Author's Note on disclaimer: Sailor Moon does NOT belong to me (and it never will but I do hope it does) so DON'T SUE ME!!!! The story DOES belong to me. Don't take it without my permission! The Scouts and Princess Serena are all 17 right now. Darien is 21, Zoysite is 20, Jaedite is 21, Nephrite is 23, and Malachite is 24. Eternal Love...For You Chapter 5 By: Silver Star "May I present, your Highness, Supreme Princess of the Moon, Princess Serenity and her royal court." At that announcement, all eyes at the ball were turned toward the entrance. Five women stood there regally. "Princess Mina of Venus, Princess Lita of Jupiter, Princess Raye of Mars, and Princess Amy of Mercury." The five women walked down the stairs with dignified grace. The woman in the front was clearly shown as the more powerful one. She has long, long blond hair that was flowing freely down her back and to the floor like molten gold. A beautifully made white eye-mask with silver sequins was over her eyes, masking the upper part of her face. A crescent moon symbol was on her forehead, a sign that told people without words that she is the Supreme Princess of the Moon, Princess Serenity, renowned beauty of the universe. A beautiful white dress cling to her every curve, and yet, it doesn't look as if it's going to suffocate her. The dress was made out of pure white silk with silver trimmings. It was bare shoulder with see-through "sleeves". The dress clangs to her body and her thigh and then flared out slightly a couple of inches above her knee. On the left, several steps behind her is a woman who looks a lot like Princess Serenity except the woman had an orange-red bow that held the golden-blond hair back from her delicate face. A gold mask with golden sequins covered the upper part of her face. Below her bangs is the symbol of Venus. A long ball gown graced her figure. The gown is made of gold silk with two thin, see-through straps to hold her dress up. The gown is loosely fitting but it hugged all her dangerous curves. On the right, several steps behind Princess Serenity is the Princess of Mars. Her long, jet-black mane was brushed to look like fine silk. A red mask with red sequin was over he eyes. She's wearing a dark red evening gown with black cherry blossom designs on it. A pair of dark red, elbow- length opera gloves graced her long arms. Behind the Princess of Venus is the Princess of Jupiter. Instead of her usual hairstyle, her rich brown hair was let down. The dark curls rested on her bare shoulder. A forest green mask with dark green sequin covered the upper half of her face. A forest green ball gown graced her tall figure. It has bare shoulder and long sleeves. It is not tight on the upper part but hugged her curves. It flared out in several layers at her hips. Right behind the Princess of Venus is the Princess of Mercury. A blue mask with sky blue sequin covered her eyes. She blushed as she realized that everybody's eyes were on them. Her sky-blue ball gown hugged her developed figure and it flared out just above her hips. The V neckline of her dress drooped down to the top of her chest. White opera gloves graced her bare arms like protection shields. Malachite caught his breath as his gaze fell on top of the Princess of Venus. He thought, slightly dazed. Zoysite, whom was drinking a glass or wine, promptly spit the drink onto a man in front of him when he saw the Princess of Mercury. "I- I'm really sorry ma'am- I mean sir." He stuttered to the man, his gaze never left the Princess of Mercury. he thought almost wistfully. Then he turned away from the sight of Princess Amy of Mercury. Amy was about to smile at Zoysite when he turned away from her. Her smile was wiped away immediately but she put it back on again for the sake of politeness and honor. She thought sadly as she went on with the charade. *********** Queen Serenity frowned at the sight of her daughter. She asked herself. "Your daughter is so beautiful tonight." Queen Gaia said. Serenity torn her eyes from her daughter and turned to the smiling Queen of Earth. "Thank you, Gaia. I don't know why but her hair isn't in its usual style." Serenity said distractedly. "Do you think something is wrong?" "Now, Serenity. She didn't put her hair in the same style doesn't mean something is wrong. Princess Lita had her hair down right now." Queen Gaia said reassuringly. "I'm sure nothing's wrong." "I sure hope you are right, Gaia." Queen Serenity said. "I sure hope you are right." *********** Lita looked everywhere except at Nephrite. She doesn't want to see him staring at one of the other princesses instead of her. She stole a glance at him and caught him looking at Raye. She could admit it now; it hurts. From the very first moment she met him, she fell in love. She fantasized that he loved her