Author's Note on disclaimer: Sailor Moon does NOT belong to me (and it never will but I do hope it does) so DON'T SUE ME!!!! The story DOES belong to me. Don't take it without my permission! The Scouts and Princess Serena are all 17 right now. Darien is 21, Zoysite is 20, Jaedite is 21, Nephrite is 23, and Malachite is 24. Eternal Love...For You Chapter 4 By: Silver Star She walked silently to the last column of bookcases that was the only thing between her and the intruder. She slowly lean toward the bookcase and... "Ow!" Somebody on the other side of the bookcase exclaimed in pain. For a brilliant young woman, that was all that run through her mind. Amy thought. She had been leaning a little too much onto the bookcase and some of the books she has been leaning on has came right off the rack and fell down onto the other side which, of course, had probably had hit the intruder's head. Zoysite though, rubbing his head where the books has hit. Of course, everybody knows that Encyclopedias are THICK and HEAVY. Amy thought as she quickly ran to the other side of the bookcase...and nobody was there. "What the-" Amy was cut off by a gloved hand, covering her mouth. Immediately hands came around her waist and held her tight. She started to struggle, hoping that she could find one fault in the way he held her and she could get free, transform, and dust this guy. "Don't move." The person whispered threateningly, as if he'll do something really bad if she doesn't. "And don't make a sound." He added. Amy stopped struggling as she realized it's hopeless. Zoysite asked himself as he held the blue-haired girl in front of him. He had been clear headed enough to know that he better move fast and with a quick thinking, jumped onto the top of the bookcase using his ability as a General. As the girl had turned her back to him, he had sneaked up to her from her back and caught her. And to his surprise, she had actually put up resistance to him. Most woman on Earth hat no strength or ability to put up even a struggle and yet this girl had actually planned to fight him if he had not put up a strong hold on her. "Don't move." Zoysite whispered threateningly, hoping that could stop her struggle. "And don't make a sound." He added, not wanting to cause a commotion when he could take care of it. After all, he doesn't want to be teased that he couldn't even fight a girl. "Listen, I'm going to let you talk but I'm warning you, don't try anything stupid and don't scream." Zoysite threatened. Silently, the girl nodded. Zoysite relaxed, though not totally, and let down his hand on her mouth but kept his arm around her waist. "Who are you?" Zoysite asked suspiciously. "Who are you?" The man asked. "The question is, who are YOU?" Amy asked back. "You DID sneak into here with out permission and I have every right to throw you out." She added. The man laughed. "So, you are a educated lady, I see. You have said the reason with logic. But there is a mistake." He said amused. "How do YOU know that I don't have permission? I could have had permission and YOU don't have any permission." "For one thing, you have sneaked in here instead of publicly announce your presence and you have attacked a lady and I happen to know that gentlemen does NOT attack a lady and I'm positively sure that there were only gentlemen in the palace." Amy retorted back haughtily. She's NOT going to loose to this man who has attacked her and now had her captured. She is, after all, a Sailor Soldier and she does have her pride. The man laughed again. "Actually, I didn't attack you. You had attacked me. Don't forget, you are the one who dumped the Encyclopedias on my head in the first place." "That was an accident." Amy said, her face was red as Mina's red bow. In a way, she was glad that her attacker was behind her instead of in front of her. Amy was sure he would laugh at her if he had seen her right now. "Right. As I was saying, you had attacked me first. And of course, may I remind you that ladies DON'T fight back, at least not as much as you did. I'm surprised at your strength, woman." Zoysite said, smiling behind the girl's back. "Actually, I'm not a woman, thank you. I'm only 17 years old and am only a teenager if I may say. I'm not a woman..." the girl said. "yet." She added. "And your hair." Zoysite continued. "I'm sure that ladies don't dye their hair blue. Ladies might dye their hair blond or brown but not blue. It's just too weird." "That an INSULT!" The girl exclaimed. Somehow, that made Zoysite smile. "My hair is NOT dyed! They are my natural hair color!" "As I said before, I'm surprised at your strength." Zoysite said, changing the subject quickly. "Well, you haven't seen my friend, Lita's strength yet. I'm sure she could beat you at wrestling." The girl said. Zoysite stiffened and held the girl tighter around the waist. "You are hurting me!" The girl exclaimed. Zoysite ignored it. He wasn't going to let this go with a wave of his hands if it involved with one of the Royal