Minna-san! I thought that I'll never get this part started! Anyway, here's a little note to all of people that are confused. This take place after Beryl was killed. The Scouts recovered their memories when they fought the first few youmas. The problem is that they don't remember the generals anymore. They only remembered Beryl. They know that Serena was the Moon Princess, though. All the other enemies of Sailor Moon don't exist. In my story, the scouts could use all their powers/attacks. Sailor Mercury, for example, could use both 'Mercury Bubble Blast' and 'Mercury Bubbles Freeze'. The story belongs to me and some of the characters belong to me, too. Please don't use my characters without asking me! The Jewels does NOT have any relationships with the Black Moon Family, they don't exist! Well, here's the story! (written by: Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Phil Galdston Celine Dion's 'Love Doesn't Ask Why') Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Don't ask me if this feeling's Right or wrong It doesn't have to make much sense It just had to be this strong 'Cause when you're in my arms I Understand We don't have a voice When our hearts make the choices There's no plan It's not in our hands Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Don't you know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at one Or whisper from a distance Now I can feel what you're Afraid to say If you give your soul to me Will you give too much away But we can't let this moment Pass us by Can't question this chance Or expect any answers We can try But love doesn't ask you why (Instrumental) So let's take what we font And wrap it around us Love doesn't ask why It speaks from the heart And never explains Now I know that Love doesn't think twice It can come all at once Or whisper from a distance Love doesn't ask why Moon Star Double Love Volume One: Episode two: Four New Scouts "Serena! Wake up!" Serena's mom yelled from downstairs. "Just a few more minutes, mom." Serena mumbled. "Serena! Wake up! Amy is here!" Her mother yelled again. "Fine! Be down in a sec!" Serena yelled back, truly awake now and start to dress. Five minutes later, she is dressed and ready to go. She went down the stairs only to find five people, instead of one, stand waiting for her. "Good morning, Serena!" Amelia said smiling. "We saw Amy walking to school so we thought that we could walk together to school." Mia said. "She suggest that we wake and walk you to school first 'cause she know you will be late AGAIN if she doesn't wake you." Ria said teasingly. Serena turned bright red and glared at Amy while she just smiled. "I do not!" She retorted. "Let's go or we'll be late, too." Lisa said checking her watch. "Okay." Serena said glad that the subject has changed. Just when they are going out, a meow sounded from the bottom of the stair. Everybody turned and saw a cat staring at them curiously. Its fur is black and it has a crescent moon mark on its forehead. "Wow! Pretty kitty!" Mia said, scooped Luna up and swung her around in circles. "Meowwwww!!" Luna meowed in surprise and a little fear of 'what if' she dropped her. "We have a cat just like her except that our is a boy and he has dark gray fur instead of black and he has a star mark instead of moon." Amelia said. "Meowww-" Luna suddenly freeze in mid meow. "We better go or we'll be late." Lisa said again. "Oh, fine." Mia said and put Luna down onto the floor. They all walked out the door. Luna chanted in her mind, looked straight ahead while walked up the stairs like she's in a trance. ********** Serena thought to herself as she walked beside her friends. Her thought suddenly interrupted by a yell. "Good morning, Serena!" Kristina yelled from ahead of them. "Hey, Kristina!" Serena greeted back. "Morning, Everybody!" Kristina said to the other five girls, dropped back a little so that they could catch up. "Morning, Kristina." Everybody except Serena said in unison. "Serena, did you study for the test that we are going to have today?" Kristina asked. Serena stopped dead on her track. "We have a test today? OH NO!!" She wailed while everyone covered their ears. "Morning, Meatball Head!" Suddenly, a male voice said cheerfully. "Oh, morning Muffin!" Serena said, stopped wailing, and throw her arms around Darien. "Meatball Head? Muffin? Boy, you guys need some tips on making nicknames." Kristina said and sweat dropped. "Is he your boyfriend?" "Yep! This is my boyfriend Darien." Serena said happily. (Mood swing! -_-*) "How old is he, anyway? He looked like 20 to me." Kristina said. "He IS 20." Serena said. "WHAT!?!?! He's 6 years older than you!" Kristina yelled. "I know!" Kristina said, a drop of sweat appeared on her face. She turned to Amy and said, "Aren't you going to talk some sense into her?" "Why should I? They are perfectly happy together." Amy replied, shrugging. "Never mind. Just forget it. Just forget that I ever said anything." Kristina said. She