back but now, the fantasies, the dreams, are gone, dust. Now, she finally know that he doesn't love her. It hurts when you know the one that you love doesn't love you back. It really does. I know she's avoiding looking at me. Why? Why doesn't she like me instead of Jadeite? Why? Why? Why? Jadeite stared. He knew staring is not polite but he just couldn't tear his eyes away from the Princess of Mars. He thought as he continued staring at Princess Raye. Raye moved her head and caught the eyes of a handsome blond man who was staring at her. She smiled at him and felt herself blush. She thought. She could feel the people's gaze upon her. She could feel it like the way she felt fire upon her bare skin. She ignored them and continued on toward the king & queen of Earth and her mother whom were sitting on the platform on the opposite end of the ballroom. :::Serenity. Why aren't you wearing the Royal Moon family hairstyle? Is something wrong?::: She could hear her mother ask her telepathically. She thought back. Queen Serenity chuckled and then, the connection was cut off. The four soon-to-be women continued walking gracefully toward the royalties of Earth and Moon. They stopped just below the platform that the royalties where on and they curtsied to the King & Queen of Earth and The Queen of the Moon. Suddenly, the five princesses spun around as if in one and faced the guests. The King stood up and raised his hand. "Let the ball, begin!!" Immediately, the music started and everybody started to dance. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She's so beautiful, standing there smiling at everybody that passes her. She looked so much like her, Serena. The only difference is that Serena had her hair up in Meatball kind of style like the Moon Queen's hairstyle. He could see her turning her head and then, suddenly, their eyes met, blue against blue. Invisible sparks flew across the dance floor almost as fast as lightning. As soon as her eyes met his, she knew she would never look away again. His eyes are the color of the midnight and they where on her and only her. She could feel herself blush but she quickly regains control of herself. He started toward her. The guests parted and gave way to him respectably but he didn't notice at all. He only noticed her and only her. He walked up to her and stared into her sapphire blue eyes. He could feel himself drowning into them but truly he didn't care. "May I have this dance?" He asked as he extends out his right hand and bowed from waist down. "I would love to." She said and put her delicate gloved hand into his. He immediately kissed her hand and she blushed. They both spun gracefully onto the dance floor almost like one being. The guests formed a circle around the couple as they danced under the chandelier light. But to them, everything melted away to nothingness and they were the only ones in the world. She could only stare into his midnight blue eyes. She couldn't look away almost as if entranced into a spell...a love spell. She sighed in contentment as she placed her head onto his broad chest. Her heart pounded in her chest as she listen to his heart pound in the same rhythm. My prince... She's so beautiful...her sapphire blue eyes stared up at me with happiness. He couldn't look away from them even if he wanted to. She sighed in contentment and placed her head onto his chest. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest and he wondered if she could hear them. From afar, the clock reached midnight. A clapping sound broke their spell. "Ladies and Gentlemen. It is midnight, the end of our ball." The King said. "I know this is only a tradition for Christmas Masked Ball but since this is a masked ball, I would like you to take off your mask and show your true identity to your partner." The Prince of Earth and the Princess of the Moon stared at each other and then, The Moon Princess looked down. Slowly, he reached down and took off her white sequin mask. At the same time, she reached up and took off his domino mask. They stared at each other and gasped in disbelieve. "YOU!!!" *********** To be continued... *********** So what do you think of this chapter? Did you like the cliffhanger? I know this chapter is sorta short and it's VERY late but I kind of had trouble thinking the scenes up. Well, actually, I already thought the scenes up but the descriptions are what really dragged me down. The next chapter is going to be even later since I haven't even think up what will happen!!! I mean, when I start a fanfic, I never think of the ending and I just let it go on and on and on and on and on...*sweatdrop* Sorry. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter!! Email me at Oh, yeah, Crystal Star Library, the fanfic part of Crystal Star Kingdom, is already up!! Visit it at: