Hey, Minna-san! I forgot to tell you another thing that was important. Molly and Melvin moved away. Andrew has moved to Rita's place, which is somewhere I don't remember. So neither Andrew, Molly, nor Melvin are in this story. The Outer Scouts are not in this story, either so there's only the inners and our Cape Boy. I don't own Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts but I do own the story, Star, The Jewels, Hera and a bunch of other people that wasn't shown in this chapter yet. Don't sue me for using the songs! I don't make any money outta this. (written by: Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Phil Galdston Celine Dion's 'Love Doesn't Ask Why') Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Don't ask me if this feeling's Right or wrong It doesn't have to make much sense It just had to be this strong 'Cause when you're in my arms I Understand We don't have a voice When our hearts make the choices There's no plan It's not in our hands Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at one Or whisper from a distance Now I can feel what you're Afraid to say If you give your soul to me Will you give too much away But we can't let this moment Pass us by Can't question this chance Or expect any answers We can try But love doesn't ask you why (Instrumental) So let's take what we font And wrap it around us Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Now I know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Love doesn't ask why Moon Star Double Love Volume Two: Episode Three: Destined Love A girl with long red hair runs through the broad hallway. Sunlight filtered through the garden from her right but they didn't fight back the darkness. She could feel the evil all around her. Unconsciously, she has came to the door of the great library where all the big things that has happened to the Moon Kingdom were saved. Kristina asked herself as she watched the girl slowly pushed open the heavy double oak door. The door opened soundlessly. She watched as the darkness inside the room, beckoning the girl to go inside, to find the answers to many mysteries that it has offered her. Kristina wanted to stop the girl from going in but her voice has stuck in her throat. The girl stepped into the room and went to the center of he room without hesitation. Kristina gasped in shock when the girl's face finally come out of the shadows. It was herself. Suddenly, they become one. The soul with the body. Kristina watched as a leather bound book flew toward her. She reaches out her hand and caught it just before it fell to the floor. She watched with fascination as the pages turned by itself. It stopped at the last page that was written. Kristina slowly and carefully read what was written... Today, we have gathered together to celebrate the arrival of the Earth's court. Princess Serenity has been engaged with Prince Endymion and Prince Demetrius has been engaged with Princess Kri... Kristina stopped the reading and returned her attention to Prince Demetrius. Somehow, she know she have to find him... She suddenly spun around and saw the dark form at the door of the Library. She gasped but she couldn't see anything anymore. All she could see was blood, bright red blood... "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Kristina screamed as she shot up from her bed. She became confused. Then, with a start, she realized something. Suddenly, something flashed in her mind. It was the name, Demetrius. She lay down onto her bed again. She looked at the foot of her bed and laughed silently. Slowly, her eyes started to close and soon, she was asleep again, dreaming the unknown... ********* "Who do you think they are?" Lita wondered aloud as they waited for their new allies at the courtyard of Cherry Hill Temple. "I don't know." Mina said with a shrug. "I think they are the allies I've been talking about." Luna said. "And they must have the power I've detected." Raye added. Just then, a panting Serena climbed up the steps of Cherry Hill Temple. "Sorry." She panted. "Am I late?" "You are not late. As a matter of fact, you are early by 4 minutes and 13 seconds." Amy said. "Er, right." A huge sweatdrop appeared on Serena's head. "So...are you in a detention again, Meatball Head?" Raye asked slyly. "RAYE!!!!!!" Serena screamed. "DON'T CALL ME MEATBALL HEAD!!!!!!!!!!" "Whoa, Serena!" A voice behind her said with a tone of impress. "You sure got a good voice." Serena turned around and saw Ria. "Ria! What are you doing here?" Serena asked, surprised. "Waiting for somebody." Lisa answered, appeared behind Ria. Amelia panted and climbed up the steps to stand with Ria and Lisa. "This IS Cherry Hill Temple, right?" Amelia asked. "Yeah...who are you guys waiting for?" Lita asked suspiciously. "Just some old friends we've unexpectedly met yesterday after school. They said we should