Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. It belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Mixx, DiC, and some other companies. However, the story does belong to me so don't take it without my permission. Don't Go...I Need You Part One: Say Goodbye By: Silver Star "How can you be the princess you stupid klutz!!!" Raye screamed in rage as Serena run up the Temple steps, half an hour late. Serena froze in mid step and stared at Raye in shock. "Y- you didn't really meant that did you?" Serena asked in disbelieve, slightly shaking her head as if to convince herself that this is just a dream. "No I DID meant that you stupid Meatball Head. You don't deserve to be the princess! You don't deserve to be the leader! You don't deserve to be Sailor Moon! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ANYBODY!!!!!!!!" Raye screamed in one breath. Serena didn't move. She stared. She slowly turned toward the other three girls inside the temple and pleaded for support. Mina looked away. Amy buried herself in the book she's holding even though she's not reading. Luna and Artemis were talking among themselves. And Lita...Lita was ignoring her. "Alright." Serena finally said, voice low. "If you don't want me, I won't stay." With that, she turned and walked away from the Temple. "Good bye." "Do you think we were a little too hard on her?" Amy asked in a small voice a few minutes later after Serena was gone. "No, she need to be more responsible." Raye said coldly. "She'll be back." "I agree with Raye." Luna said slowly. "She need to know that her responsibility is the greatest. However, I don't think you should say what you said. I think it's a little too hard on the girl." "Let's get on with the Scout meeting." Artemis suggested a few minutes later when nobody talked. "But..." Lita said reluctantly. She knew she shouldn't have done that. No friend would turn their backs upon them...but still...she does need to learn the responsibilities. "Alright." She finally said, still looking out the open door. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> Serena started to run. Tears streamed down her cheeks in great big drops. She rounded the corner and crashed into somebody. She looked up and saw her Darien, looking slightly annoyed. "Serena, we need to talk." Darien said in a cold voice. "Darien?" Serena asked between sobs as Darien led her by her arm to the park. "Listen, Serena. I don't think we should be together anymore." Darien said, voice cold as ice. "W- what?!" Serena whispered in disbelieve. "Why?" "I don't love you, Serena. I never did." Darien said, annoyance in his voice. "But- but- but- but what about destiny? We are soul mates! We are destined to be together! Don't you remember?! The past? The Silve-" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PAST!!" Darien interrupted. "I don't want the past drag my future down! It's all the past! It's gone! Dust! NEVER WILL BE REVIVED!" Darien spat out the last sentence. Serena stood up abruptly and slapped him on the face with every ounce of strength she had. She stared into his cold eyes and said three words. "I. Hate. You." With those words, she was gone. "I'm sorry Serena." Darien said softly with tears in his eyes. "I love you." <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> Serena held up the knife and the light of the full moon reflected off the blade. Her room is a mess; the sheets of the bed were all torn up, her clothes littered every inch of the floor. A suitcase with a bunch of her clothes in it, sat on the floor. Her dresser was overturned and the closet was open and the dresses were inside though none of them were on the hanger. Her face was stained with dried up tears but she wasn't crying, now. There were no tears left. Dark bags were under her sky blue eyes although they were not filled with laughter just 5 hours ago. They were dark with pain, sadness, anger...and hatred. She stood up from the position on the torn up bed and walked slowly toward the cracked mirror with the knife in her hand. She undid her hair with the same slowness and ran her hands through the silky tresses. She stared into the cracked mirror and smiled a haunting smile that didn't bring any happiness. She took hold of her golden mane with her left hand and lifted up the knife with her right. She closed her eyes tightly and let the sharp blade cut her hair. A mess of blond hair fell onto the floor and a knife followed. "On this night...Serena Tsukino, Sailor Moon, and the Moon Princess has died..." she said softly as she held her brooch in her hand. "And Rena Mornally was born...Lunar Eclipse POWER!!!" She yelled as the bright light engulfed her and transformed her into Sailor Eclipse. She slowly picked up her suitcase and walked toward the open window. "Good bye..." and then, she was gone. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> *Ring* *Ring* "Hello, this is the Elene Tsukino, may I help you?" Serena's mother said into the receiver. "Hi, Mrs. Tsukino." Lita said on the other side of the phone. "Is Serena home?" "Oh, Lita! It's you! Yes, Serena is in her room." Elene said. Then her smile was wiped out and a frown was in its place. "What happened? She was crying when she got back and she won't come out of her room. When I try to go in, it was locked. There's no sound right now but I don't think she's sleeping." "Um...well, she was late for one of our club meetings again and Raye kind of yelled at her." Lita said uneasily. "But they yell at each other everyday." She added hastily before Elene could ask more. "Oh. I'll get her right now. Hold on." Elene said and was just about to leave when Lita stopped her. "Wait. Can I come over? I really want to talk to her and I don't want her to hang up on me." Lita said. "Sure, Lita." Elene said. "Thanks, Mrs. Tsukino. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Bye." *Click* Elene put down the receiver and frowned again. Something is wrong, she could tell. But what? "Serena! Lita is coming!!" Elene yelled. No response. Elene sighed and then went back to her own work. