Sailor Moon and Pokemon does NOT belong to me but the story does!! I want to escape my other fanfics for a while and this is what I came up. I want to do something that's totally hilarious and besides, I've always wanted to do a SM/Pokemon X-over. Oh, and please bare with me okay? 'Cause I'm really tired of trying to make the characters in character or try to made it serious that this fanfic just might be pretty OOC. Anyway, read it and find out. In a Different Dimension Episode One: Different Dimension, Different World By: Silver Star "Moon Tiara...Ma-" Sailor Moon was suddenly cut off by a flying black disc. "Wha-" "Sailor Moon!!!" Venus screamed but was drowned out by the explosion. When the smoke settled, the Scouts are gone... <>~*~*~<> "It has begun." Pluto said softly, sighing. "But couldn't you prevent it?" Uranus asked worriedly. "No, nothing I do can prevent this from happening." "But you are the Lady of Time! You must have the power to do SOMETHING!!" Neptune urged. "I am the Lady of Time, not Destiny. It's their destiny to go to that dimension." Pluto said and turned turn to face the two worried scouts. "And I could do something to help them. Their powers are still usable in that dimension." "How do they get back?" Uranus asked. "That's the tricky part. You two have to go into that dimension, find them, and bring them back by a time warp." "That's not so tricky." Uranus said, confused. "So which dimension did they go to?" "Er...that's what's so tricky. I don't know which dimension they went to." "WHAT?!" "You two have to go into several different dimensions to find them. Try to find a dimension that have...Pokemon, I think that's what they called it." Pluto reaches out her hand and two keys appeared. "These are the Dimension Keys. You each take one and when you know that dimension is not the one they went to, you can warp to another one." Uranus and Neptune looked at each other and then took the keys. "After you found the right dimension, you'll have to find them." "Alright, we are ready." Neptune said. "Use the key." Pluto said. Neptune and Uranus both raised their key and then shouted, "Dimension Warp, NOW!! Open the door!!" In a blinding flash of light, they were gone. "Good luck, guys." <>~*~*~<> "What the-" Serena stood up and dusted her school uniform that she's still wearing. "Where are we?" Mina asked. "That's what I like to know." Lita said. "According to my computer, we are in another dimension." Amy said. "In another DIMENSION!!!!" Raye shouted. "But how can we be here-" she suddenly stopped as she realized something. "It's that flying disc, isn't it?" "Yes, you are right, Raye. That was a dimensional portal." Amy said, sighing, closing and putting away her computer. "Do you know where we are?" Serena asked. "No, the computer doesn't know much about this place so it can't analyze anything." "We better try to find a town or city or something like that." Lita said. "I want to know where we are." "So do I!" <>~*~*~<> "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reaches to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare fight!" "Oh, no, not them again!" Ash groaned. "I figured they'll be onto us right about now." Misty said, shaking her head. "But you forget one more member!" Someone said suddenly from above. A net fell onto Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu. "You forget Meowth!" "Stop right there!!" A voice interrupted Team Rocket's celebration. "I am Sailor Moon! Champion of justice, princess of the Moon Kingdom, and YOUR worst nightmare!!" A girl around Team Rocket's age wearing a uniform of some kind with VERY short skirt jumped down from the tree behind Ash and the gang. Four other girls wearing the same thing but different colors followed. "In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!" "Very good speech, miss." James said and the whole Team Rocket started to clap. "Flattery won't work, rose boy." The girl with brown hair said. "HEY! My Darien's the Rose Boy!" The girl who calls herself Sailor Moon yelled, turning to the girl with brown hair. The rest of the girl groaned. "How about a Pokemon battle?" Jessie asked. "Arbok, GO!!" "Poke...mon? What's that? Mercury?" Sailor Moon asked the blue hair girl who was typing rapidly on a mini computer in her hand. "According to my computer, Pokemon is a slang word for Pocket Monster." Mercury said. "They are suppose to be animals but different and each have special powers. There are suppose to be 150 of them that are known to human kind." "Ha! You don't even know what a Pokemon is!! And they all say WE are the stupid ones!" James laughed. "Wheezing, GO!! Sludge Attack!" (I don't know much about Pokemon attacks so bare with me here.) "EEWW!!!" Sailor Moon screamed. "Jupiter Thunder Clap, ZAP!!!" Lightning came out of the sky and hit Wheezing. One down, one to go. "Wheezing, back!" James called out and the injured Pokemon was back in its Pokeball. "Mars Fire IGNITE!!" The girl with long shiny black hair yelled and a stream of fire flew toward Arbok. Arbok dodged but it burned Jessie and James instead. Before Jessie could call out an attack, the blond girl with the red bow throw out her attack. "Venus Love Chain ENCIRCLE!!" A chain made out of little hearts flew toward Team Rocket and then, they were flying toward the sun. "Looks like Team Rock is blasting off again!!" was last heard from them. "Wow! You didn't even use a Pokemon." Ash said, impressed. The