wait for them at Cherry Hill Temple because they don't have time to talk back then." Lisa said casually. "Where's Mia?" Mina asked, looking behind the three girls but didn't find anybody. "She has something to do and so didn't come with us." Ria said, but Mina could tell, she's lying. "So..." Ria said, trying to work up a casual conversation. "Have you guys ever heard of the Sailor Scouts?" "Of course!" Serena said, a big smile on her face. "They are just wicked cool!" "Who's your favorite scout?" Lisa asked. "Me? Sailor Moon of course!" Serena said and the other four girls groaned. "Well, I personally like Mars better." Raye said, tossing her hair back. "Sailor Venus is the best." Mina argued. "No way! Sailor Jupiter is much more powerful!" Lita said. "That's not true, Lita!" Serena said. "Sailor Moon is the one who always finish the monsters." "But the other scouts ALWAYS has to help her before she could destroy the monsters." Mina said. "Yeah, and Sailor Moon was such a crybaby." Raye added. "I am nooooooooooooot!" Serena wailed. "Uh...Serena? I thought Raye said Sailor Moon was a crybaby, not you." Amelia stated and the scouts started to sweat. Lisa suddenly gasped. "You have Sailor Moon's broach!" She said almost accusingly. "Er...I do? Yes I do! Of course, how silly of me." Serena laughed nervously. "It's just a fake, Lisa. No need to make such commotion." "No it's not a fake!" Amelia said quietly. "I can feel power radiant from it." "You are Sailor Moon!" Ria said with disbelieve. "And you guys must be the Sailor Scouts!" Amelia said with delight. "We've been looking forward to see who you guys REALLY are!" Ria said. "What are you guys talking about?" Lita asked. Lisa merely smiled. "Emerald, at your service." She said and bowed just like the way Emerald did. "Emerald!" Serena exclaimed. "I can NOT believe you are Emerald!" "Sapphire." Amelia said, smiling but didn't bow. "And I could guess that you are Ruby?" Raye asked Ria. "Yep!" Ria said. "Good morning!" A voice said behind Ria, Amelia, and Lisa. "Uh...KRISTINA!?!?!?!" Everybody exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" Serena asked nervously, hoping that she hasn't heard the conversation between the scouts and the jewels about the identity thing. "To meet you guys, of course!" Kristina said, smiling. "Then that means...OH MY GOD!" Amy shouted, eyes widen in shock, one hand came up to her mouth. "You are Sailor Star!" Serena exclaimed, just as shocked as Amy. "Star is my name and Star is my fame." Kristina said, winking. "I can't believe it! After all these times, it was all you guys!" Lita exclaimed. Everyone seemed to be happy, except Mina. "Mina, what's wrong?" Kristina asked, frowning. "I don't know." Mina finally admitted, sighing. "It just seemed to be a hole, an emptiness in me, somehow." "This is my cat Hera." Kristina said, pointing at the cat that was WAY behind Kristina, panting at the VERY bottom step of the Cherry Hill Temple. At that instant, Luna's head shot up. "This is my cat, Luna and that's Mina's cat, Artemis." Serena said, gesturing to Luna, who was staring at the form of Hera who was staring back, and Artemis who was curled up beside Mina, asleep. "Luna?" The silver-gray cat with gray paws asked. "Hera..." Luna whispered in disbelieve. "You are still alive...where's Salem?" "You two KNEW each other?" Everybody asked but the two cats ignored them. Artemis was still asleep. "I don't know where he is." Hera said. "But he is alive and well. Last time I heard from him, which was just two weeks ago, he said he and his charge are coming here." "Hold on a sec!" Ria suddenly said with her fist on her hip. "What the heck is going on here?" Hera ignored her as her gaze turned to the still sleeping Artemis. She suddenly grinned evilly at Artemis and then her eyes turned back to Luna again, giving her the same evil grin. To everybody's surprise, Luna grinned back evilly. "Anybody got a bucket of REALLY _COLD_ water?" Hera asked the dumbfounded scouts and jewels. "I'll go get it." Raye said hesitantly, not really know what will happen but she does know that whatever is going to happen, it's going to be very amusing. A few minutes later, she came back with a bucket of iced water and placed them at Hera's feet...er...paws, I mean. Hera grinned again and then... "YEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Artemis screamed as the ice-cold water drenched him to the bone. "What the heck was that..." He trailed off as he saw Hera grinning beside him with an empty bucket by her paw. "For." "Hello. Did you have a nice nap? Since you didn't wake up when I arrived, I...we decided to wake you up." Hera said with a smug grin on face. "Alright, who helped her?" An angry Artemis asked, giving a glare to every scout and jewels. "I did. What are you going to do to me?" Asked Luna. Artemis gulped. "Oh," was