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> *Ding Dong* *Ding Dong* "Hello, Lita. Come on in." Elene said, inviting Lita in. "Thank you, Mrs. Tsukino." Lita said gratefully. She had been SO worried about Serena and HAD to see if she's alright. "Where's Sammy?" "Oh, he's at his friend's place. It's a sleep over." Elene replied. "Want to stay for dinner? I won't mind setting up another place. It's only me and Serena, anyway." "Where's Mr. Tsukino?" Lita asked curiously. "He's on a business trip and won't back until next week." Elene said, going back to the kitchen. "Serena's still up in her room." "Can I go up?" Lita asked. "Sure." Elene said. "You know her room." "Thanks!" Lita said and then started up the stairs. "Serena? It's me, Lita." Lita said, standing in front of Serena's closed door. Nothing. "I know you are mad at me for not standing up against Raye. Could you please open the door?" Nothing. "Serena? Are you in there? Nothing. "Serena! Open the door, NOW!" Nothing. "Mrs. Tsukino." Lita said as she run down the stairs. "Do you have a key to Serena's room? There's nothing, absolutely NOT a sound in her room as if nobody's in there." "Yes, yes I do have a key to her room." Elene said, concerned. "Hold on a minute. She went into her bedroom and came back with a ring of keys in her hand. She picked out a key that had pink label with a bunny drawing on it and handed it to Lita. "This is the key to her room." "Thanks, Mrs. Tsukino." With that, Lita sped up to Serena's room again. She put the key into the keyhole impatiently. Finally, it was opened...and nobody is in there. Lita gasped at the sight of the deserted, and completely torn up, room. The light drapes in front of the window were fluttering to the wind that came in through the open window. Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder started to do its role. Soon, huge raindrops started to drop down from the sky and into the open window. Lita didn't move. She couldn't. It's as if some thing is holding her in place, not letting her move. Then as abruptly as it had happened, Lita could move again. She sped down the stairs in her top speed and almost collided with Elene. "She's not in there. The room was totally trashed and the window is open." Lita said hastily. "Can I use to phone?" Elene just nodded, dumbfound by the sudden news. Lita reached the phone in no time and punched in Amy's number. "Hello, this is Amy Anderson may I help you?" A polite voice answered the phone. "Hey, Amy? Listen, you call Raye and come to Serena's home immediately. She's missing." Lita said in one breath. "She's missing?" Amy whispered in disbelieve. "Yes, she's missing. Call Raye now and get over here. I'll call Mina." Lita said. "Alright." With that, the phone went dead. Lita put down the phone and then picked it up again. She punched in Mina's number hastily and waited. A man picked up. "Hello, this is Jason Coneley. May I help you?" He asked. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is the wrong number." Lita said as politely as possible and then put down the phone again. She picked it up and punched Mina's number in correctly. "Mina, here." Mina's voice said cheerfully. "Hey, Mina? Come to Serena's home immediately. She's missing." Lita said. "Serena's missing?" Mina asked. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Just come here quickly. I already called Amy and she called Raye. They are all coming here." Lita said. "Call Darien and bring Luna and Artemis here, too." "Okay. I'll see you there." *Click* Lita put the phone down again and went back to Serena's room, taking two steps at a time. She walked in slowly and looked around at the mess. Millions of questions filled her head but none of them are answered. She slowly walked toward the window and closed it. The wind stopped when the window is closed and Lita looked around the room again. She thought as she became adjusted to the darkness of the room. Suddenly, a beautiful melody filled the room, cutting off the silence. "Isn't that...?" Lita suddenly realized that it was the melody from Serena's locket. The one that Darien had given Serena. She turned abruptly and saw the locket on top of a piece of paper. She walked quickly to it and picked the paper and the locket up. "No..." Lita said softly as she read the letter that was left by Serena. "It can't be..." <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> A woman with shoulder length golden blond hair stood up as she heard the loud speaker announced her flight. She's wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, shading her eyes. A black coat covered her. She walked to the entrance and went into the plane without a second glance. <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> ~*To be continued...*~ <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> <<< * >>> What do ya think of the first part? I know Raye can't be that mean but...you'll see...hee hee...Anyway, send all comments, compliments, suggestions (No flames PLEASE!) to: bailuli@hotmail.com About the part where Serena transformed into Sailor Eclipse using her old transformation brooch might be kind of confusing so I'll explain it now. The brooch that uses to transform is linked with her mind and the Silver Crystal. Serena could activate the crystal without transforming into the princess and she could also change the way her brooch works with her thoughts. The transformation sequence will be different, too, but no way am I going to write it now. Her appearance after the transformation is different. She no longer has her meatballs and the color of the fuku is pure black. The white part of the fuku is dark-gray. The symbol on her forehead is a moon going into an eclipse with only a small slice of the moon still the normal color and the rest are all black. I hope I've explained it! If you STILL don't understand, Email me at: bailuli@hotmail.com. If you want to send me a fanfic for Crystal Star Library, send it to: shannonli@hotmail.com Here's the address to Crystal Star Library: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/starlibrary.html Here's the address to Crystal Star Kindom: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/index.html Visit my pages!!