This is the sequel for 'The Song of Love' but it could stand alone. Eternal Love...For You Chapter 1 By: Silver Star Princess Serenity looked out from the tree that she was hiding behind. She has come to the Earth again even though she knows it's wrong. Lunars are forbidden to meet humans. In fact, Lunars are even forbidden to set foot on Earth unless they are forced to or have no choice! Princess Serenity let out the breath that she was holding. She thought. Ever since that day when she has run away from him in that ball, she has not been sleeping well. Now, Earth has another ball though she doesn't know what for, but she knew that she has to see him again. She suddenly heard a woman's voice talking. She seemed to be talking to someone that wasn't listening to her. Serenity couldn't see who it is because of all the trees in front of her. "Don't you think it's a lovely night, my lord?" She asked. "Yeah." Came a short reply. Serenity moved a little closer and peered out. Her breath catch in her throat and tears started to come to her eyes. She thought to herself, disbelieved. True, it is Darien...a Darien with a red hair woman clings to his arm! "D- D- Darien?" She gasped out aloud, tears fell down her cheek. She came out of the trees into the clearing where Darien and the woman stood, looking at her direction. "Serena?" Endymion said in surprise, trying to pray Beryl's hand off his arm. But the more he tried, the tighter she clings to him as if he was hers. "Who are you?" Beryl said coldly. "I should be asking the same." Serenity said in the same coldness and possibly, more colder! "And what are you doing with him." Bitterness appeared in her voice as well as coldness. "What do you mean what I'm doing with him." Beryl asked, staring at Serenity through cold eyes. "I'm his fiancée." "F- f- f- fiancée? You are his fiancée?" Serenity asked, backing away and staring at Darien at the same time. "Stop it, Beryl!" Darien yelled, not wanting to lose Serena that he has only met about a month ago. He loved her too much to let her go. However, Serenity took that action as an action of not wanting to cause a commotion. Surely, he didn't want people to know that there was a 'third person' between this WONDERFUL couple. She stepped back further and said something Darien hadn't expected. "I. HATE. YOU." She said, pronouncing each syllable out to Darien, making sure that he got the idea of what she meant. For Darien's matter, however, every syllable that Serenity said was like a slap to him on the face. Maybe worse...a stab...on the heart. Serenity turned around and run back into the trees, tears streamed down her beautiful face. She started to teleport, not caring where she landed, but just want to get out of this horrible place. A place that she always thought as the most beautiful place. She could hear Darien yelled to her to stop but she didn't listen to him. Why should she? After all, he IS the one who broke her heart! In a blinding light, she has teleported to somewhere else. Serenity looked up and to her own surprise, she teleported to her own room! She knew she has great power. In the whole Universe, there are only four people could teleport without a portal: her mother, the Lady of Time, Pluto, herself, and another person that she never knew of. All she know was that the last person was born on Earth. She knew that with just a flicker of her wrists, Darien would be dead, but she didn't do it. She slowly got up and walked to her bed. She suddenly collapse onto her bed and started to cry all over again, but this time, she's not crying because she lost her love...but because how stupid she was. She thought bitterly. "IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!" She yelled into the air, helping her to get some control over herself. "You hate who?" A voice behind her startled her. "Oh, nothing, Raye." Serenity said, recognizing the voice as her best friend, Raye, princess of Mars and also one of the famous Sailor Scouts, Sailor Mars. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, sure." Serenity said and turned to face her friend. "Serena! You've been crying!" Raye gasped out. "It's okay." Serenity said. "Are you sure?" Raye asked, frowning. "Yes, I'm okay!" Serenity yelled, stunned Raye. "I...I'm sorry." "It's alright." Raye said. "Can I...Can I have some time alone?" "Alright, Serena, but you have to go to dinner in half a hour." Raye said and then, walked out of the room, frowning. "What happened, Raye? I heard a yell inside..." Mina, the princess of Venus, also Sailor Venus, asked, concern written all over her face. "I don't know, Mina. When I came to tell her to get ready for dinner, she was yelling, 'I hate you' over and over again and when she faced me, tears stained her face." Raye answered. "She has been crying!?" Lita, the princess of Jupiter, also know as Sailor Jupiter, cried in surprise. Serenity was always a cheerful girl and when she cry, it was usually wails but she never REALLY cried before. "I wonder what's going on...?" Amy said and trailed off as all her friends, including herself, looked at the door, wondering what's going on inside the room, inside the young princess's head... ******* Darien watched helplessly as a bright flash of light flashed in the trees and then disappeared. He knew exactly what happened. Serena is gone...just like last time. He though grimly. "WHY!?!" He suddenly yelled to Beryl who was still cling to him as if he was her possession. Beryl jumped back in surprise, but not fear. "Why did you told her that you are my fiancée?" "Because you are my fiancée." Beryl said, not at all wavered by her lord's temper. "And who told you that?" Darien asked. "Well, the queen has treat me very well and once she said that she'd be glad to have me as her daughter