Sailor Moon doesn't belong to me but the story does so don't take it without my permission. There really aren't any points or plot in this fic. I just want to take a break from all the other fics I'm doing and besides, I want to do a short fic that's in somebody's POV and this is perfect!! This fanfic is inspired by my other fic, "Crystalline Tears" although there are not a lot of resemblance between them. Anyway, read on! ^_^ For Eternity...and More By: Silver Star I could feel it. She's hurt. I could feel it like fire and I almost screamed. But I didn't. I know that if I scream, my roommate is going to wake up and I'll never be able to get to her in time. I clenched my teeth in pain and transformed quickly. The pain subsided a little but I know the danger she's in is not over. I knew it too well. It happened so many times before. This is almost like a routine. I felt as if I could do it even when I am asleep. I opened the window and quickly jumped out, going to the direction my instinct told me to. My black cape flapped behind me and I could feel the wind in my face but I couldn't enjoy it. She's in danger. That one single phrase ran through my mind over and again like a mouse running its wheel. Suddenly, a stab of pain stopped me from continuing and I fell to my knees on the rooftop of an abandoned building. I stood up forcefully although the pain is still there, and continued on. Where is she? Why does it take me so much time to locate her? Questions and more questions tumbled through my mind but I know I can't stop to answer them. I stumbled and almost lost my balance but I quickly recovered. I have to hurry. Suddenly, the pain is gone. No, it's still there but it's so small that I couldn't feel it. Is she out of danger? Somehow, the answer is no. As I ran, I could feel a part of me started to slip away. I was tired. It seems that the battleground is at the out skirt of Tokyo. Even if I'm in a car and there's no traffic, it will take me at least twenty minutes. I cursed silently in the darkness of the night but I didn't stop. Hang on, I called out to her silently. Please hang on. I came to a sudden stop as I finally reached the battleground. I stared in horror at the sight in front of me. Blood is everywhere and anywhere. Sailor Mercury and Mars where unconscious. Jupiter and Venus where fighting the monster but they were weak, very weak. Blood covered their skirt and their legs. Even their hair was matted with blood. Venus was limping; her left leg had a deep gash on the side that run from her knee all the way up to her outer thigh, slightly below her skirt. Several gashes were on her right arm and blood flow from them like water. Jupiter was a little better although not much. Several medium cuts were on her legs and a claw mark was on her right cheek. There were several deep cuts on her ribs and I could see the white bodice turning redder by the second. Her hair turned from brown to red and blood ran down her back. Mercury and Mars were in slightly better shape since they probably got knocked out pretty early. Blood covered Mars's gloves and bodice and she was lying in a pool of her own blood. A thin trail of blood ran down to the ground from her mouth. Several small but deep gashes were on both of her legs and blood was still running from them. Mercury lying face down and her blood spattered mini computer were a few inches away from her. I could see that her visor is still on and one of her hand must be reaching for the mini computer when she received the blast. Her right arm was covered with blood and her left was under her. Here was a dark red spot on her head and I know without looking that it's blood. She must have hit her head somehow. Where is she? Then, I saw her. I stared in disbelieve at the sight before me. Her hair turned from gold to red because of her blood. Her face is as pale as sheet like she have no blood inside her. A huge pool of blood was under her, soaking her white bodice and blue skirt. Two deep gashes made by sharp claws run from her shoulder all the way to her hand. A claw mark were on each of her cheeks and a thin trail of blood run from the corner of her mouth to her chin, neck, and finally, to the pool of blood below her. In her right hand was the star locket. I cradled her head on my lap and called softly to her. I could feel no pulse, no heart beat, but somehow, I know she's still alive. She might be in a coma. A scream interrupted my thoughts and I turned just in time to see Venus flew back and into a tree to my right. She slides down to the ground and the passed out, a trail of blood run down her face. The monster came toward me. Jupiter tried to use her attack again but it just flung her across the clearing. She was so weak that she couldn't even stand up anymore. A moment later, she passed out. I put her head gently down onto the ground and stood up. I started to run towards the monster. Rage and hatred fueled my energy. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I run. My cane suddenly changed into a sword and my costume was changed into my armor. It grunted as I thrust my sword into its body and then it fell into a pool of its own black blood. My chest heaved as the rage, hatred, and adrenaline faded out. My hands trembled and I dropped my sword. Jupiter was awake and she nodded to me. I know without communicating with her that she wanted me to help Serena. I know the rest of the scouts are okay, but she's in danger. I don't know how I knew but I do. I slowly lift her, careful not to make her injuries worse and started toward Tokyo Hospital. As I run, our clothes changed and we were back to our normal forms. I know it will take a while for us to get to the hospital. Please hang on, Serena. I said silently to the pale girl in my arms. Please hang on. You'll be in the hospital soon. Thunder rumbled above me and rain started to pour down but I couldn't stop, I WOULD'T stop. Raindrops pounded down my back like bullets but I continued on. There! There it is! I could see it now, Tokyo Hospital! I started to run even faster with renewed hope in my heart. I burst into the hospital and immediately, nurses surrounded me. "This girl was injured by a monster! She need help immediately!" I screamed to the nearest person to me. I was hysterical, almost like a mad man. The nurses and doctors quickly lay her onto one of those beds that could move and strapped an oxygen mask onto her face. They started to roll it toward the ER and I run along beside it. She suddenly stirred and her eyes opened. "Darien?" She whispered. My heart filled with hope as she said it. "Yes, Serena. I'm right here. Everything will be fine, now, Serena." I said reassuringly. I want to go in with them but a nurse stopped me from going into the operation room just before the door. "You need to fill out several forms." The nurse said. I looked at the closed door worriedly. "She'll be okay. Don't worry." She smiled and then led me away to the front desk to fill out the forms. I quickly did those and went to the phone to call Serena's parents. I went to the waiting room to wait for the doctors to finish after the phone call. Several minutes later, I started to pace. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... Then, I lean against the wall and thumped my fist against it. Again, and again, and again, and again... Then I started to pace, again. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... The red light on top of the operating room was suddenly off and a tired operator came out. "How is she?" I asked immediately, not even realizing that the doctor is really tired. "She's stable now but not exactly out of danger." The doctor said tiredly. "She got some nasty gashes here and there and she did lost a considerable amount of blood but we can stitch the gashes up and we can provide the lost blood. But she might be in a coma. Obviously, a lose of blood isn't the only thing that she need." The doctor sighed and started to take the rubber gloves off as he talked. "She also have a lose of energy. I don't think she'll be able to regain the kind of energy she need if she just rest. But if she doesn't get the energy she need, she might be in a coma forever. And the problem is, we don't even know WHAT kind of energy she needs. Even if we do know, we can't help her because we don't have the equipment to transfer energy." "Can I see her?" I asked. "If you want but I'm afraid you won't get much reaction from her." The doctor turned back to the door of the operation room. "We've already took her to her room in ER through a different door. Check with the nurse at the front desk and she'll tell you which room the girl is in." I quickly thanked the doctor and run to the front desk. "Hi, I want to see which room this girl is in. Her name is Serena Tsukino." I said in one breath as I stood in front of the front desk. "Tsukino? How do you spell it?" The nurse asked. "T-S-U-K-I-N-O." I said immediately. The nurse typed in the last name and scanned the list of names that appeared on the screen. "Tsukino, Serena. She just got out of the operating room, right?" The nurse asked, confirming the information. I nodded. "The room number is 216. Just go up to the second floor and find the room number." I waited impatiently for the elevator to get down from the tenth floor. Finally, I just give up and used the stairs. I walked down the hall and finally found room 216. I went in and closed the door behind me quietly, locking it. She looked so pale and vulnerable, lying there with the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Test tubes were attached to both of her arms and a screen was beside the bed, monitoring her heart rate. The room was dim, lit only by a single bed lamp with yellow rays. On the wall that was opposite to the door is a window. Outside, the sky was gray, lit by a few rays of the morning light. With a start, I realized that it's already dawn. I walked over to the side of the bed and knelt beside it. I gently grasped her right hand and found the locket within it. It's almost as if she was clutching it desperately, almost as if it's the life energy she needed in order to stay in the light. I closed my hands over her own and closed my eyes. A faint gold light surrounded me and a faint silver light surrounded her. At our hand where we are joined, the colored where mixed together. Slowly, I opened the gateway between us and my own life energy started to fill her. I suddenly feel very tired. I placed my head on the edge of the soft bed and started to close my eyes. I'm so tired. I don't want to close my eyes but it's almost as if I couldn't control myself anymore. Silently, my eyes closed and I started to slip toward the deep sleep that was tempting me, beckoning me toward it... <>~*~<> Everything is so hazy and blurry as I opened my eyes. I blinked and then blinked again to make sure that I'm not seeing things. I half expected to have wings and flying around in the air, above the clouds in heaven. For a few long moments, I just lay there, staring up at the ceiling, and asking myself how I got here and where is here. I haven't felt it when I first woke up but now, I can feel something warm over my right hand. I tried to move my head but there was a stab of sharp pain. I'm not dead! I had actually thought I was dead but the logical part of my mind was telling me that we are in the hospital. Now how did it do that? Oh, yeah, I have an oxygen mask over my nose. Suddenly, the memories of the past hours rushed over me. The monster! Where is it? Is it dead? Where are the Scouts? Are they all right? Is any of them- I gulped -dead? No, they aren't dead, I thought with sudden relieve. I could still feel them, their life force strong and healthy although their physical bodies were hurt. I felt the thing on my hand stir and then, there was a low moan. "Serena?" A hazy voice asked. My heart started to beat faster and faster. Darien! So he hadn't leave me! He did save me! "Serena, are you awake?" Darien's face suddenly loomed over my own. The expression on his face was unreadable, filled with some strong emotion. Worry? Love? Or maybe even anger? I do not know because I can not read it. I can never seem to read Darien's expression, no matter how hard I tried. It's like there's a hard stone mask over his face that hid his true emotion. The only thing that I am sure of is the fact that he loves me. I slowly, and painstakingly, nodded at his question. His expression suddenly changed from that unreadable mask to a mixture of love, worry, and happiness. I reached up and took off the oxygen mask that was over my mouth and nose. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "Tell me that you'll be with me for eternity." He said quietly, holding my right hand. I suddenly realized that I was still holding the locket, the symbol of our eternal love. I smiled again. "I'll be with you for eternity...and more." <>~*~<> The End <>~*~<> So, what do ya think? Good? Bad? Suggestions? Comments? Anything BUT flames. And I promise I'll get back at ya as soon as possible! ^_^ My Email address is Wanna give some publicity to your site? Think your page doesn't have enough visitors? Then here's how you can get some publicity! Send me your name/nickname, URL, email address, and a short description of your site. If you want, send the HTML code of your banner to me in the place of the URL. Note: the banner have to be Banner Exchange size 400x60. 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