all he said. "Glad to see that you hasn't change a bit, bro." Hera said, smiling. "BRO!? You mean you two are siblings?!" Everyone yelled. "Yes we ar-" Hera's words where interrupted by Serena's yell. "There's an attack. At the park!" Serena yelled. "Let's go!" Everyone said. "Moon Cosmic POWER!" "Venus Star POWER!" "Jupiter Star POWER!" "Mars Star POWER!" "Mercury Star Power!" "Now is your turn!" Sailor Moon said. "Star Cosmic POWER!" Kristina yelled, holding up an Amethyst broach with a magenta heart in the center and a silver star in the very center of the heart. She start to fly upwards, hands on both sides of her body, palm down, feet together. Then white mist starts to come out of her palms and feet. She start to spin slowly and the mist start to twist together. She start to fly slowly upwards and she waves her hands and arms in front of her and make it look like a circle of mists. Then purple ribbons start to come out of her palms with the silver mist engulf it. The ribbons wrapped themselves around her. First her legs then her body and finally her arms. They suddenly disappeared leaving her in a white bodice, knee high; high heel magenta colored boots, and elbow length white gloves. She throws her head backwards, a silver tiara with an amethyst appeared on her forehead, and a pair of silver earring with a moon and a star at the end and an amethyst on it appeared also on her ears. The purple skirt spins on her and finally silver front bows and the Amethyst brooch appeared. She then stand in front of a star background and fold her arms in front of her chest, feet apart. "Jupiter Emerald POWER!" Lisa yelled, trusting her hand up with an Emerald-gemstone in it. The gemstone was in the shape of a lightning bolt. In the center of the gemstone was the Jupiter sign, like an illusion wavering in the bright gem. Immediately, a beautiful stream of green ribbon with emerald gemstones embroidery on it came out. Electricity crackled inside the emeralds. The ribbon wrapped itself around Lisa's feet, then her body and last of all, her arms. The ribbons suddenly disappeared, leaving Emerald in Lisa's place. She had on a pair of lime-green boots that look a lot like the sandals of the god Hermes except that hers is a pair of boots instead of sandals and in the place of the wings are lightning bolts. Lightning suddenly crackled down from the heaven and formed her lime- green skirt attached to her white bodice. Her white gloves appeared on her bare arms. Her long brown hair flew up with the invisible wind. A silver tiara appeared on her forehead with the same lightning-bolt-shaped emerald gemstone that she used to transform, in the center except that it was a lot smaller. Her front bow was lime green and her back bow was dark-green. "Mars Ruby POWER!" Ria yelled, holding up a flaming-fire-shaped Ruby-gemstone with the symbol of Mars in the center. Almost immediately, a long stream of red ribbon surrounded with blazing fire swirled out from the gemstone. The ribbon formed five fire-rings in front of her. She started to run, faster and faster, faster than human eye could see. As she went through the first fire-ring, her blood-red boots appeared. It was a pair of ankle length boots with zippers up front. She kept on going and pasted the second fire- ring. This time, her white bodice appeared. When she went through the third fire-ring, a trail of fire from the ring formed her red skirt. Her dark- pink front and back bow appeared as she went through the fourth fire-ring. Finally, her silver tiara appeared when she went through the final fifth fire- ring. She suddenly jumped up and hold up the same flaming-fire-shaped Ruby-gemstone again and the five fire-rings turn back the ribbons and went back into the gemstone. It disappeared and reappeared on her tiara, smaller but still have the Mars's sign in it. "Mercury Sapphire POWER!" Amelia yelled, holding up a teardrop- shaped Sapphire-gemstone with the symbol of Mercury in it. A long stream of icy-blue ribbon came out of the gemstone. She started to spin very faster while the ribbon wrapped itself around her until she was just a blur of blue. She suddenly stopped spinning and was engulfed by freezing water. The ribbons had disappeared when she stopped spinning. Her arms were crossed across her chest. Then the outermost layer of the freezing water froze into a huge chunk of ice at least three inches thick while the water around her still circulating. Her slightly long blue hair swayed softly with the water inside and she show no sign of been froze. The ice suddenly exploded, leaving Sapphire in Amelia's place. She had on a pair of icy-blue boots with no heels. Her icy-blue skirt was attached to a white bodice. A pair of white gloves that goes all the way to her elbow graced her bare arm. Her front bow was icy-blue and her back bow was blue. A silver tiara