never dreamed that Amy could be this dense, either. "Come on guys! I don't want to be late, today." Ria said. "Yeah. Let's go." Mia agreed. "Bye, Muffin!" Serena yelled and they resumed on their journey to school. ******** "It is going to be a very interesting day for you, Sailor Moon...Sailor Star." A woman with short black hair said as she looked into her mirror. She wore a Sailor fuku with white body suit and black skirt. Her bow is black and the gemstone on her tiara and bow is also black. She carried a weird-looking staff with an orb on the top. The orb is swirled with pink and white mists inside. "A very interesting day indeed..." She trailed off as she stepped into a portal. Leaving the room unmarked of any evidence of her presence. ******** "Serena, do you know who he is?" Kristina asked as she saw a blond man walking by. He has sandy-blond hair almost the same color as Alex's but his is one shade lighter. He wore a dark yellow suit and matching pants and he carries a light brown suitcase. The girls can't see his eyes because his back is to them. "Nope. Never seen him before." Replied Serena. "So are you interest in him?" She asked slyly. "You've got to be kidding! I, personally, thinks that men (or boys) are the most stupidest thing on earth!" Kristina said. "Then why are you asking me who he is?" Serena asked, confused. "He just looked like somebody I know." Kristina replied. "Oh. Anyway, what do you think Lita and Lisa bring today?" Serena asked, dropping the subject about the guy with blond hair. "Bring what?" "Food, of course! Lunch!" Serena yelled. "Serena! Why do you always think about food?! Why don't you worry about something else!?" Kristina yelled. "Well, food taste good, they are good for you..." "Great. Now I'll never get her to shut up. Why me?" Max watched the back of the seven girls from the corner of his eyes. He asked himself. His midnight blue eyes narrowed, blocked out six of the girls and focused on the girl with bright red hair. His eyes suddenly went wide in shock. "Oh, my god..." He murmured as all the seven girls disappeared around the corner. He suddenly shook his head and seemed to be snapped out of a trance. He thought, trying to convince himself. He chuckled a little, more convinced that he was dreaming. "I better get to work or I'll be late." He said, looking at his watch and frowning. He started to small run toward his destination. What he doesn't know is that, what had just happened was not a dream... ******** "Bye, Serena!" Kristina yelled as they separated for their own first class. "See ya at P.E.!" "Bye Kristina!" Serena yelled back as she walked away. Kristina hummed to herself happily as she walk to her first class. She thought, already forgetting about the blond guy that, she KNEW, has watched them went to school. She walked into the classroom quite early, and set at the desk at the end, by the window. A few minutes later, the first bell rang, and students started to fill the room. After the second bell rang, the teacher walked in. She was pretty tall with shoulder length blond hair. She wore a white blouse with a black, knee-length skirt. She looked pretty okay to Kristina but the other students thought there were something wrong. She smiled and seemed to know what's going on. "I'm Ms. Sakura. I'm your substitute teacher for the next couple of days." She said. The student seemed to be less confused now. "I think I'll start with introduction. I am Yui Sakura. You can just call me Ms. Sakura..." While, Ms. Sakura babbled on, Kristina felt her eyelid feel heavy and started to drop. She shook her head and tried to focus on Ms. Sakura but she felt so tired. She groaned a little as she dropped into a deep sleep... Kristina asked herself as she tried to look beyond the darkness. "Hello!" She yelled. The echoes of her words reflected back to her. Suddenly, the darkness left, replaced by a bright hallway. She looked around and noticed that the place seemed to be very familiar. The floor was made out of white marble and there are vases of flowers on the table in the hall. Another thing she noticed is that there is a huge door at the end of the hall. She walked toward the door and opened it when she reached it. She gasped as the most beautiful sight greeted her. She was in a beautiful garden! The place is very quiet except the sound of the birds and the sound of water from the pond in the center of the garden. There was many kind of flowers but all of then are either silver, or white. She thought as she touched one of the silver roses on the side of the garden to make sure that all of those are real. A laughing sound of a little girl reached her ears. She turned around and gasped. She saw a 4 years old Kristina running into an older woman's arm, laughing. The woman looked a lot like her, except that the woman has blue eyes instead of green. The scene shifted and replaced by a crying 5 years old Kristina in the arm of the woman. The scene changed