Court of the Moon. If this girl was lying about Princess Lita been her friend, it could be a crime and he wasn't about to let that go. "Are you talking about Princess Lita of Jupiter?" The man asked as his light voice turned serious. "Yes, I am. Lita is one of my closest friends." Amy answered. "But that can't be. She just arrived today with the Royal Court of the Moon today and she can't make a friend that fast especially if it's CLOSEST friend." He said. Amy didn't say anything. Should she tell him about her position? Maybe she shouldn't...but it could get her out of this sticky situation. "What if I tell you that I'm the Mercurian Princess, Princess Amy of the Royal Court of the Moon, protector of Princess Serenity of the Moon?" Amy asked. "What if I tell you that I'm the Mercurian Princess, Princess Amy of the Royal Court of the Moon, protector of Princess Serenity of the Moon?" the girl asked. "How do I know that you are not lying?" Zoysite asked, tighten his arms around her waist just to prove the point that she would be in BIG trouble if she doesn't tell the truth. "Well, I could show you..." the girl, Amy, said. "Well, I could show you..." Amy said, and then paused to let him make the decision. "But you have to let me go. I won't run." She added. "Alright." He said as she felt his arm fall away from her waist. She doesn't know why but she suddenly felt...disappointed. Amy took out her transformation pen and raised it high above her head. "Mercury Star...POWER!" She yelled as her transformation took place. "Mercury Star...POWER!" She yelled as Zoysite stood, staring at the transforming Mercury, totally unbelieved. "Now, do you believe me?" Princess Amy asked as Zoysite looked at her since he was behind her all the time. Zoysite commented to himself as his gaze lingered at her legs. His gaze quickly turned to her face again, but not before Amy had figured out what he was staring at. Amy thought as she finally been able to see her attacker. She thought, laughing at her self and soon, she started to laugh out loud. Zoysite asked himself as he checked his hair. Perfect. He checked his silver-gray uniform. Not a wrinkle in sight. "What are you laughing at?" He finally asked. "Oh, nothing. Just about my friends, the other princesses." Amy said between giggles. "Well, uh, sorry about earlier, Princess Amy." Zoysite said sheepishly. "I didn't know you were the Mercurian Princess." "It's okay. So, who are YOU?" Amy asked. "I'm Zoysite, Fourth Commander and Guardian of the Crown Prince of Earth." Zoysite said as he bowed. "One of the Guardians?" Amy asked in disbelieve. "So that's why you said that you have permission to be here! You grew up here all your life! I'm really sorry, Lord Zoysite." "Please just call me Zoysite, Princess." Zoysite said. "Then please call me Amy. I think Princess is a little bit too on the formal side." Amy said, smiling. "So, are you attending the ball tonight?" Zoysite asked. "The...ball?" Amy asked uncertainly. "What ball? I didn't know that there were a ball tonight." "It's in honor of the arrival of the Moon Court, I think." "Then I'll definitely. I mean, it IS in me and my friends' honor, right?" "Yes, prin- I mean, Amy." "Well, I better see if the rest of us know. I think I'll bet Lita already knows. Good-bye, Zoysite. I'll see you later at the ball." Amy touched the jewel in the center of her tiara gently with her fingertip and in a blinding flash of sky-blue light; Amy has transformed back into her civilized form. "Good-bye! It's nice talking to you." With that, she swept out of the Library and on her way to her friends' room. *********** *Raye's Room* "He's so HOT!" Lita exclaimed as she told Raye and Mina about her encounter with Nephrite. "Well, you could have seen Malachite! I say he's the hottie." Mina declared. Raye blinked. "Malachite? I thought he's the First Commander of the Royal Guardians of the Earth Prince." She said. "Omigod! That means I could see him again tonight!" Mina squealed, almost as loud as Serena's wail. "Keep your voice down will ya, Mina? I don't really want to be deaf before the ball." Lita said. Just then Amy burst into the room. "Are you guys okay? I heard a squeal and I thought an attack was here." Amy said. Raye, Lita, and Mina just looked at each other and then burst out laughing. "We are okay, Amy. Mina is just a little overjoyed about the ball tonight." Raye said, finally been able to control her laughter. "I'm not really surprised." Amy said calmly as she sad on the bed with the other three. Raye, Lita, and Mina stared at her. "You already knew?" Amy nodded. "I just found out." "Who told you?" Raye asked curiously. "Lord Zoysite." Amy answered. "Lord Zoysite? You mean the Fourth Commander? He's a hottie, too. I've met him. Heck, I've met all four of the Royal Guards!" Lita said. "You haven't met the prince?" Mina asked. "No. Now that you've said it, it was kind of strange. I mean, you'd think the Guards are suppose to be at his side 24 hours a day." Lita