was on her head but no jewel on it. She raised her arm once more with her transformation gemstone in her hand. It disappeared and reappeared on her tiara with the sign of Mercury still in it. "Let's GO!!!" ********* "Everything is ready, My Queen." A male voice, though suspiciously sounds like female, said. "Very good." A female voice said from somewhere high. Her voice echoed in the huge cavern-looking throne room with black marble floor and rocky-cavern walls. The female voice was coming from the huge stone throne. The throne's back was facing the throne room. "Very, very good..." "When do we start, My Queen?" Another male voice asked, though this one is definitely a male. The woman suddenly stood up from the throne. Her long, blood-red hair flew wildly in the air, as if blown by some invisible wind. Her skin was pale, deathly pale as if she never seen the sun before. Two yellow horns came out of her shoulder. She's wearing a long, elegant, tight black dress with two slits coming up from both sides. Her shoulder was bare, giving a clear view of her horns. In her right hand, she was holding a black staff topped by a black orb. The staff was crooked and it had designs of dead souls on the part near the orb. In her left hand was a small wand with a white skull on the top and a circle that resembled flaming fire was around the skull. The wind suddenly died down and she laughed. "We start right now..." she said. "And I shall rule the universe!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" "Yesssssssssssss, you ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhalllllll..." A voice in the dark hissed with glee. "You sssssssssshhhhhhhhhallllllllllll, indeeeeeeeed..." ********* "Finally. I though you will never come." The monster said with a screechy voice as the Sailor Scouts and the Jewels got to the park. "Shut your dirty mouth up." Star said. "I am Sailor Star-" "And I am Sailor Moon. We are the champions of justice and your worst nightmare." "In the name of the million stars-" "And the power of the Moon-" "We will destroy you!" All the scouts said together. "And we will make you wish you've never been born." Added the Jewels. "Cut off the pretty speech, Sailor Brats." The monster said with impatience. "Actually, not all of us are Sailor Scouts." Sapphire said almost as if she is giving a lecture. She pointed a gloved finger toward the sky and started to state the fact to the brainless monster. "Three of us are Jewels. That meant that 1/3 of us is different than the Sailor Scouts which is 33.3 percent. 66.6 percent are the Sailor Scouts. You want to know how I did it? Well, you start with..." "Oh, NO! Not ANOTHER lecture! I can't stand this!" The monster screamed, covering its pointed ears with its hands- er- claws, I mean. "Help me MOMMY!!!!!" It screamed and scrambled away. "What the heck is that?" Jupiter asked, dumbfounded. Everybody's eyes came to Sapphire who had stopped 'the lecture' after the monster had disappeared. "How the heck did you do THAT!?" Ruby asked, staring at Sapphire who was grinning as if she had never grinned before. "Well, I had found out from my Sapphire mini-computer that this monster had hated lectures and it couldn't stand them. That's why I did that." Sapphire explained. "You have a mini-computer, too?" Mercury asked, eyes lighting up. "Yes, I do." Sapphire said. "That'll be great! Now we can find the monster's weakness faster by using two computers!" Mercury exclaimed. "Alright!" Everybody said and high-fived. "Good work Sailor Scouts, Jewels." Luna said, coming up from behind with Hera and Artemis. Everybody turned to look at the three cats. "That was quick." Artemis said. "Actually, this fight is going to get a lot bigger." Hera said calmly, looking behind the turned scouts and jewels. "LOOK!?" She screamed. Everybody turned again...and froze. "Uh-oh. I guess mommy's not too happy." Star said, staring at the huge female monster in front of them. The huge claws of the monster came down fast toward the Scouts and the Jewels. "Move, Sailor Scouts!" Tuxedo Mask's voice suddenly sounded from nowhere as a black blur came down and swooped Sailor Moon up. Everybody dived for cover except Sailor Star who was under the spell from the third eye of the monster. Suddenly, a dark-blue blur came down from nowhere and scooped Star out of the way. "Who- what? What's going on?" Star asked as the blue blur stopped on top of a building and she could see that it was a blond guy wearing a white domino mask. Surprisingly, he looked very much like Tuxedo Mask. Even he's clothes look like Tuxedo Mask's! The only difference was that his tuxedo is dark-blue instead of black and he isn't wearing a hat. He gently put Star down onto the building top. They stared into each other's eyes as if in a trance. The wind blown his cape back and Star's hair forward though neither