but this time, she's not in the garden anymore, she's in a throne room. A 10 years old Kristina hugged a girl with long golden-blond hair that had done into two meat-balls. The image changed again and now, she's in another garden with white, silver, and gold roses. The 11 years old Kristina is crying in the girl's arm. The scene shifted and she was in the throne room, again. A 14 years old Kristina is standing beside the blond hair girl, on the right of the throne. On the other side of the throne are 10 girls wearing Sailor fukus. Across from them are two princes and 10 guardians on their side. The scene shifted again. The 14 years old Kristina is dancing with one of the princes, the one with blond hair and blue eyes. They were having fun when suddenly an explosion interrupted the ball. The image disappeared and replaced by a tragedy image of Kristina in the arm of the blond prince. A pool of blood surrounded them. They are dead but their hand was entwined together. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kristina woke with a start. She looked around and saw that all the rest of the students are packing to go. She thought and suddenly, her mind went to the dream. She quickly put the dream aside and packed her stuff for her next class. What she doesn't know is that she'll get the answer sooner than she thought... ********** At the same time, Max is puzzling over the same dream. He thought, frustrated. "Maximilian Straton! You better have a very good reason for not finishing the program that I wanted you to finish one week ago!" A woman in her 40s stormed out of the main office. She stood at the side of Max's table with her hands on her hips. "Almost, Ms. Enea." Max apologized, quickly getting to work. Ms. Emea fumed a little and then went back into her own office. He thought but suddenly, the image of the red hair girl appeared in his mind again. ******** "I've been having weird feelings around Kristina." Mina said as she walks home with Amy, Serena, and Lita. "You are not the only one, Mina. We all detected it." Lita said. "Do you think it might have some connection with the powerful source in Tokyo?" Serena asked. "50/50 chance." Mina replied. "It might very well connected with it and it might not." Amy added. "Who know. Time will explain-" Lita's sentence was interrupted by a blood-curling scream. "Not another one!" Serena whined. "Don't worry. It's probably going to be an easy one." Lita said. (Man, oh, man is she wrong!) They quickly transformed and run to the park where the scream was heard. When they finally arrived at the park, they stopped dead on their track. There were about two dozen youmas! Half of the youmas were bloody red and the other half were slimy green. "Ewwwww!" Sailor Moon squealed and hid behind Jupiter. In the center of the youmas are another two youmas but they are larger and they seemed to be the leader. "Come on, Sailor Moon." Jupiter said. "Stop right there!" Sailor Moon yelled. "I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice, princess of moon kingdom and your WORST nightmare. In the Name of the Moon," "Venus," "Jupiter," "and Mercury," "We will right wrong and triumph over evil!" They yelled together. All the youmas stopped and stared at the Sailor Scouts. The two leaders looked at each other and seemed to be bewildered. "I believe there was supposed to be 8 of them?" The red one said in a deed voice, raising an eyebrow. He is very fat. "I believe so, too, but there are only 4 here. Maybe the others are hiding somewhere." The other youma suggested in his high-pitched voice. He's skinny. "uh...8 of us?" Sailor Moon asked, just as confused as the two youma and her 3 fellow scouts. "Hey, creep. There are only 5 of us. The one that is missing is else where right now. She's not hiding." Jupiter said. "Whatever. Anyway, 4 is better than 8. Let's take them first and leave the rest later." The red youma said. As soon as he said that, all the youmas started to advance toward the four scouts. "Mars Firebird STRIKE!" A yell sounded from nowhere. A firebird suddenly swooshed down and burned four youmas. "Way to go, Sailor Mars!" Venus yelled as Mars jumped down from the nearby building top. "I am Sailor Mar and I will NOT let you touch my friends!" Mars said. The remaining youmas paused and then started to advance toward the scouts as if nothing happened. "Jupiter Thunder CRASH!" Jupiter yelled and a bolt of lightning strike down and destroyed another two youmas. All the youmas stopped again but this time, they did not advance. Instead, they just stood there looking at the scouts. Suddenly, to the scout's surprise, veins started to wrap around them. They struggled but couldn't get free. They looked up and saw that the green youmas seemed to be concentrating. Suddenly, Jupiter fell down on her knees. "They are sucking our energies!" She suddenly realized what the ball in the red youma's hand was for. "Yes, they are. The green youmas are using veins to keep us from escaping and the red youma is collecting our energy." Mercury explained. She had activated her visor before she got...wrapped up. ^.