so I though-" Beryl's sentence is interrupted by a slap on the face. She looked at Darien with fear in her eyes. "You thought. One of these days, Beryl, what you think will cost your life." He said and then stormed into the ballroom, leaving a stunned Beryl alone in the garden. She screamed in her mind. :::You want powerssssss, don't you, Lady Beryllllllllllll?::: A hissing voice suddenly sounded in her mind. :::You want powersssssssss to get your revennnnnnge on herrrrrrrrr, don't youuuuuuuuu?::: Beryl asked, terrified. :::You will find out sssssssssssssoooooooooonnnnnnnn enoughhhhhhhh, Lady loyal servant...::: ********* *A year later* "We are going to Earth in three days, Serenity, so please start packing. We are going to at least stay for a month." Queen Serenity said to her daughter. Princess Serenity stiffened at the word Earth. "But mother! I thought that we are forbidden to set foot on Earth!" She exclaimed. Sure, that's true, but her real reason for not wanting to go to Earth is because of the event that happened just last year. A year has already passed from that painful day. The day that he broke her heart. The year had been kind to her though once in a while, she would dream of him...of that dreadful day that almost changed her whole life. She had locked herself in her room for two weeks after that day just to try to forget about the whole thing. She had turned into her normal cheerful self after that two weeks though she refused marry to anybody. "Yes, I know that Serenity, but we have no choice. We must make a strong ally for the Silver Millenium or it will be destroyed by the Dark Forces." Queen Serenity said sadly. Somewhere between that day and the present, the Dark Forces had gained a new leader and they are planning to attack soon. "Alright, mother." Princess Serenity said and walked toward the royal garden to think. She thought hopefully as she sits down on one of the stone benches in the garden. She added bitterly. "Serena!" A yell broke her thought. She turned and saw all four of her friends walking toward her. "Hi, guys." Serena said, smiling. "We are going to Earth, tomorrow! Isn't it great?" Mina yelled excitedly. "Yeah, great..." Serena said, trying to smile. "Are you alright, Serena." Amy asked, a little concerned. "Of course I'm alright!" Serena exclaimed. "We are going to Earth!" "I heard that the prince of Earth is really handsome!" Lita said, winking. "And I has a feeling that your mother has a plan." Raye added. "Don't worry, guys. I'll leave him to you." Serena said. The last thing she wanted to do now is to get engaged with some Earth prince. "Don't worry, Serena. Even if you hooked the prince, we still got his guards." Mina said. "You mean the four royal guards for the prince?" Lita asked. "I've heard that all five of them got fan clubs." Raye said. "What I couldn't believe is that we are actually going to go to Earth!" Amy suddenly exclaimed. "I can't wait to go to the royal library that Queen Serenity kept on talking about!" "Eh, sure, Amy. Sure." Serena said. Everybody sweatdropped. "You know, Amy. I heard that one of the four royal guards is Zoy- something. His name started with a Z, anyway, I heard that he's smarter than the rest. I'm sure you two will find something in common." Mina said, a twinkle in her eyes that nobody, except Amy who was oblivious to all this, missed. Everybody started to snicker, except Amy who didn't catch the hint. "How wonderful! I can't wait to meet him!" Amy said, smiling while her friends started to laugh LOUDLY. "What?" "Nothing, Amy. Nothing." Serena said, still laughing. "Guys, did you know that the Earth's prince was also a guy that always broke woman's heart?" Mina said. Serena thought, amused at her friend's habit for the afternoon, except for Amy who was usually in the library. "Yeah. Did you hear about the disappearance of that Lady, Lady Beryl, that has happened last year?" Lita asked. "Yes, I heard that she has actually went to Negaverse, WILLINGLY, and became the new leader!" Raye said. "Really?" Amy asked in astonishment. "Why didn't I know of it?" "Really, Amy, if you were here to gossip with us, you would know almost anything." Lita said, annoyed and slightly amused. "But why?" Serena asked, knowing that this information would actually help her mother and if she's lucky, maybe she won't be going to Earth, after all! "I heard that she was mad because of a girl that has made the prince reject her!" Raye said, flipping her hair behind her. "Then that girl's mean." Serena announced. "Actually, I've heard that Lady Beryl was one of those woman who would GLUE herself on the prince." Lita corrected. "Are you talking about Lady Beryl. The daughter of the royal advisor of the king and queen? The one with the red hair and green eyes?" Amy suddenly interrupted. "Yes, she is. I think she was the queen's favorite girl." Mina said thoughtfully. "She's beautiful but she's not, definitely NOT, the queen's favorite girl." Amy said. "In fact, the queen hated the snobbish way Lady Beryl always present. Even though the queen doesn't like the girl, she has to say good stuff about her in front of her father and so she said a lot of stuff like how nice it will be to have Beryl as a daughter." Amy paused and everybody else stared at her in shock. Lita, Mina, and Raye thought while Serena wondered about this red-haired Lady Beryl. "I think that's one of the reasons that the prince dumped her. I think she said something about been the prince's fiancée in front of that girl." Amy continued. "Also, I think the prince liked the girl very much and so when Beryl say that to the girl, the girl run away and the prince got mad, and dumped her." She finished in a breathless mode while everyone continued to stare at her in shock. "How the heck