one noticed. "Who are you my handsome prince?" Star asked softly, still staring into his eyes. His hand came up slowly and caressed her cheeks. Kristina closed her eyes as she lean into his caress. She asked herself. Her eyes opened slowly and they stared into each other's eyes again. Slowly, as if in a trance, they lean toward each other until their lips were just a whisper away... "Star! Are you alright?" Sailor Mar's voice suddenly sounded from below, breaking the romantic spell of the night. "Yes, yes I'm alright." Star yelled back as she stepped back from the man. "Who are you?" She asked again though this time, she isn't in a trance anymore. The man suddenly jumped up in a lightning quick speed. A beautifully full bloomed blue rose flew toward Star and landed in her outstretched hand. "Just call me Blue Rose." And with that, he disappeared into the night. "Blue Rose..." Star said, finding herself smiling at the blue rose in her hand. She gently tugged the rose behind her ear and then jumped off the building onto the battle below. "Star Board, NOW!" She yelled as a star shaped board appeared below her, catching her in mid air. She hovered in mid air for a moment, looking at what she missed. Jupiter and Venus were out cold. Mercury and Sapphire were out of the range of the battle to find the weakness of the monster but it seemed they hadn't find anything yet. Moon, Mars, Emerald, and Ruby were trying to destroy it with their attacks but the monster had an invisible shield around it and non of the attacks work. Star flew toward the huge monster and circled around its head, hoping to distract it and show some weakness to the other scouts. Unexpectedly, a ball of fire came out of its mouth and came at Star. Star dodged it with ease but the fire had caught the blue rose in her hair and the rose turned into ashes. "I don't believe this!" Star said with anger. Her eyes filled with rage. "I just got it a few minutes ago and you destroyed it?!" She turned her eyes onto the monster that was oblivious to the danger it was in. "You are going to PAY. Star Raging STORM!" She screamed as a huge gust of wind flew toward the monster's third eye. The wind blinded the monster's third eye and the invisible shield collapsed. "Combine your attacks and attack the monster NOW!" Mercury's voice said urgently from the side line. "Alright! Moon Scepter..." "Mars Celestial Fire..." "Mercury Ice Storm..." "Emerald Lightning..." "Ruby Fire..." "Sapphire Hailstone..." "ELIMINATION!!!" "SURROUND!!!" "BLAST!!!" "THUNDERSTORM!!!" "TORNADO!!!" "BLAST!!!" "And now my final attack! Star Wand ELIMINATION!!!" The combination of the seven attacks destroyed the huge monster almost immediately. The monster screamed in pain and then turned to dust. "Good job, Scouts." Luna said, getting out of her hiding place. "Yeah. You too, Jewels. You guys really kick their butt!" Hera said. "Hera!" Artemis yelled. "So, who gave you that rose, huh, Kristina?" Sailor Moon asked slyly, elbowing Sailor Star. "Oh, nobody. I just founded somewhere." Star said, blushing. "Stop it, Serena. Don't give her a hard time. If it wasn't for her, we could be dead right now." Jupiter said. "You guys. I think we should go now. You guys are going to be late for-" "DINNER!" Sailor Moon screamed as she hastily detransform and then sped off toward her house. "Is she always like that?" Star asked as she and everybody else detransform. "Yeah, always." Raye said. "Well, I got to go, too. See you tomorrow!" "Yeah, my mom will be worried. See ya!" Mina yelled as she run off toward her home. "Well, do you guys want to come to our house to eat? Our house is really big." Lisa suggested to Kristina, Lita, and Amy. "Sure, I guess. I mean, I'll be eating alone tonight anyway." Kristina said, shrugging. "I'll be glad to come." Lita said. "What about you?" Amelia asked Amy. "I'll come. My mom's on her night shift again." Amy said, sighing. "Maybe we could study together." "Sure!" Amelia answered. "Well, let's go!" ********* "Why do you make me feel this way, Kristina?" Blue Rose asked himself as he watched the six girls go. "I'm only for my princess and yet, I'm in love with you...love? Is it love that I'm feeling? But I'm suppose to be in love with my princess..." ********* "It is done, my queen." A male voice said. His voice echoed around the huge cavern-like throne room. "And is it successful?" The red-haired woman sitting on the throne asked. "Yes, my queen." Another male voice said. "Very good. Now, I shall rule the world! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" ********* To be continued... What do ya think? I know it takes me a long time to finish this chapter but I've been having writer's block for a LONG time! Email me at: bailuli@hotmail.com I LOVE getting Emails! Visit my page at: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/index.html