~ Sudden, a whip slashed out and destroyed the ball that was containing the scout's energy. Strength went back to the scouts but they still couldn't get free from the veins. "Need some help?" A new voice asked. A girl wearing sailor fuku hovered out on a star shaped hover board. She has red hair and green eyes. Her back and front bows are silver and her choker is silver, too. Her skirt is purple and she wears knee-high, high heel, magenta-colored boots. Unlike the scouts, however, her tiara is silver instead of gold. She had a brooch made out of Amethyst with a star inside it. Her earring is silver with a star at the end. In the center of the star is an Amethyst. The gem on her tiara is an Amethyst also. She did a flip and landed gracefully in front of the scouts. "Star is my name and Star is my fame. I am Sailor Star, your worst Nightmare." "Who ever you are, I sure don't remember you." The red youma laughed. "I'm sure you'll remember me after our first encounter...that is...if you are still alive. Nobody has EVER lived after I'm done with them." Star said. "A tough little girl aren't ya?" The green youma said. "Listen, creep. I'm not here to chat." With that, she closed her eyes and started to concentrate. She placed both arms in front of her that it looks like a X. She then makes a circle with both of her arms. She put both of her hand on top of her and it looks like she's holding something. Small stars start to gather in her hand. It seemed to be hovering an inch above her hand and then it turns into a huge star. She throws it at her enemy and then she reaches behind her and a small star appeared. When the enemy is right about in the middle of the big star, she throws the small star at the big star like a pro pitcher at baseball and yelled "Energy Star BURST!". The small star hit the center of the big star and the big star burst into million pieces. The broken pieces of the star flies very fast toward the youmas and killed all of them except the two leaders. The veins immediately begin to weaken and Jupiter was able to get lose but the other scouts are not as strong as she is so they couldn't get free. Jupiter quickly started to unwrap the others, knowing that the girl is an ally. Tuxedo Mask watched all this with interest. The red youma growled with anger and annoyance, probably still convinced that Star is not powerful. Star smirked and then she closed her eyes and started to concentrate her energy again. She started to spin slowly, then placed both hands in front of her eyes and forehead. The Amethyst started to glow a faint purple light. She stopped spinning, and her eyes snapped open. She separated her hands and so that her enemy could see the gem glowing on her forehead, in the center of the tiara. "Star Tiara LASER!" She yelled. The Amethyst started to glow brighter and then as if it couldn't contain anymore light, it let forth a purple laser beam. It hit the red youma and immediately, it died and burned to ashes. The green youma looked at the ashes of the red youma with fear in its eyes. Obviously, the red youma is the more powerful one and so when Star killed him without breaking a sweat, the green youma started to feel scared. It started to turn, to run, hoping that Star didn't notice it but she did. "Oh, no you don't!" She said almost to herself. "Star Shadow SAVER!" She yelled and then, her image wavered and turned into five of herself. "Over here!" One of the Stars (^.^) yelled from the left of the green youma. It looked toward her but she's no longer there, instead, it got distracted by another Stars that were directly in front of it. "Don't look that way! I'm over here!" Yelled another Sailor Star that was behind it. It turned, immediately got kicked on the head by the real Star. It looked around frantically, not knowing which one is the real Star, not knowing which one will kill it... Sailor Moon shuddered at the fear in the green youma's eyes. The fear of not knowing, never knowing what will happen. She tasted that kind of fear before, she tasted it just before she meet Queen Beryl, the last minute of life and death. "Hey, Sailor Star! Save us some action will ya?" A new voice yelled. "Yeah, Star!" Another new voice said. All of the Stars stopped and then came together to form the real Sailor Star. Everybody looked toward the voice, including the green youma. Three forms jumped down from a nearby building top. The first one that reached the ground was a girl with long brown hair. She wears a sailor fuku with a white bodice, lime-green front and back bow. Dark Emerald-green skirt and boots with lightning bolt-looking things on both sides. An Emerald brooch with Jupiter's sign was in the center of the front bow. Silver tiara with an Emerald in the center. Diamond shaped Emerald earring dangled from her ears. In her glove