did you know so much information?!" Lita, Mina, and Raye yelled in unison. Amy smiled. "Queen Serenity told me about her friend, Queen Gaia of the Golden Kingdom, and told me these information." "Her FRIEND?!" The four girls yelled with shock. "Yes." "Then why didn't Earth became a part of the Silver Millenium?" Serena asked. "I don't know." Amy answered, just as confused at everybody else. "Princess Serenity! Princess Mina, Princess Lita, Princess Amy, Princess Raye! Where are you? It's time for dinner!" A new voice rang out in the garden. "Molly!?" Serena yelled to her maid, Molly. "Molly! We are over here!" Soon, Molly came into view. "It's dinner time princess." Molly said to the five princesses. "We'll be there in a short time." Serena said to Molly. "Please tell mother that." She added. The five princesses got up and Molly run back inside to tell the Queen the news. Everybody started to walk inside, each has their own thought in mind, especially Serena who was still thinking about Lady Beryl. ********** *Three days later* "Serenity! Where are you?" Queen Serenity yelled to her daughter who was late, AGAIN. "Where is that girl." She muttered to herself just as the two meatballs of Serena's hair appeared behind some bushes. "There you are. We are going to be late if you don't hurry up." She scolded as Serena come into view. "Is everybody ready?" asked the guard that was in charge of the portals to Earth. He had to make sure that nobody ever go to Earth without the Queen's permission. "Yes." Queen Serenity said calmly. Almost immediately, the portal to Earth started to glow a faint gold color. Queen Serenity went first, stepping into the portal and disappeared into it. Luna and Artemis was right behind her. Serena went next, then the four princesses in their best gown, and last of all, a few guards followed in. In a blink of an eye, they have arrived in the front entrance of the Earth's Palace. Serena opened her eyes and looked around, and noticed red carpet with gold edge was under her feet. "Serenity!" A yell sounded from nowhere. Actually, it was sounded from in front of her but she was still trying to catch up the fact that she was once again on Earth to notice. "Gaia! How nice to see you again!" She heard her mother say. Serena shook her head and trying to focus. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and bright blue eyes greeted her. She suddenly realized that this is the queen of Earth, Queen Gaia and she's greeting her mother like an old friend. Serena shook her head again and this time, her vision came back. And her ears are working, too. Sounds filled her ears, mostly greetings and shouts of welcome that was came from the citizen of Earth. She stepped back and joined her friends. They were giggling like schoolgirls. She suddenly heard her name been called so she stepped up again. "This is my daughter, Serenity." Queen Serenity said to Queen Gaia as Serena courtesy gracefully. "My, she is a beauty." Queen Gaia exclaimed. "I am very sorry that my son is not here. I think he was riding in the woods with his generals again and forgot the time." "It is alright." Serena said in her most calm, most mature voice, knowing that people would be more respected to a mature, graceful, and powerful princess than a klutz, crybaby, and clumsy princess. "Let me introduce you to my daughter's court." Queen Serenity said. "This is Mina, princess of Venus, also Sailor Venus." She said as Mina stepped up to stand beside Serena. "This is Lita, princess of Jupiter, also Sailor Jupiter." Lita walked gracefully up to stand beside Queen Serenity. "Raye, princess of Mars, also Sailor Mars." Raye stepped up and took her place beside Mina. "And last of all, our healer, Amy, princess of the planet Mercury, also Sailor Mercury." Amy stepped up shyly and placed herself beside Lita. "So many beautiful girls." Queen Gaia said, smiling. The five girls blushed including Serena. "Serenity, I think I need to talk to you." Queen Gaia hesitated. "About Beryl." She said, suddenly became serious. "Alright." Queen Serenity said. They walked into the big palace together. Serena stayed back with her friends, taking in the beauty of the palace. "Come with me to the throne room." Queen Gaia said to Queen Serenity. "You girls can go anywhere you like until lunch is ready. I think the garden will be the best place to go." She said to the five girls. The five beautiful girls walked around, trying to find something interesting to do after Queen Gaia and Queen Serenity are both in the throne room. "So Rena, what do you want to do?" Lita asked, using Serena's nickname that Amy, Mina, and herself uses. Raye, however, has her own plan. "Yeah, Meatball Head, what do you want to do?" Raye asked, making Serena mad again. "RAYE! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Serena yelled. Amy suddenly let out a squeal of delight! "It's the library!" Amy said, smiling, looking at the huge double door with a nameplate on the top. On the nameplate, the word 'LIBRARY' was written on it. "I think I'll be staying here." She added and then disappeared behind the big doors. "At least one of us know what we could do." Mina said with a sweat drop. "Actually, I was planning on going to the woods. I like to walk in the woods." Lita said. "Okay." Mina said. "I think I'll explore the palace." "Well, I hope you don't get lost!" Serena teased. "SERENA!" Mina yelled, but smiling. "I don't have anything to do except read." Raye said. "I'll be at our rooms, reading." "What are you going to do?" Lita asked Serena. "I'm going to the garden." Serena said. "Well, I hope you have a good day!" With that, they all went their own way. To be conintued... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, what do you think? Good? Bad? Email me at: