright then." She said as she sat down onto the cold stone, her right hand clutching the wand. "When they are awake, bring them all to me." She suddenly smiled an evil smile. "I would like to see just why my sister had chosen them." "Yes, My Lady." Granite said and backed away into the shadows. "I will carry out your wish immediately." <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "I don't believe this." Serena muttered to herself as she stared at the test paper in her classroom. "Another 25?!?! Oh, great, mom's going to KILL me!!!" She groaned, getting up from her desk as the bell rang for the end of the seventh period. "Cheer up, Serena." Molly said, gathering up her books. "It's not that bad. I mean, you've got even worse grades before." Serena thought sarcastically and picked up her books. They both quickly got up and followed the flow of the students to the hall outside. "I've got special drama class next period." Molly informed her. "I'll talk to ya later, okay?" "Sure, Mol." Serena replied glumly. "I'll see you later." She said, barely audible and then walked down one side of an intersected hall. Molly gave her one last concerned look and then walked down the opposite way to the Drama Room. Suddenly, Serena felt disoriented. "Wha-" Serena quickly regained herself and the ducked into Girl's Bathroom. After making sure that nobody's in the stalls, she closed her eyes and let her powers tell her where the attack is. The image is slightly blurry but she recognized the clearing behind the park where her family and her had a picnic last that summer. Trees surrounded three sides of the grassy clearing and the forth opened to a clear view of the lake. A monster with pale blue skin and silver hair was blasting at a family who was having a picnic there. The monster looks almost human with human face and body but the eyes were the eyes of cats at hunt. Serena was sure that it's a guy but he has long hair and his lips have dark red lipsticks on it. Around his neck is a gold string with a medallion attached to it. The medallion is made out of pure black onyx stone. On the center of the medallion is a design of a lightning bolt coming out of the sky. Lightning came out of the monster's outstretched fingers. There are still two girls and a little boy running around, screaming. The two adults were lying on the ground, face down. Obviously, they had been struck down. The monster was laughing as it watched the three children tried to get away from the lightning bolts he was throwing at them. None of them actually hit them but they were near enough that turned the children into hysteria. Serena thought furiously. With an inaudible *SNAP*, she was once again back in the bathroom. She went into one of the stalls and then took out her communicator. "Raye here." A voice said from the communicator. "And what is it? I'm in the middle of my class, you know." The Scout of fire snapped. "Sorry, Raye, but there's an attack." Serena said and hastily described where the attack was and what the monster look like. "I'm not sure I can get out that easily." Raye finally said. "I was just using the bathroom so that's out. I'm in the locker bay right now but I have to get back to class soon. I can call the others but I'm not sure if I can make it." "Okay, Raye. Just do it." Serena said. "Oh, and call Kristina and the Jewels, too. They might be of help. Serena out." The screen on the communicator blinked out and she quickly put it back into her pocket. Within an eye-blink, she was transformed and out the window. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> "Stop right there!" Sailor Moon yelled, coming to a stop at the opening of the clearing. The three children were still running around although the guy at already stopped throwing lightning bolts at them. "I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice, princess of the Moon Kingdom, and your worst nightmare! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!" She did her usual speech and poses while the guy just looked at her. "So. You are the legendary Sailor Moon." The monster said, making it a statement rather than a question. "Yes." Sailor Moon said. It's not a question but she answered anyway. "I am Ryuuzaki." He said, smirking slightly. "The Dragon Blossom of the Black Stars." He suddenly thrown his head back and laughed. His silver hair gleamed in the afternoon sun. "I won't let you destroy the peacefulness of the park!" Sailor Moon yelled. "Moon Tiara Magic!" She threw the glowing disc at Ryuuzaki but he suddenly disappeared, then appeared several feet from where he had been. "Do you truly think that little thing could harm me?" He asked arrogantly. He raised his right hand and pointed it at the disc, which is turning around and coming back to Sailor Moon. Electricity arched out of his fingertip and strikes the disc. It clattered to the ground and turned back to Sailor Moon's tiara. "Thuder." He commanded. Lightning strikes down from the sky and sped toward Sailor Moon. Ryuuzaki smiled, baring his sharp fangs as he watched the lightning arched toward the girl. Suddenly, something suddenly flashed down from the trees around them and canceled out the attack. The thing embedded itself onto the ground. The glow faded to show that it was a sword. A sword made out of pure diamond. "What?" Ryuuzaki turned to the place the attack had came from and scowled. A shadow flitted between the branches and a girl jumped down from one branch. The thick leaves of the trees shadowed her face. Her outfit was surprisingly similar to Sailor V's. "Ryuuzaki, the Lightning God of the West. How dare you use his name to bring death, despair, and destruction." The girl said, walking toward Ryuuzaki. The shadow disappeared, showing her crystal blue eyes filled with resentment. "Your kind brought the death of my parents and took away my only friend. And for that, you shall not be tolerated." She raised her arms above her head and wind stirred. "In the name of the goddess of love..." she said softly, eyes closed. The diamond sword floated toward her hand. The wind became stronger; the leaves started to sway uncontrollably. "Lend me your powers and help me punish this fiend." Her eyes opened and they were blazing with power. She took hold of the diamond sword and it started to glow. "Comet STRIKE!!" She slashed her sword at Ryuuzaki and shards of crystals flew toward him. "Moon Scepter Elimination!" Sailor Moon yelled, adding powers. "Venus Cresent Beam Smash!" A new voice yelled. The three attacks added to an incredible amount of power. "I will be back!" Ryuuzaki yelled and disappeared. The blazing shards suddenly disappeared, somehow called back by the girl before it could destroy the whole park. The girl turned to go just as Sailor Venus run up to Sailor Moon. "Wait!" Venus yelled. The girl stopped then jumped up into the trees, disappearing into the darkness. "D..." ********* To be continued... ********* So? What do ya think? Email me at and tell me what you think about this chapter! ^_^