said. "I wouldn't be surprised if the Prince had gone nuts." Mina said. "I mean, if I was to be guarded 24 hours a day, I'd go nuts!" "I would, too." Raye, Lita, and Amy nodded in agreement. "Wait a sec. I thought our job was the protect the princess." Raye suddenly said. "I mean, if we are protectors, too, that means that Serena might just been going nuts!" Everybody burst out laughing as they try to picture a crazy Serena and fortunately, it wasn't that hard to imagine. ********** Darien nodded at the stable boy as he walked pass to go into the palace. He thought to himself as he walked across the throne room door, which was closed and low murmurs of voice could be heard inside, casually though quietly so his mother would not lecture him again. He let out the breath he has been holding in a whoosh as he rounded the corner. He thought, amused, as he passed a empty Library with a open door. A thick book was on the floor, opened to one of the pages in the middle. Another one was beside it and Darien could see that it was an Encyclopedia. He chuckled to himself as he realized something. He was just about to pass the opened door of the garden when something caught his eyes. A girl whose back was turned to him, was sitting on the stone bench that was facing the fountain in the center. She was obviously enjoying the beauty of the garden. Darien stopped and stared. The fact that she was there was not what made him stare. It was the fact that she has the exact same shade of golden hair as Serena's and the fact that the girl's hair was done in the exact same kind of hairstyle as Serena's that stunned him. He quickly shook his head and walked on, passing the open door of the garden without a backward glance. He thought. He has been seeing Serena in other girl's place for several time in the past year. He had tried to get on with his life when he couldn't find Serena but every time when he thought he has gotten over Serena, he would see a vision of her in some other girl's place and remind him of her once again. He asked himself. Serena turned slightly and caught a glimpse of a dark head. Her head shot up at that and stared at the empty doorway of the garden. She quickly turned around and hoped that whoever had passed the garden hasn't seen her. Several minutes past and nothing happened. Serena let out the air she has been holding slowly and got up. She thought uneasily and quickly got out onto the hall. She looked left. Nothing. She turned right. Not a soul in sight. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. With that, she sped down the left side of the hallway, the opposite direction of the way Darien had gone. After several turns, and after she has gotten to the second floor, she found her room. Before she had gone in, however, she heard laughter from Raye's room. She turned to Raye's door, turned the knob, and went in boldly. "Hey, Serena!" Lita called out from her position on the bed. "I suppose you already know the ball tonight?" Mina asked. "The ball? What ball?" Serena asked, confused. She looked at her four friends who were all sitting on the bed, crossleg-Indian style. She quickly jumped up the bed and sat down with her friends. "You don't know?" Raye asked, gaping. "Even Amy know!" Lita exclaimed. Serena turned to stare at Amy, who was sitting quietly between Lita and Mina. Raye was sitting on Serena's left and Mina was on her right. Lita was directly across from her and Amy was a little off to the right. "So what's this ball about?" Serena asked after she stopped gaping at the blushing Amy. "It a masked ball in honor of the arrival of the Royal Moon Court." Mina said matter-of-factly. "Masked Ball? Wasn't it kind of weird to hold a Masked Ball when it was in honor of arrival of important people?" Serena asked. Mina and Raye just shrugged. Lita wasn't even paying attention. "Hey, what's with her?" Serena asked, pointing at Lita who was in her own dream world. "She has been like that the whole time she has been in here. The only time that she wasn't in her own little world was the time that she told us about the Four Generals, or more specifically, the Second General, Nephrite." Raye said. "Hey, guys. Don't you think it's time to get ready for the ball?" Mina asked as she looked at the clock in the room. "We still have about an hour left. Come into my room and help me select a dress!" With that, she hopped off the bed and sped off to her room. "Coming!" To be continued... How 'bout it? Good? Bad? Tell me at: I LOVE getting Emails! Just please don't send me flames. I got a lot updated on my page! I now have a Post Office where you could send cards to your friend and a message board! A Webring is coming soon, too! A poll and a Quizlet is what I'm going for next. Does anyone know where I could find a poll? If you do, please tell me! Thanx! Oh, yeah! I want to say thanx to all those people who had Emailed me and told me what they thought about this fic. Thanks! Forgot my web sight's address? Please bookmark it!