five girls walked over to the net and throw it away together. "You guys are totally awesome!" Misty said. "Pika pika!" Pikachu added nodding in agreement. Brock didn't say anything because he is in pure heaven. After all, it's not everyday you see five absolutely beautiful girls standing before you wearing super short skirts. "Who are you guys?" Ash asked. The scouts looked at each other and shrugged. "It won't hurt to reveal our identity since we are in another dimension." The brown hair girl said. "Let's detransform." The others nodded. The one called Sailor Moon touched the brooch on the center of her bow and the rest touched the jewel on their tiara. In a blinding flash of light, they were back to their civilized forms. "I'm Serena, also know as the super hero Sailor Moon in my world." The girl with the long blond hair that was put in a weird hairstyle said. "She's also know as Meatball Head in our world, too." The one with black hair said. "RAYE!!! YOU ARE SOOOO MEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!" Serena wailed. "Wow, she's even louder than you, Misty." Ash said without thinking. Misty growled and hit him on the head. "I'm Lita, also Sailor Jupiter. The one with black hair is Raye, she's Sailor Mars." Lita said. "I'm Mina and Sailor Venus is my name!" The blond girl with the red bow in her hair said cheerfully. "Nice to meet ya!" "I'm Amy and I'm Sailor Mercury." The blue hair girl said and smiled. "I'm Ash and these are my friends, Misty and Brock." Ash said. "And this is my Pokemon, a Pikachu." "Pikachu!" Pikachu said in greeting. "That is so cute!" Serena said, hugging Pikachu like a stuffed animal. "Piiii!!!" Pikachu squealed and then let out a thunder bolt, shocking Serena (get it? Thunder bolt, SHOCKING Serena?). "Pikachu, a mouse Pokemon that uses electricity." A female computer voice started, coming from Amy's mini- computer. "When a Pikachu is angry, or scared, it will let out electricity to shock whatever that is scaring it or making it angry. Pikachu sometimes is not a good Pokemon for beginner Pokemon Trainers because of its attitude." Amy asked herself as she stared in surprise at her mini-computer. "Definitely attitude, alright." Ash said, chuckling. When I first got it, it just won't corporate whatsoever. I have to drag it with rope! Hey, is that a Pokedex?" He pointed at Amy's mini. "I've never seen one that's blue, before." "Oh, no, it's not a Pokedex or whatever you call it." Amy answered. "It's my mini-computer." "Oh, okay." "Serena, let it go." Raye commanded. Serena slowly opened her arms and Pikachu jumped out. She let out a cough of smoke. "Pika pika!" Pikachu said sheepishly, apologizing. "Pi pi!!" "I think Pikachu said that he was pretty surprised and let out the electricity without thinking. He said sorry." Ash translated. "Pika pika chuuu!!" Pikachu confirmed, nodding. "Hey, since you know more than we do about this place, maybe you can tell us where we are." Mina said. "Actually, we are lost, thanks to Ashy boy, here." Misty said, pointing almost accusingly at Ash. "HEY! Don't call me Ashy Boy and we are NOT lost!!" Ash retorted. "Well for your information, ASHY BOY, we have no idea were we are whatsoever and when you don't know where you are, you are LOST!!" Misty screamed back. "Wow, these two are even worse than Serena and Raye." Lita commented. "Yep, definitely." Mina added. "RAYE!! You are soooo MEAN!!" Serena wailed. "Well, then, Meatball brain, YOU tell us how to get back!" Raye yelled back. Everybody, including Brock, Lita, Mina, and Amy, all sweatdropped. "Oh, great." Brock muttered. "One pair is enough and now here's another one." He sighed, dejected. "Is today going to be any worse?" "Prepare for trouble!". "Make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reaches to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" "Ohhhh..." Brock groaned. "I think I'm having a headache." "HEY! Aren't any of you LISTENING!!!" Jessie screamed. Everybody ignored her. Misty and Ash are still quarreling and Raye and Serena are still screaming at each other, not even knowing that Team Rocket came again. Brock is on the ground, still groaning about the headache he's having. Pikachu is trying to revive Brock. Lita and Mina are trading gossips and talking about their crushes at school, and Amy's typing furiously onto her mini-computer, possibly putting in more data. Everybody's completely ignoring Team Rock. "WAKE UP, EVERYBODY!!!!" Jessie screamed into the megaphone. "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" The two quarreling groups screamed and then went back to their fights. "I'm hungry." James said. "Yeah, me, too." Meowth said. *WHAM* *WHAM* Jessie growled, whaming both of them with a paper fan. "Ow, what was that for, Jessie?" James whined. "We are not going until we get that Pikachu, understand?" Jessie inquired dangerously, a vein popped up on her forehead. "But I'm HUNGRY!" James whined loudly. "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!" Jessie screamed, wacking James over and over again on the head. *sighs* Will this be a typical day of our heros and villains from this day on? You know what, I think I'm having a headache, too. To be continued... *Whew* Man, that was tiresome. I mean, I can practically hear them!!! All three pairs!!! I REALLY think I'm having headache. You got any aspirin? Don't forget to email me!! My email is I'll reply as soon as this headache of mine is gone.