Sailor Moon and Pokemon does NOT belong to me but the story does!! I want to escape my other fanfics for a while and this is what I came up. I want to do something that's totally hilarious and besides, I've always wanted to do a SM/Pokemon X-over. Oh, and please bare with me okay? 'Cause I'm really tired of trying to make the characters in character or try to made it serious that this fanfic just might be pretty OOC. Anyway, read it and find out just HOW OOC they really are. <>~*~<> In the last episode, Lita caught her very first Pokemon, an over tired Jolteon who, possibly, ran away from Stone Town and was chased by Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Sailor Uranus and Neptune arrived in a forest. However, they have no idea where they are! Soooo...where exactly ARE they? <>~*~<> In a Different Dimension Episode Three: Mercury...Ice...WHIP!!! By: Silver Star "Okay, we've been walking for a whole day and we still haven't come across ANYTHING." Uranus sighed as she uses her Space Sword to cut off some low branches that were in her way. "I'm not exactly sure that blaming me would solve the problem." Neptune said as she followed Uranus. "I didn't blame you." "You didn't said it but I could hear it in the way you said it." Uranus sighed. "Let's not fight. We've got to find somebody to tell us where we are." She put the blade between her teeth and then used both her hands to part a thick bush. "Alright! Finally!!" Beyond was a dirt road. "Whew! I thought we are going to be roaming the forest for the rest of our lives or something." Neptune said. They both walked to the center of the road and... "Stop right there, traveler!" A deep, raspy male voice laughed. A gang of a couple dozens of men walked out of the surrounding woods. Some have eye patches and one of them had half of his face burned. All of them have a sword and all of them are wearing leather armor. "Er...who are you?" Uranus asked. "Hand over your money!" The one that spoke before said and came up to them. Only ten paces lay between the two Outer Scouts and the man. "And that pretty sword of yours." He added, pointing at Uranus's Space Sword. "HEY!! Not a chance, you big goon!" Uranus yelled when she realizes that the man wanted the talisman. "I don't really think you should try to do anything to us." Neptune stated calmly. "Don't you dare threatening US, lady!" The man said. "We are the bandits!!!" Uranus and Neptune smiled evilly. "Well, if you say so, Mr." The last thing heard was an explosion. <>~*~*~<> "Where in the world am I?" The little black cat asked herself, shaking her head. She looked around. "A forest? How did I get into a forest? I hope the Scouts are okay." She added, concerned. "And I better find out where I am and where they are!!" With that, she padded away. <>~*~*~<> Our heroes, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and of course, the five Inner Scouts, continued on their journey toward the next town. "I have to ask, Amy, how are we ever going to get back?" Mina asked worriedly as they walked down the dirt road. "Yeah, Ames. How?" Serena asked. She's wearing a cute pink shirt with a white bunny on it. She's also wearing a pair of jean-shorts with the corner of the Pokedex poking out the pocket. "I don't think I can get us back." Amy finally said, eyes down. "WHAT?!?!" All the Inner Scouts screamed. "Then those Nega-creeps are going to suck Earth dry!" Lita gasped. "And then Beryl'll succeed!" Mina exclaimed. "And Metallica's going to be let out!" Raye said. "And I'll fail my mother's expectation." Serena finally whispered, staring at her hands. She wretched her gaze away from her hands and a determined look fell over her face. "No way would I loose after all this time!! We'll get back, Beryl!! Count on it." "Er...hate to say this but I think we have company." Misty said. "Huh?" "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare fight!" "Meowth! That's right!!" "Now what?" Ash asked, totally annoyed. "Why can't you two just leave us alone?!?!?!" Serena wailed. "Not even Negaverse's THAT persistent!! At least they don't send the same monster every time!!!" "These Team Rocket people are REALLY making me irritated." Raye said, almost seething with annoyance and anger, her transformation pen in her right hand. "I can't wait to kick your butt." Lita added, grinning wickedly with her green transformation pen poised to transform. "This is the PERFECT time to sharpen my skills with robbers." Mina said, meaning the time she was Sailor V in England. "MERCURY...ICE...WHIP!!!" "Huh?" The four scouts looked up just in time to see a red faced Sailor Mercury wielding a long, wicked looking ice whip. *PLAT* "We didn't even do anything yet!!" James whined as he sailed through the air. "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!" Meowth and Jessie yelled in unison just before they disappeared. The four scouts, Misty, Brock, and Ash stared at the still red faced Mercury. "Serve them right for interrupting us at the wrong time!!!!" She yelled, steam practically came out of her ears. "Woah, where did THAT came from?" Lita asked. "I never knew that she have THAT attack." Serena added. "Hey, Amy, you okay?" Raye asked. "Where did you got that attack?" Mina asked. Amy's face started to turn back to her normal color. She shook her head. "I have no idea. Never know I had it until now. Those guys really annoys me." Lita nodded in agreement. "They annoys me, too. But they are not THAT bad. At least they are MUCH better than Negaverse or NegaMoon." "I don't know who or what these Nega-people are but you are right about Team Rocket been annoying." Ash said. "Yeah. They mess up more often than not." Misty added. "I have to ask, why were they after you guys for?" Mina asked. "I mean, I know they are after Lita's Jolteon, but I can tell, they wanted something else, not from us, but from you three." Serena sidled up to Mina. "When can you tell THAT?" She whispered and was rewarded by a lump on the head. "They want Ash's Pikachu." Brock answered. "They said that his Pikachu is special and they only gets rare and unusual Pokemon." "That make sense." Raye said thoughtfully. "But what does NOT make sense is why they want Jolteon. From what I learned, Jolteon are not that rare." "They aren't. At least, I don't think they are." Amy said. She had already detransformed and was back to their normal sweet tempered genius. "Who knows." Misty shrugged. "To tell the truth, I'm not that particularly interested." "Oh, well, we'll know when we know." Lita said. "Let's get going." <>~*~*~<> "I can't believe dis!" Meowth said. "You two are disgusting!! You didn't even do anyding and they had you flying!!" "Shut up, Meowth!!" Jessie said resentfully. "I didn't see YOU do anything!!" "I'm hungry." James whined. Jessie and Meowth both turned to look at him with a dark expression. James gulped. *THUNK* <>~*~*~<> To be continued... <>~*~*~<> How 'bout it? You know what I'm asking for! ^_^ Please email me!!