clad white hand was two 'things' that looked suspiciously like lightning-bolts. "Emerald, at your service." She said with a joking tone and bow a deep bow. The one behind her was a girl with long black hair that tied into a high ponytail. It's straight and reached to the ground. Pink front and back bow, Ruby-red skirt and boots with a chain on the front instead of the side. A Ruby brooch with Mars's sign was in the center of the front bow. Silver tiara with a Ruby in the center on her forehead. Oval shaped Ruby earring dangled from her ears. A black whip blaze with fire is in her hand and she doesn't seem to be burnt. "Ruby." She said simply and send her whip flying to the ground with a loud *SPLAT*. The last one is a girl with wavy, neck-length blue hair. She's wearing sailor fuku like the rest of the people. White bodice, icy-blue front and back bow. Sapphire-blue skirt with small four-pointed stars on the edge of the skirt and boots with the same four-pointed stars on the sides. A Sapphire brooch with Mercury's sign was in the center of the front bow. Silver tiara with a Star Sapphire in the center. Teardrop shaped Sapphire earring dangled from her ears. In her hand is a spear-blade (a weapon with a spear's handle/staff, and a long, sharp blade at the top) with the sign of Mercury on the both sides of the blade at the top. She bowed also, though she's more serious than Emerald. "Sapphire." She said and straightened. The green youma now has a new fear in it's eyes. The fear of been outnumbered. Star smiled at them. "Hey, guys. So which one of you would like the honor of destroying 'it'?" She asked. "I would, I would!" Ruby yelled. "I didn't had a good day today." She added. "Please hurry up, Ruby. I still have some homework to do." Sapphire said. "Alright, alright, I'll hurry up." Ruby said annoyed. She slowly raisd her right arm. Her right palm open and face toward the enemy. Her left hand below her right hand, seemed to be holding and supporting it, make sure it doesn't fall. "Ruby Fire BEAM!" she shouted. A very thin, fragile red beam shot out from her red palm and pierce the green youma. Since it's not powerful and since it has no energy, it turned to ashes immediately. "We've got to go." Emerald said. "Wait!" Mars said. "Tell us who you are." Jupiter said, helping the last scout out of the veins. "Sorry, we don't have any time. How about tomorrow? Tell us where we should meet you in our 'normal' form." Sapphire suggested. "Good idea." Venus said. "Meet us at Cherry Hill Temple at around 4 o'clock." Moon said. "Okay, see ya!" With that, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire jumped and disappeared into the night. "Do you know who they are?" Moon asked Star who was not yet gone. "Nope." Star replied. "Well, I got to go, too." She suddenly said before Moon could ask anymore questions. "See ya tomorrow at the temple!" She jumped up and the same star shaped hover board appeared. She landed on it and flew away. "Now that's interesting. A flying star shaped board." Jupiter commented. "We gotta go home or our parents would be worried." Mars said. "Well, bye guys!" With that, they all went their own way. High up on top of an abandoned building, a dark form watched the whole episode. He turned and joined the darkness... To be continued... (Written By: David Foster, Arthur Ganov. Celine Dion's 'The Colour of My Love') I'll paint my mood in shades of blue Paint my soul to be with you I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones Draw your mouth to my own I'll draw your arms around my waist Then all doubt I shall erase I'll paint the rain that softly lands on Your wind-blown hair I'll trace a hand to wipe your tears A look to calm your fears A silhouette of dark and light While we hold each other oh so tight I'll paint a sun to warm your heart Swearing that we'll never part That's the colour of my love I'll paint the truth Show how I feel Try to make you completely real I'll use a brush so light and fine To draw you close and make you mine I'll paint the stars in the evening sky Draw their light into your eyes A touch of grace that softly falls on Your moonlit face I'll trace your hand to hold in mine A kiss to mark the time A silhouette of dark and light While we hold each other oh so tight I'll paint a sun to warm your heart Swearing that we'll never part That's the colour of my love I'll paint the truth Show how I feel Try to make you completely real I'll use a brush to light and fine To draw you close and make you mine I'll paint a sun to warm your heart Swearing that we'll never part I offer what you cannot buy Devoted love until we die Want to know who the man who has watched silently, was? Want to know what he wants? Want to know who Sailor Star was? Emerald? Ruby? Sapphire? Want to know why they have appeared and helped the Sailor Scouts? Well, you'll just have to read the next episode to find out! Tell me what you think of the fanfic at: bailuli@hotmail.com